"The plan has to be kept secret for the time being." Xunkong looked at Duanmu He Yu Road, and then changed the topic: "let's go, let's meet the emperor Qianji first. Anyway, this matter will be delayed for two or three days, soon."

"All right." Chiba Zhenyi and Duanmu Heyu looked at each other, did not say anything, and xunkong flew toward the distant manor together.

At this time, xunkong's heart was also a long sigh of relief. No matter whether he believed these words or not, at least they didn't start to him right now, which was to let him have a chance to see Qianji Baiyu and Meng Haoran.

After seeing Qianji Baiyu and Meng Haoran, he tried to act according to the circumstances.

At this time, he was most worried about Ling Qingyao and Huanwu Feixue. After all, Ling Qingyao and Huanwu Feixue were still being watched by martial artists from the three ancestral realms.

If there is a problem with them, it may happen to follow Tang long. That's bad!

At this time, Feixue and lingqingyao are digging a cave, and they do not summon their own beast. Of course, Tang Long asked them to do so.

Although they have confirmed that there are indeed warriors from three dizu States who are staring at them in the dark, they have not come to the three dizu States until now, they have not appeared at all, they just stare at them in the distance.

This situation has made them nervous all the time, but they dare not show any performance at all.

At a hillside here, the two men dug a large cave, and then arranged an isolated boundary outside the cave. They made some simple disguises at the entrance of the mountain, and then they walked in together.

Then in the cave, they open the barrier.

"Qing Yao, what shall we do next?" Flying snow, watching Ling Qingyao.

Ling Qingyao said, "I'll contact my husband and ask him where he is now, and then I'll make plans."

"Good." Flying snow nodded.

Ling Qingyao has already contacted Tang long in her heart.

Tang long, of course, had already got rid of the danger at this time. The two warriors in xunkong's Tianzu realm had already been taken away by xunkong for a long time. The two warriors did not find him at all.

Tang long used the technique of earth hiding, which was hidden in the depths of the earth for thousands of meters.

With such a depth, even a warrior in Tianzu's realm can't find out where he is.

Moreover, he was already in the depths of the earth, and had already been far away from the previous place.

When he cautiously came out from the depths of the ground, he was already in a cave in the middle of the mountain. The cave was dark and quiet around. Tang long did not find any danger under his exploration, so he was relieved.

After waiting quietly for about half an hour in this cave, Ling Qingyao's voice sounded: "husband, we have dug a cave here according to what you said, and I and Feixue are in this cave."

Tang Long asked, "haven't the warriors who stare at your three ancestral realms show up?"

"No!" Ling Qingyao said: "they are always far away from us. With our strength at this time and my sword heart is clear, we can barely detect their existence, otherwise we will not find them at all."

Tang Long asked, "are there any barriers in the caves you dug?"

"Yes, it's all set up and ready." Ling Qingyao said: "but I'm sure that all the martial artists in the three ancestral realms are still staring at us from afar. As long as there is any abnormal situation or there is no activity for a long time, they will come to check it immediately."

Tang Long said, "I will go there now, and then I will take you away."

"Good." Ling Qingyao and the magic flying snow nodded at the beginning.

Tang Long is over there. He has already summoned the huixinmen between lingqingyao and lingqingyao. He appears directly in front of lingqingyao and Fanwu Feixue.

When they saw Tang Long coming, the tension and worry in their hearts were slightly relieved.

The magic flying snow looked at Tang Long and said, "husband, what shall we do next?"

Tang long thought for a moment and said, "now, if master xunkong is safe, he should have met the grandfather Meng Haoran and the Lord Qianji Baiyu. However, I don't know their current situation, so we have to wait a moment."

"Why wait a minute?" Asked the flying snow.

Tang Long said: "if we leave all of a sudden, we will make the warriors of the three dizu realm suspect. If we escape successfully, they will certainly go back immediately. In this way, the master of xunkong can't explain it. Therefore, we should give xunkong more time to ensure their safety as much as possible."

Feixue nodded and worried: "but elder martial brother, can we get rid of the martial arts of the three earth ancestors? Their strength is very strong! "

"Silly girl!" Tang long looked at the two men and laughed: "you were in the city before. I'm afraid that this is the place they controlled. It's very difficult for you to escape. But here, it's easy to escape!""What do you say?" Feixue asked curiously.

Tang Long laughed and took out a box in his hand: "this is the ten escape talismans I got when we were in LingXiao palace. Have you forgotten? This escape talisman can directly reach some place in LingXiao palace! "

"Yes, the escape talisman!" When Feixue and lingqingyao see the box that Tang Long takes out, their eyes are full of surprise!

Tang Long said with a smile: "although I don't know where the destination is after these ten pieces of runkong talismans are crushed, at least I can be sure that they must be in the safe place of LingXiao palace."

"That's true." Feixue and Ling Qingyao nodded together.

At this point, the two people are no longer worried.

If they were still in the previous city, in the previous Inn, the enemy might have arranged in advance, maybe there would be a ban in this respect, so that they could not escape, but here, this is the wild, there is no prohibition!

Tang long looked at the magic flying snow and Ling Qingyao and said, "in order to make the three earth ancestors outside feel at ease and make them feel that you are not aware of it, you should go out to look at the stars and have a chat, and then come back. We have to give master xunkong more time for them!"

"Well." Feixue and lingqingyao answered happily.

In fact, they don't want to go out. They want to be with Tang long. They'd better leave here immediately.

But they also know that they must first stabilize the three earth ancestors outside the realm to ensure the safety of xunkong.

Of course, this is also to prevent the three guys from suddenly coming.

Next, Tang Long breathed his breath in the cave, and then used the skill of earth escape to hide himself in the ground. The magic dance flying snow and Ling Qingyao opened a small gap in the defense border of the mountain entrance, and they went out together.

Just out of the cave, I felt three breath coming towards this side quietly.

The two men were a little nervous, but they both tried to calm down. They looked at each other and pretended not to notice any situation. They stood at the entrance of the mountain, looking at the sky and blowing the evening wind.

It's a nice place.

The mountain breeze is gentle, the air is comfortable, the sky is cloudless and the stars are bright.

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