"Today's matter, our Danshi League is also a victory." Xiuli Changhe looked at Tang long, and his expression on his face was very serious: "however, this is only a superficial victory. We still need to solve a lot of problems now!"

"What's the problem?" Tang Long asked.

Xiuli Changhe said: "it is absolutely impossible that the Xuanyuan family is the only one who attacked the Tang house. There must be other families involved, including Gao Fu."

Dongguo wolf immediately said: "I've heard that there are also manwolves attacking the talent City Danshi League."

Tang Long quipped his lips: "those who have not been caught, there is no evidence, we can not go to investigate, we caught Xuanyuan family people, then we can only take their Xuanyuan family composition chapter!"

"So it is." Xiu Li Long crane nodded.

Dongguo wolf said solemnly, "but we must find a way to solve the internal problems of our Danshi League. This time, the elixir of Danshi League was lost so quickly. This incident shows that there are definitely internal ghosts in the internal Dan gods of our Danshi League."

At this time, the devil Xiang qingluan also nodded and said, "and I think that the status of the inner ghost of the Danshi League is not low. Actually, he knows where the elixir is hidden, and all the prohibitions can be lifted!"

Tang long curled his lips: "this shows that the storage method of our Danshi alliance's elixir is still a little unsafe. In my opinion, the elixir refined by our Danshi League should be collected in two parts!"

"How to divide it into two parts?" Xiuli asked the crane.

Tang Long said: "some of the low-quality elixirs can be collected in one way. As for the high-quality elixirs, it is better to keep them in our Tang mansion, so as to ensure absolute safety."

"You Tang Fu!" Xiuli long crane curled his lips: "do you think your Tang mansion is safe?"

"Of course it's safe. Our Tang house is the safest." Tang Long said: "what's more, if this high-quality elixir is not collected in our Tang house, but in your residence, I'm afraid many Dan masters will not like it!"

Mo Xiang qingluan said: "I think it's a good decision to put it in the Tang mansion. First, the defense boundary of the Tang mansion is very strong. Second, whether it's Xiuli or Zhongli, it's very close to the Tang mansion. Moreover, the Shangdan SHIMENG and danmeng are also very close to the Tang mansion!"

"That's it Xiuli long crane thought about it, but also nodded.

After all, no matter what, Tang Long is the general leader of Danshi League, and Tang Long himself is a Dan God, the strongest Dan God in Danshi League to refine Lingdan.

The most important thing is that Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf are in Danshi League. They don't want to make money. They mainly want to borrow the reputation of Danshi League to improve their status in the blood temple.

And they know that Tang Long loves money!

In this case, they can agree to put the high-quality elixir in Tang Fu.

Next, several people discussed some other things, but also discussed how to better attract some Dan masters to join the Danshi League, and how to become a powerful Danshi League faster.

Tang long looked at Xiuli Changhe and said with a smile, "master, I have a way to let those Danshen join the Danshi League faster!"

"What can I do?" Xiuli asked the crane.

Tang Long said: "now the blood temple first lost a large number of miraculous elixirs, followed by our Danshi League and lost a large number of elixirs. Our blood temple is about to fight against the whole world, and presumably the demand for this elixir is also very large."

"Of course." Xiu Li Long crane nodded.

Tang Long said, "Xiu Li, you are a member of the blood temple, and you are also responsible for the affairs of the Danshi League. Why don't you suggest that all the big families of the blood Temple contribute some miraculous elixirs. We can't just contribute the elixir from our Danshi alliance. I believe that many big families also have their own elixirs, and they should also contribute!"

"That's a way." Xiuli Changhe nodded: "let the big families of the blood Temple undertake some miraculous elixir tasks together, which can really help the blood Temple solve the problem of miraculous elixir!"

Tang Long nodded and said, "we can say that one elixir is worth one hundred holy elixirs, and one holy elixir is worth one hundred golden elixirs. In this way, if you can't refine high-quality elixirs, then you should refine more pills to make up for them. We should let all the Danshen in the blood temple have such a task!"

"It's better!" Xiuli Changhe's eyes were filled with joy: "in this way, those alchemists who can't produce high-quality elixirs will be forced by the system of the blood temple to refine elixirs at home every day. Then they will want to join our Danshi League!"

"Not bad!" Dongguo wild wolf also immediately nodded his approval: "our Danshi League has chaotic sky fire. In order to finish the task easily and refine high-quality elixir, all the Dan masters outside will join us!"

Said, turn to look at Tang Long: "you boy this method is really good!"

"Hey, this is Xianer. Oh, no, it's my own effort to think of it!" Tang Long was proud of himself with a smile: "I just thought of it!"

"Yes Xiuli Changhe looks at Tang Long's face and shakes his head.But he didn't care much about Tang long.

In his mind, the most useful place of Tang Long is that he can refine the highest quality elixir and possess endless chaotic sky fire. These are the greatest values of Tang long.

What's more, Tang Long has no ambition for power and status.

These have made Xiu Li Changhe have countless reasons to cooperate well with Tang long. He will not cooperate with Tang Long on the one hand and Tang Long's enemies on the other!

He can see that the comprehensive forces behind Tang long are already very strong, not to mention anything else, but the ten families of Dan League, which together are not a weak force.

Xiuli Changhe thought in his mind that this time he went to the blood temple, he suggested that he should suppress the miraculous elixir task for all the big families and all the Dan masters in the blood temple. Among them, he had to rely on the power of those big families of the Danshi alliance to let them support his decision together!

In this case, even if there are individual peak families against it, I believe it can be carried out.

As long as this matter is carried out, the Danshi League will soon get the maximum benefits. Of course, Tang Long has to provide enough chaotic sky fire to support the expansion plan of the Danshi League.

And Xiuli Changhe also knows that the safety of Tang mansion will be more important after this!

In the heart of Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wild wolf, they have already had some ideas for the safety of Tang mansion.

But they didn't say it.

Tang Long is a mess. He is unscrupulous all day. Some things tell Tang long that he may have bad things when he is happy. Tang Long doesn't know anything. Let him play at home peacefully and don't make trouble everywhere. That's the best.

As for Tang Long who wants to make money, let him make it.

The task of pressing spiritual elixir in the blood temple was completed. Xiuli Changhe looked at Tang Long and said, "by the way, I heard the generals say that you were outside some time ago, and you were studying the side effects of the power of the stars?"

"Yes Tang Long nodded. At this time, his face once again showed a touch of pride: "I went to see many places in the world. After all my efforts and various searches, I finally got some harvest in this respect."

"What gains?" Xiuli asked the crane in a hurry.

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