Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng stayed at stuvig's residence. They didn't go out that night. After all, they would go to the battle with the hunter killer alliance at noon tomorrow. Even if they went out now and couldn't find where the hunter killer alliance was, they still didn't use it at all.

Even then they may not be able to return, so their previous efforts here will be in vain.

Seeing that it was very late, Tang long held Meng Xiaomeng in his arms and was planning to eat the baby girl several times. However, at this time, situ Zhenyu's voice suddenly came from outside: "Wei Ge, have you had a rest?"

"No!" Tang Longlian was busy.

He turned his head and looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said in a low voice, "what did situ Zhenyu come to me for at this time?"

Meng Xiaomeng was worried and speculated: "maybe he found your flaw?"

"No way!" Tang Long confidently said: "my magic skill is very powerful. It is changed by the illusory soul condensed from my spirit sea. Even if it is the spirit breath and voice, it can be changed. Moreover, situ Zhenyu did not find my abnormality before, so I should not have found me suddenly at this time!"

Meng Xiaomeng guessed: "your current identity is stuvig, and stu weig is the son of situ Zhenyu. It is likely that he does not want you to participate in tomorrow's treaty war!"

"It's possible!" Tang Long immediately felt that Meng Xiaomeng's conjecture was very reasonable.

At this time, outside, situ Zhenyu said again: "Stinky boy, what are you doing? Open the door

"Coming, coming!"

Tang long did not delay any longer. He left the rest room and went into the living room. Soon he got to the door, cancelled the defense border and opened the door.

Situ Zhenyu stood at the door: "why so slow?"

Tang long, of course, still looked at situ Zhengyu and said, "what can I do for you?"

Situ Zhenyu said: "in the battle of tomorrow, the final players are very strong. It's useless for you to go there, so you don't have to go. You're responsible for the safety of the Montessori city at home."

"I'm not going!" Tang Long frowned.

He knew that Meng Xiaomeng's guess was true.

However, the treaty war is related to the safety of so many people in the hunter killer alliance, and whether he can go to the nine heaven god palace. Under such an important situation, how can he not go?!

Even if he knows that tomorrow's affairs are very dangerous, he must go to tomorrow's engagement.

He immediately looked at situ Zhenyu and said, "how can I not go to the battle tomorrow? If I don't go, others will gossip about you! "

Hearing the words of stu weig, situ Zhenyu was stunned: "Stinky boy, you are usually the one who is most afraid of death. Before you told me that you didn't want to go, why now I don't let you go, but you have to go?"

Tang long curled his lips and said, "I really don't want to go, but I'm an elder after all. This time, all the elders have to go. For your prestige, in order not to let others say that you are partial, I have to go. Otherwise, everyone will not go!"

After a pause, he said, "there won't be any danger anyway. If I go to show my face, maybe I can get the favor of those masters of evil spirit sect."

"What master of evil spirit sect!" Situ Zhenyu frowned: "don't guess!"

"Really not a master of the evil spirit sect?" Tang long looked at stuweig in disbelief: "in addition to the strong of the evil spirit sect, who can help us? Is it possible that he is a member of the nine heavenly god palace? "

"Son of a bitch, nonsense!" Situ Zhenyu glared at Tang Long and frowned fiercely: "of course, the people of the nine heaven god palace will be with the people of the hunter killer alliance. Can't you think of it?"

"I can't believe it!" Tang Long said with a smile: "but I know that tomorrow we will be very safe, maybe this is still an opportunity for me!"

Stuvig looked at Tang Long like this, thought for a while, frowned and said, "it's OK to go, but you have to be responsible for me at the end of the day. Moreover, once the chaos occurs, you can roll for me immediately, and the faster the better!"

"Well, that's OK!" Tang Long immediately said: "when it comes to running away, this is definitely my specialty."

Stuvig didn't say anything when he arrived. He turned and left.

In fact, he didn't think that there would be much danger in tomorrow's treaty war. After all, he had prepared for such a long time, but some things were too important for him to tell. The evil spirit sect had arranged this matter for a long time, so he could not make mistakes from him.

Besides, he also wants to make a good performance.

Even his son set out with him, which can be seen by the people of the evil spirit sect. He is really a man who works hard.

Tang Long looks at situ Zhenyu and turns away, and frowns.

He knew that situ Zhenyu was very sure about tomorrow's treaty war, otherwise he would never have said a few words so easily, so he changed his mind and allowed him to go.

Stu Zhenyu was very good to stuvig. He carefully questioned the spirit of stuvig in the soul tower, and he was able to confirm it.

"It seems that tomorrow's affairs are bound to be very dangerous!"Tang long thought.

He went back again, closed the door and opened the barrier. Tang Long soon returned to the rest room.

Meng Xiaomeng is already waiting for him.

Seeing him coming in, Meng Xiaomeng asked, "brother Tang long, what did situ Zhenyu tell you?"

Tang Long hugged Meng Xiaomeng: "as you guessed, he didn't want me to go, but he finally agreed to let me go and let me be in charge of the empress!"

With that, she has already grasped Meng Xiaomeng's belt and gently pulled it!

Meng Xiaomeng pretty face immediately red!

Of course, she knew what Tang long wanted to do. She grabbed Tang Long's hand gently, as if to refuse, but her hands had no strength. She whispered, "brother Tang long, you want to do evil again. You are always so greedy!"

"Can't you?" Tang Long laughs.

Meng Xiaomeng doesn't speak, and her pretty face turns red. Although she still holds Tang Long's hands, she obviously doesn't stop him.

She felt that if he wanted to, she would just promise him.

Tang Long is very skilled, and soon helps Meng Xiaomeng to disarm.

Meng Xiaomeng gently closes her eyes and follows Tang long to make trouble. In the face of her husband, she is also very fond of her husband. At this time, she is not willing to refuse his greed.

Time is in a hurry. It's already dawn.

Meng Xiaomeng is still asleep at this time, and Tang Long has already woken up.

He got up quietly, and when he finished, he went out and asked people to bring some food. After a while, Meng Xiaomeng tidied up and came out.

Tang long looked at her with a smile: "Xiaomeng, how can you get up so late?"

"Say it Meng Xiaomeng pretty face red: "all blame you, always so greedy!" With that, he saw the rich breakfast on the table and went to sit down beside Tang long.

Tang Long came over and bit her pretty face: "eat!"

"Well." Meng Xiaomeng whispered and chatted with Tang Long and had breakfast at the same time.

After dinner, Tang long looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said, "I'll go to the engagement today by myself. You stay here. After I leave, there may be people who don't open their eyes here. Then you don't need to keep your hands!"

"Well." Meng Xiaomeng said, "brother Tang long, don't worry. I'll take care of myself here."

Then, they chatted casually for a while, but at this time, the voice of Qin Ziyi suddenly occurred to Tang Long's heart: "husband, are you free now?"

"What's the matter?" Tang Long asked.

Qin Ziyi said: "Yuzhu, let me tell you, we sent some people to all parts of the world to look for herbs to collect and refine the antidote of blood evil pill. Unexpectedly, in a continent, they bought a lot of such herbs!"

"Really!" Hearing the news, Tang Long's eyes twinkled with light.

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