Situ Zhenyu frowned again, and then looked at Tang long, who was dressed as situ weig, and said, "you are lucky that you are OK. Don't go out these two days. Be careful that the people of the hunter killer alliance will attack you again!"

"Yes Tang Long quickly nodded and paused. He made a very angry look and said, "Dad, it will appear in two days. Who is the strong man in our assassin alliance? Can you tell me that I'll go to them and vent my anger for me? "

"Don't ask more about what you shouldn't ask!" Situ Zhenyu stared at Tang Long: "Weige, your mouth is too big. It doesn't take half a day to let all the people around you know what's going on. It's very important. You don't have to worry about it. Go and have a good rest."

"Yes Tang Long appears a little reluctant to agree, and takes Meng Xiaomeng to turn around and leave.

He was also a little relieved about it.

At least this time, he didn't see his flaw in his meeting with situ Zhenyu. Obviously, he didn't have much to do with him in the next few days, so it's very difficult for him to show his flaws, which will not make him have a lot of trouble here.

He just needs to go quietly for the past two days, and then wait for the evil spirit alliance and the hunter killer alliance to come out and do something.

Of course, he will not really do nothing these two days. At least he has to find out how many secrets are hidden in the battle between the evil spirit alliance and the hunter killer alliance.

Where does stuvig live here? Of course, Tang long already knows that his mind is now in the soul tower, asking about stuweig.

With Meng Xiaomeng, they soon arrived at stuvig's residence here.

When she opened the door, a beautiful woman, dressed up as a demon, quickly walked towards Tang long, who of course regarded Tang long as Stevie.

Her body was covered with a thin veil, and there was nothing else in it. As soon as she walked around, the breeze blew, and suddenly the mountains rose and fell.

When Meng Xiaomeng saw this woman, she was very upset, quite unhappy!


She couldn't help humming at Tang Long's side, and even tugged at Tang Long's clothes.

Tang Long knew that the baby girl didn't want him to have anything to do with the gauze woman in front of him, and he didn't want to have anything to do with this woman himself.

So, seeing this woman come, shrieking and coquettish, and about to burst into his arms, he had already raised his hand and landed on her shoulder to stop her coming.

He made a very irritable look, looked at the gossamer woman and frowned: "get out of here now. Don't bother me here. I was almost killed last night. Now I'm not in the mood to see you. Go away, get out of here!"

See Tang long this very impatient appearance, this gauze woman immediately dare not make a mistake.

She knew Stuart very well.

This stuvig is not only super shameless, super playful, but also extremely irritable and cruel. She spent a lot of effort to finally have a place in front of stuvig, so that stuvig can still spoil her.

She knows when to disappear and when to appear.

Now she should be gone!

"Since elder wig needs to rest, I'm going to retire. If you need me to accompany you, you just need to send someone to call me, and I'll be right here!"

She said in a delicate voice, her voice was graceful, but it was also good to hear.

When the voice dropped, she turned and left, and soon disappeared in the sight of Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng.

She didn't see that Meng Xiaomeng was a girl. She only thought that she was the servant of stuvig.


Meng Xiaomeng snorted again.

Tang Long is a little helpless. He doesn't have any disputes with that girl. Meng Xiaomeng is still so unhappy!

Of course, he would not say anything, and walked into the room with Meng Xiaomeng.

The room is very large, decorated is also very prosperous, all kinds of things inside are made of very good blood mahogany, all kinds of furniture is carved exquisite, and there are also some crystal stones that emit all kinds of light around.

In the whole room, there is a kind of hazy and dreamy beauty.

"The room is well decorated!" Tang Long turned his head and looked around.

Meng Xiaomeng asked, "brother Tang long, what are we going to do next? Do you want to ask several people to come here and ask about the basic situation here first? "

"Don't ask about these things for the time being." Tang Long said: "stu weig is in our hands. He is the son of situ Zhenyu. Ordinary people certainly don't know what he doesn't know."

"That's true." Meng Xiaomeng nodded: "what do we do now?"

Tang Long said: "first have a good rest and wait slowly. I believe that something will happen when the battle is about to begin. Let's wait and see what happens first."

"Good!" Meng Xiaomeng thinks about it and decides to follow Tang Long's advice.Tang Long goes outside and asks for some snacks. Meng Xiaomeng has recovered her daughter's home.

There was no one else, so she didn't have to dress up.

Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng eat something together, and then they hold her in a wide chair and sit down.

Meng Xiaomeng hugs him in his arms. When they say something, they are relaxed and happy.

Time is in a hurry. Seeing that it is already afternoon, Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng are discussing how to check the information about the nine heaven god palace. Suddenly, in the heart of Tang long, Mu Qingcheng's voice rings: "husband, where are you now?"

"I'm in Monte Carlo, and I'm trying to get to the nine gods palace." Tang Longdao.

Mu Qingcheng said: "something happened here in batian city."

"What's the matter?" Tang Long asked in a hurry.

Tang Long is very important for batian city. Tang Long is planning to do a lot of things in the Tang clan of batian city. The first thing is to start to absorb some Dan masters and establish Danshi alliance in the Tang clan of batian city.

Mu Qingcheng said: "some time ago, the side effects of the blood evil pill made many people fear the blood evil pill. Although Xiaohu asked some people who had taken the blood evil pill to take the antidote of blood evil pill through Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng, there are still many people who have taken the blood evil pill in the Tang clan of batian city!"

After a pause, he continued: "what's more, the evil spirit sect has been moving around batian city recently. They have killed a number of people who have taken the blood evil pill in the evil spirit alliance. There has been a lot of chaos here!"

Tang Long said: "you mean, let me think of a way to give more people who have taken blood magic pill to use antidote?"

"Yes." Mu Qingcheng said: "otherwise, I'm afraid there will be chaos here in batian city. Moreover, the people of the evil spirit sect will come here soon, and there may be conflicts with our Tangmen."

"Conflict!" Tang Long frowned: "how to produce conflict?"

Mu Qingcheng said: "there are many people in the evil spirit alliance who have taken the blood evil pill. They have heard that our Tang clan has the antidote of blood evil pill, so they all come to our place, and even rumor has it that we are specially against the evil spirit sect. Of course, this situation is not allowed by the evil spirit alliance!"

Tang Long asked, "how can we spread the word that we have an antidote? I didn't tell Xiao Hu that we must be cautious about this matter, and also let Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng be responsible for this matter? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!