After the closure of Huangfu cangyun, the nine heaven god palace was severely damaged. In many places outside, the people of the nine heaven god palace were attacked by the warriors of the evil spirit sect, and all places suffered heavy losses.

Because of a series of heavy damage, Xianyu langtian is the order, the clan temporarily hidden, waiting for the opportunity!

Now is the time to wait.

This time, in the battle of the alliance of hunters, the alliance of hunters had a tacit understanding with Xianyu langtian.

And Huangfu cangyun, who had been shut up for a year, finally got out of the pass!

So they had a good discussion and had a major plan to deal with the evil spirit alliance and the evil spirit sect!

At this time, on the other side of the evil spirit alliance, above the high altitude on their left, a strong breath, containing the rolling and turbulent power of blood demons, swept towards this side.

The distance between them is very fast.

Among those people, the martial arts whose strength is below the ancestral realm have already stopped in the distance. More than 30 of them are more powerful than those in the ancestral realm. They have already taken off to this side and stood beside the warriors in the fifteen ancestral realms of the evil spirit sect!

They are not evil spirits!

Seeing these people, seeing the power of blood demons and their costumes, Huangfu cangyun's eyes were filled with an incredible shock: "blood cloud family, I didn't expect that you could not hide, but you appeared at this time!"

Among the more than 30 people, Huangfu cangyun knew several of them!

These people are members of the blood cloud family.

In this continent, the blood cloud family belongs to an ancient reclusive family. The comprehensive power of the family is extremely powerful. However, the behavior style of the blood cloud family is extremely vicious and cruel. It is notorious in this continent!

The blood moon skill they practiced needed to refine people's flesh and blood. The method was extremely cruel!

The blood cloud family's whereabouts are extremely mysterious, and they can't be hidden in the dark. The nine Heavenly God Palace used many methods to finally find the blood cloud family's nest a thousand years ago and destroy it directly!

However, the blood cloud family also has backhand, some of the strongest family members, in that war, almost all fled.

After searching for thousands of years, the people of the nine heavenly god palace failed to find those who escaped.

But I didn't expect that today, these people actually appeared here and became the accomplices of the evil spirit sect!

The name of the head of the blood cloud family is blood cloud mania.

At this time, the strength of blood cloud maniac is very strong, reaching the level of triple realm of Tianzu.

What's more, he used the powerful power of blood demon!

Huangfu cangyun saw the blood cloud maniac appear here, his eyes also showed a sharp cold: "blood cloud crazy, I really did not expect that your blood cloud family actually turned to the evil spirit clan!"

"Huangfu cangyun, you brought disaster to my family thousands of years ago. Do you think today, you can escape from the nine heaven god palace?"

"Can you escape? You think I'm going to lose today, don't you? Blood cloud crazy, you are really arrogant enough to say such words in front of me Huangfu cangyun disdained to stare at the blood cloud mania: "although you are really strong at this time, you have reached the triple realm of Tianzu, but in front of me, you are not enough arrogant qualification!"

"Is it?" Blood cloud crazy cold hummed: "since I dare to come today, there is absolutely arrogant capital!"

"I hope so." Huangfu cangyun stares at the blood cloud Crazy: "I hope you can escape today!"

At this time, the warriors of the evil spirit alliance had quietly retreated a long distance. With thousands of people under his command, situ Zhenyu had retreated more than 1000 meters away from those of the evil spirit sect.

Situ Zhenyu is ready to run away with his men!

I'm kidding. The two sides in front of the confrontation already have dozens of strong people in dizu realm, and even several strong ones in Tianzu realm. Once such a big war breaks out, his people will not be qualified to fight again!

"Step back quietly and run away as soon as someone starts to do it!" Situ Zhenyu whispered to several people beside him.

At this time, Tang Long was still at the bottom of the evil spirit alliance.

But his attention has always been on the martial arts of the evil spirit sect, listening to the dialogue between Huangfu cangyun and Xueyun maniac. At this time, his heart has been filled with deep worry!

What is the outcome of this war? He couldn't guess at all!

At this time, both sides were prepared for a long time. Although the strength of both sides seemed to be basically equal, and even the hunter killer alliance was stronger, both sides showed full confidence!

This is obviously not normal!

It seems that both sides are absolutely sure to defeat each other!

"I hope that the people of the hunter killer alliance and the people of the nine heaven god palace can defeat the evil spirit sect." Tang long thought secretly.

But at this time, in the depths of his heart, Meng Xiaomeng's voice suddenly sounded: "brother Tang long, how is your situation? And are you all right now? ""I'm fine." Tang Long said in his heart, "it's just that the situation is very complicated."

"How complicated?" Meng asked.

Tang Long said: "our previous conjecture is correct. The people from the nine heaven god palace have indeed appeared, and they are with the people of the hunter killer alliance. The combined strength of both sides of them is very strong, surpassing that of the evil spirit alliance."

Meng Xiaomeng asked, "what reinforcements are there in the evil spirit alliance?"

Tang Long said: "on the side of the evil spirit alliance, there are martial artists from the 15 ancestral realms of the evil spirit sect, and there is also a mysterious family called the blood cloud family. All the people in this family can use the power of blood demons!"

Meng Xiaomeng said: "so it seems that the people of this family are likely to be swallowed up!"

"I think so, but I still hope that some of them took the blood demon pill. If so, the situation would be much better!" Tang Longdao.

At this time, in front of Tang long, Xueyun crazily stares at Huangfu cangyun and suddenly laughs.

Tang long at this time of course also heard the sound of blood cloud crazy laughter.

He quickly said to Meng Xiaomeng in his heart: "Xiaomeng, the situation here may change. I won't talk to you first."

"Well." Meng Xiaomeng said, "brother Tang long, you must pay attention to safety!"

"Don't worry!"

Tang Long replied, but at this time, situ Zhenyu had already reached Tang Long's side and directly took Tang Long's arm: "go, we have to leave here immediately, at least ten thousand meters away, otherwise it will be too late!"

Said, drag Tang Long is toward the distance of rapid flight.

And around Tang long, those warriors of the evil spirit alliance all followed situ Zhenyu and flew towards the distance!

Tang Long knows that the situation is going to be bad!

He and situ Zhenyu flew forward together, and they could see that they had flown more than 1000 meters, surrounded by the warriors of the evil spirit alliance. Even if the warlords of the evil spirit sect and those of the hunter killer alliance were fighting at such a distance, Tang long could be basically safe.

Of course, the premise is that those people come and kill them, or they will die.

At this time, situ Zhenyu had already let go of Tang Long's arm, but he still said: "quick, you will return to Montessori immediately. There will be a war here soon!"

Tang Long followed stu weig to fly back and displayed the movement of exploring the evil spirit sect in the sea.

He had already discovered that there was a very strong momentum on the side of the evil spirit sect and the nine heaven god palace, and on the two sides of the martial arts men.

Obviously, this engagement is not a confrontation, but a scuffle! , the fastest update of the webnovel!