"It seems that the energy absorption method that I have come up with these days is relatively successful. In this way, the speed of energy absorption in the silver water can be accelerated a lot!"

Tang Long saw that the people of shenlongwei and tiannv of Tangmen began to absorb energy crazily, and his heart was also quite satisfied.

He certainly has no time to stay in the tower of time.

Moreover, the tower of time has been his magic weapon, without his permission, others can not enter the tower of time.

After these, Tang Long also gave some crystal stars to his beast.

"I believe that after two days, the combat power of these mythical beasts can also be improved a lot. Unfortunately, my strength is only seven levels of the emperor of heaven. I have to find a way to improve it!"

Tang long thought, hoping to find a way to improve his own strength.

He walked out of the tower of time and left baihuagu. Soon, he returned to Madison city and appeared in front of Tang Kuo.

He took out five crystal cold ceiling!

Tang Kuo and his five pulse practitioners took this crystal cold ceiling, plus the control of Tang Long Huang Quan divine needle, their strength was greatly improved.

Tang long looked at Tang Kuo and said simply, "according to my requirements, you arrange into an array, sit down and practice, and take this crystal cold ceiling together!"

They are familiar with how to arrange the array to absorb energy better, so there is no need for Tang long to talk about it.

They soon prepared for Tang Long's request.

Tang Long gave them the crystal cold ceiling. When they took the crystal cold ceiling, they began to practice seriously. Of course, Tang Long condensed the huangquan needle to help them.

In a hurry, five hours passed.

In Tang Long's busy time, the five people in Tang Dynasty have completely absorbed the medicinal power of crystal cold ceiling, and their strength has been greatly improved.

Their previous strength has reached the degree of eight levels of the heaven emperor. At this time, the five pulse Tongxiu absorbed the medicine of crystal cold ceiling, and their strength was greatly improved.

At this time, their strength has broken through the realm of heaven and reached the ancestral realm!

And it's the ancestral realm!

"It's not bad at all." Tang Long was satisfied with the lack of five people in Tang Dynasty.

With their strength at this time, it is no longer a problem to have a firm foothold in the holy city of blood demons.

Tang Long knew that this time, after the Tang Dynasty lacked their strength, the comprehensive strength of the Tang government could reach a very high level.

Next, unless there is a super strong person in the blood god temple, otherwise, it is not so easy for ordinary people to move the Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons or the Tang house of the city of genius.

Tang long looked at Tang Que and said, "you go back to the holy city of blood demons and tell your generals to design and make something!"

Tang Kuo asked curiously, "young master, what do you want your generals to make?"

"To create a kind of holy emblem, one must leave a life breath of generals and ministers. In the future, in the blood temple, as long as the Dan masters who have the holy emblem will be the Dan masters of our Danshi League, which will be a symbol of identity and power!" Tang Long's eyes are full of light!

It's a plan he's thought of for a long time.

He knew that Danshi League needed a good symbol and a real identity symbol. With this identity symbol, it was really different from the blood temple!

Of course, all this is just the beginning, just the beginning!

After listening to Tang Long's Shenghui, all of them were slightly stunned, with a touch of uplifting light in their eyes.

They have already thought of the role of Tang long as the holy emblem.

Tang Long smiles and goes on: "in addition, you have to make another thing!"

Tang que guessed: "young master, do you need to let the people of Dan League also have this special identification method which is different from the blood temple?"

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded: "the badge of Danshi League is the holy emblem, and the badge of danmeng is the dragon emblem."

Tang asked: "young master, do these badges need some proof of identity?"

"Yes." Tang Long nodded: "the saint emblem and the Dragon Emblem have star marks. The lowest one is one star, and the highest is seven stars. The Seven Star holy emblem only needs a concept. If there is no significant contribution, the Seven Star holy emblem can not be obtained. The holy emblem that Dan Shen can get is the four star holy emblem!"

Tang Kuo said: "we know, after we go back, we will immediately arrange this matter with the generals and ministers."

Tang Long nodded: "the holy emblem of the blood god hall should be made of blood red. As for how to send it to those Dan masters, you should discuss with your generals. If there is any difficulty, find bing'er and Xianer, and they will tell me."

"I see." Tang Kuo agreed.

Tang long continued: "after you make the pattern of the holy emblem, give it to Ziyi. There will be three kinds of holy emblem and dragon emblem in Tangmen: blood red, purple gold and gold!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, five people in Tang Dynasty were stunned, and then they reacted.Tang Kuo guessed: "young master, do you mean that the Dan masters in the heaven soul realm also need to have such identity marks, and the Tang clan of batian city also needs to set up Danshi League?"

"Of course Tang Long nodded his head with a sharp look in his eyes: "one day in the future, the Danshi League of Tangfu will gather the most Danshi. The day when the three kinds of holy emblem are fused will be the day when the whole world will formally launch a counterattack!"

"I see!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Tang Qian's eyes are full of exciting eyes.

Of course, they all know that in the war between the blood temple and the great thousand world, the great thousand world is certainly not the opponent, and even the great thousand world will be destroyed by the attack of the blood temple!

However, they all have great trust in Tang long, they are full of confidence in Tang long, and they also fully believe what Tang Long said!

They felt that since Tang Long said that there would be a counter offensive in the whole world, that day would surely come!

Tang long wanted to make these three kinds of holy badges, and to leave the atmosphere of generals and ministers on them. This is also a reason, because the life breath of generals and ministers is extremely special, and the life brand of generals and ministers is the same as his life brand.

The breath of generals and ministers is also very special.

If the life breath of generals and ministers is integrated into the holy emblem, the holy emblem can not be copied, and the breath of the holy emblem can be easily felt by generals and ministers.

Even Tang long can feel the existence of these holy insignia through his own brand of life.

Next, Tang Long explained to Tang Kuo in detail for a while, and told them that Ouyang qianer could help with making the holy emblem. After all, Ouyang qianer is a craftsman, and now Ouyang qianer is in charge of the management of the Tang clan's utensils.

It will be much easier for a craftsman to make these things.

After explaining these things in detail, Tang Long contacted Meng Xiaomeng in his heart and wanted to solve the problem of the nine heaven god palace and rescue Xuanyuan Tianzhen's wife.

Through the spiritual connection with Meng Xiaomeng, he soon appeared in front of Meng Xiaomeng.

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