Tang Xiaohu's biggest worry now is that more and more people from the evil spirit alliance come from around the Tang clan. These people have Zhao Tieer for the time being. They try their best to stabilize them, and nothing will happen at present.

Once it is not stable, there will be chaos in batian city and Tangmen in batian city!

Tang Xiaohu is now worried about this matter. Seeing Mu Qingcheng and a stranger in his thirties come in and hold hands, he is stunned.

However, he soon woke up.

He had already guessed that the 30-year-old warrior who came in hand with Mu Qingcheng must be his master Tang long.

Thinking of this, he was immediately overjoyed and stood up to greet him: "master, you are here at last!"

Tang long looked at him with a smile: "did you take crystal cold smallpox?"

"Yes." Tang Xiaohu said: "after taking the crystal cold smallpox, my strength has improved some, reached the level of seven levels of the emperor of heaven."

"Good." Tang Long nodded with satisfaction: "I know you are in trouble now. It happens that I have something to discuss with you. Let's find a quiet place to discuss it."

"Yes Tang Xiaohu agreed, stood up and quickly left the hall with Tang long.

Soon the three had entered a secret room.

Tang Xiaohu opened the isolation of the secret room, then looked at Tang Long and said: "master, now the Tangmen here are in great trouble."

Tang Long nodded: "I know everything. I've heard from Qingcheng just now. Now I ask you, how many people in Tangmen have taken the blood evil pill but haven't taken the antidote of blood evil pill?"

Tang Xiaohu said: "there are more than 1000 people!"

"What!" Hearing this number, Tang Long's eyes suddenly widened!

He did not expect that at this time, there were more than 1000 people in the Tang clan of batian city who took the blood demon pill without getting the antidote!

This number is really a little big. After all, there are only a few people in Tangmen of batian city!

The most important thing is that even though Tang long already has some antidote for blood demon pill, it is obviously impossible to take it out to so many people.

After thinking about it, he asked, "how many of these people are above the realm of God?"

Tang Xiaohu said: "in addition to those who have taken the antidote of blood evil pill before, among those who have not taken it now, there are not many warriors of this strength, which is just over 20."

"That's fine." Tang Long breathed a sigh of relief.

At present, he has limited antidotes in his hand. Of course, he should give some people the antidote of the blood demon pill selectively, but he must treat people in the Tang clan with special treatment.

In any case, he must first ensure the stability of the city.

After a pause, he looked at Tang Xiaohu and asked again: "I heard from Qingcheng that there are a lot of people from the evil spirit alliance in batian city. After hearing the news, they want to ask Tang clan for these antidotes? How many of them are there? "

"More than ten thousand!" Tang Xiaohu said: "and the number is still increasing!"

"There are so many people!" Tang Long frowned fiercely and asked, "among these people, how many warriors are more powerful than the realm of God Emperor?"

Tang Xiaohu said: "in this area, there are not many warriors in the realm of God Emperor. Therefore, there are not many warriors who have taken the blood devil pill. It is estimated that there are more than 100 soldiers!"

Tang long thought a little, and he had already made a decision.

He looked at Tang Xiaohu and said: "you send out a message that Tangmen has the antidote of blood demon pill, but this kind of antidote only works if the martial arts with the strength above the God Emperor take it. As for the martial arts with the strength below the God Emperor, they take this antidote, which is not very useful. We still need a little time to remove the blood devil power of these martial arts people."

"Good." Tang Xiaohu nodded.

Mu Qingcheng looked at Tang Long and said, "my husband, this news spread out to confirm the fact that our Tang clan has the antidote of blood evil pill. In this way, more warriors will come to our evil spirit alliance in batian City, and the evil spirit sect will come to us soon!"

"I have a preliminary plan." "I believe that if this plan is successful, it should solve this problem," Tang said

After a pause, he frowned and said, "but I'm afraid this plan will be troublesome."

With that, he turned his head to Tang Xiaohu and said, "you can arrange this matter, but you must remember that you still have to get the antidote through Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng. Moreover, it is very difficult to refine this antidote, which requires a large number of various medicinal materials, and the Dan master's help is needed. At present, we can only refine 200 such antidotes a month, and the medicinal materials have already been refined Use it up

"I see." Tang Xiaohu nodded.

Mu Qingcheng said: "husband, do you want those people to help you find those antidotes?"

Tang Long nodded: "of course, I can't tell you some important medicinal materials. In addition, I also need to take advantage of this opportunity to converge some other herbs!""That's a way." Mu Qingcheng agreed: "in order to relieve the side effects of Xuemo Dan, these people will look for all kinds of herbs you need. This can not only divert the attention of those people, let them no longer chase Tang clan for antidote, let them go to find herbs, but also let Tangmen get more herbs we need with very little cost."

Tang Long said: "these people in the Tang clan of batian city think that there are people of the evil spirit sect behind Xiaohu. On the one hand, they have expectations, on the other hand, they have scruples. The situation is very delicate." After a pause, he looked at Tang Xiaohu and said, "it seems that it's time for me to come forward."

Tang Xiaohu asked: "master, do you want to let people in Tangmen know your existence?"

"Of course Tang Long nodded: "I don't want them to know. When the people of the evil spirit sect come, many things will be very troublesome. I have to start to arrange a lot of things immediately, but I will not really show up!"

"When are you going to meet them?" Tang asked

Tang long thought for a while and said, "I'm obviously very busy recently, just after three days."

"Well, I'll send out the news and tell the Tangmen people here that my master will come in three days." Tang Xiaohu immediately said.

Tang Long nodded.

He had a series of plans in mind.

This plan needs the support of some people in the blood temple, and the people of Zhong Li's family.

But now, he has to go to the blood temple to see the situation before he can finally determine whether his plan is feasible.

When he thought of going to the blood temple, the voice of Dongfang bing'er suddenly rang out in his heart: "husband, can you come to my place immediately?"

"To your place? What's the matter? " Tang Long asked in a hurry.

Dongfang bing'er said: "yesterday, someone from the blood god temple came to our Danshi League to collect the elixir. This person happened to know Ruoshui. Ruoshui tried every means to ask him that these miraculous elixirs were to be taken to the evil spirit sect of the whole world!"

"Take the evil spirit sect?" Tang Long immediately had a guess in his heart: "what do they do with so many elixirs to the evil spirit sect? Is the temple of blood already preparing war supplies? "

"It should be." Dongfang bing'er said: "listen to Ruoshui, there are many miracles prepared by the blood god hall this time. There are all kinds of elixirs. In addition to those collected from our Danshi League, there are many from some big families in the blood temple. Among these big families, each family has its own Dan master."

Tang Long quickly asked, "where have these miraculous elixirs been sent?"

Dongfang bing'er said: "there is a special space wormhole between the blood god temple and the evil spirit sect. We guess that the people who escort the elixir will definitely send the elixir directly to the evil spirit sect through this space wormhole. The space wormhole is in the blood light city!"

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