At this time, Zhong Li Xueyan, together with Tan Tai Shuya and potassium permanganate, was talking about the further implementation of the systems formulated by Tang long in Xuanji city.

With their efforts in this period of time, Xuanji city has been much more stable than before.

Moreover, the various systems formulated by Tang Long were carried out better.

The successful completion of these things is closely related to Tianfeng mountain villa. Tianfeng mountain villa has helped a lot and played a great role in it.

At this time, Xuanji city had a new look. Whether it was Changli Bingfeng, Changli Huofeng, or inviting the moon on a cold night, he was very satisfied with the present Xuanji city.

For nothing else, just for now they go out to play, and no one is shamelessly chasing them. They feel very happy and comfortable, very free and safe.

Permanganate and high manganese potassium this period of time is also very good mood.

They are in such a good mood because of Changli Bingfeng and Changli Huofeng.

Although these two girls did not show any special intimacy to them at this time, they are willing to let them go shopping with them, which has filled the hearts of permanganate and potassium permanganate with unspeakable surprise and happiness.

In the living room of the master's mansion of Xuanji City, Zhong lixueyan heard Tang Long's voice in his heart just now. Knowing that Tang Long is coming soon, he looked at Dan Tai and said, "my husband is coming soon. I'll go out for a moment."

"Good!" Dan Tai Shuya nodded.

At this time, she also knew something about Tang long.

Zhong Li Xueyan soon walked into a training room and did not open the isolation boundary of the practice room, because there was no need for this.

She did not wait here, and Tang Long's voice came again from the bottom of her heart: "Xueyan, I will go now."

"Well." Zhong Li Xueyan promised, "come here."

Soon, her body is already flying out of the silver glittering wisdom heart door, and then this wisdom heart door, Tang Long is out of this inside.

"My husband, what happened to the destruction of Tiancheng?" Zhong Li Xueyan looks at Tang Long and asks.

She hopes that Tang long can finish the work there as soon as possible and come back.

Tang Long said in a hurry: "you and I go to the city of ten thousand demons, we will go to the city Lord's house to meet the present city Lord." After a pause, he asked, "the Lord of the city of ten thousand demons should be a member of the family of celestial burial now?"

"Yes." Zhong Li Xuefeng said: "the current leader of the city of ten thousand demons is a member of the family of heavenly burial, and he is an elder of the family of heavenly burial. His name is Tianmu Muyun."

Tang Long asked, "how about Muyun, a man buried in heaven?"

"According to my father, this man is not bad." Zhong Li Xuefeng: "after Mu Yun came to Wanmo City, he visited my parents in Tang Dynasty, and his attitude was very good and he was very polite."

"Let's meet him now." Tang Long took Zhong Li Xueyan's hand: "go, go now!"

"Husband, what happened to you in such a hurry?" Zhong Li Xueyan saw Tang long in such a hurry and asked, "are you in any trouble?"

"Tell you as you go." Tang Long said: "now, I have to find a way to get in touch with the people of the sky burial family as soon as possible. I have saved the people of the family of celestial burial before. This time, I believe they will help me."

"Good." Zhong Li Xueyan nodded and walked out of the training room with Tang Long: "husband, do you need some tough people from my family?"

Tang Long said: "those who are more powerful in your family should have gone to the holy city of blood demons now."

"What are you going to do to the holy city of blood demons?" Zhong Li Xueyan asked.

During this period, she has been busy in Xuanji city. Although she has been to Wanmo city to meet her parents, she just has a simple chat. She doesn't know about some important things happened in her family recently.

Tang Long said: "Zhong Li's master has already gone to batian City, and will send a group of strong men of your family to batian city in the near future."

When Zhong Li Xueyan heard Tang Long's words, he immediately guessed: "is the war between the blood demon world and the great thousand worlds already started?"

"Not yet, but fast." Tang Longdao.

Two people speak, already walked into the conference hall together, Tang Long saw sitting here dantai Shuya and permanganate, high manganese potassium.

Tan Tai Shuya saw Tang long, and her eyes immediately showed a touch of brilliance.

She hasn't seen Tang Long for a long time.

Inexplicable, her beautiful face is to emerge a very intoxicating red, her heart is also inexplicable jump: "Tang long, you come back ah!"

"Yes." When Tang Long saw dantai Shuya, he suddenly moved: "the dantai family should be able to help in this matter."

He knew that the family of celestial burial should be a strong one in the realm of Tianzu, but the wolf and snake in the enchanting land is so powerful, and who knows if there is a wolf and snake who has left behind?!"I'm afraid we're short of people to help us, but the family owes me a lot of gratitude, and it's closest to the city of demons. If..."

He thought in his mind that he had gone with Zhong Li Xueyan to the side of dantai Shuya: "Shuya, I want to discuss some things with you!"

"What's the matter?" Dan Tai Shuya asked.

Tang Long said: "I don't know whether the headquarters of your family is far away from the magic city?"

"Not far." "Tang long, you want to see my family?"

"Yes." Tang Long said: "something has happened to the enchanting mainland. I need help from your family."

"I'll go back now." Tan Tai Shuya immediately said, "the owner of our dantai family has said that our family will cooperate closely with the Tang government from now on. If you have anything, just say it."

"Good." Tang Long nodded.

Naturally, he could not say anything about the Fengling clan at this time.

However, in order to solve the major problem of the evil wolf and snake, and to ensure that the crisis of the Youmei continent can be overcome, he also had to ask the people of the dantai family for help.

Looking at dantai, Shuya said, "if you go back to your family headquarters, you will say that I have got the enchanting mainland. There is a lot of trouble here. You need several warriors from strong ancestral territory to support me. If you are the weakest, you must reach the realm of dizu."

"Earth ancestor realm!" Dan Tai Shuya was a little surprised: "isn't this enchanting land a strong one without the realm of dizu?"

"It's hard to say. In a word, there is a gate of void in mietian City, which is connected with a very dangerous world. At this time, the monster of that world, the wolf and snake, flies out with extremely strong fighting power. It seems that it will bring destruction to this continent. If there is no strong person above dizu to support, this continent will be doomed Reply

"That's it When he heard this news, he knew that it was obviously very important.

She knew that Tang Long attached great importance to the enchanting mainland, so she would certainly try her best to do so.

"I'm going back to my family," she said immediately

"You go." Tang Long nodded and asked, "by the way, how soon can you get back?"

Dan Tai Shuya calculated the time: "if it goes well, I will be back in seven days."

"Seven days, it's a little long!" Tang Long frowned.

You know, when these people get to the Youmei continent, they still have to dare to go to mietian city. Mietian city is also far away from Xuanji City, which also takes a long time. It may take more than half a month to calculate.

Waiting for such a long time, I don't know how many wolves and snakes have flown out.

However, at this time, he had no choice but to say: "you go as soon as possible, the sooner the better, and it's better for your family to send more strong people here." , the fastest update of the webnovel!