With the increasing number of wolf snakes, the attack of wolf snakes is bound to be stronger and stronger. In this case, even if these people of Fengling clan use such defensive array at this time, they can't stop the attack of wolf snake for how long.

There are more and more warriors of the Fengling clan, with tens of thousands of them. Among them, there are many powerful warriors.

Among them, there are thirty or forty warriors in the realm of dizu.

In addition, there are hundreds of warriors in the ancestral territory.

There are hundreds of warriors in the ancestral territory, and the number of such strong ones is not small. Therefore, we can know that the comprehensive strength of Fengling clan in Tianguang continent is really very strong.

The most important thing is that among the tens of thousands of people, there are actually two warriors who are the strength of Tianzu realm.

These two people are the four levels of Tianzu and the five levels of Tianzu.

With the help of these two warriors in Tianzu realm, so many wolf snakes can be killed one after another.

But in the door of the void above the sky, there are always wolves and snakes flying out.

The most important thing is that the fighting power of these enchanting wolf snakes has reached the advanced level of the earth ancestors. Such a level of demon wolf snakes is really too strong. Many warriors of the wind spirit clan can't beat them completely, and they can only rely on the array to defend.

Tang Long flies rapidly, seeing that he has reached the outside of the array encirclement circle formed by the warriors of the Fengling clan.

At this time, a warrior at the peak of the dizu of Fengling clan saw Tang Long coming, and immediately flew to Tang long.

Tang long had already moved his mind. He summoned the king of the abyss, the king of the abyss, and so on. He quickly told them the basic situation here.

He looked at the way of cutting the sky: "next you have to help me find a way, how can we better seal the door of the void in the sky!"

Vatian and they looked up into the sky together.

Seeing the situation above the sky, several people also couldn't help frowning.

"The fighting power of these demonic wolves and snakes is too strong, and the general seal is not good at all. Even if we seal the gate of the void, we will soon be smashed by the enchanting wolf and snake. We must use the strongest seal array of archaic times!"

Tang Long quickly asked, "do you know those seal arrays?"

"It will be, but those arrays can't be arranged easily, and the effect will be smaller if people with weak strength arrange them out!"

At this time, the warrior with silver armor at the top of the dizu of Fengling clan had already flown in front of Tang long.

Looking at Tang long, the warrior said nervously, "you are not strong enough. You'd better leave here. First, evacuate the people who extinguish Tiancheng, and then evacuate the people farther away. Give it to us here!"

Tang Long said: "evacuating people is not the way. We have to find a way to completely solve the problem here."

"If you want to solve the problem here, you can't seal the door of void in the sky, but we don't have the ability here." "At present, we have to evacuate the people around, and then try to find a way."

After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "the strong men of our wind spirit clan have basically come, but these demon wolves and snakes have too much fighting power and are too many. We can defend for three days at most here!"

"Three days!" There was a flash of light in Tang Long's eyes.

He looked at the warrior and said, "what do you call me, elder?"

The warrior looked at Tang long. After a little hesitation, he still said, "my name is long Ao Zhan Yun. I am the current clan leader of Fengling clan."

"Master long Ao, I want to discuss something with you." Tang Long looks at long Ao Zhan Yun Dao.

Dragon Ao battle cloud Leng Leng Leng: "what do you want to discuss with me?"

"Let's go and talk." Tang dragon road, and then looked at the vatian: "you look at the terrain here, see if there is any way, can arrange a seal array here, seal the door of the void."

After a pause, he said, "in addition, you can see how many earth ancestors or heaven ancestors are strong."

"Good!" Vatian and they nodded together.

Tang long looked at long Ao Zhan Yun and said, "let's go. Let's go and talk."

Long Ao Zhan Yun takes a look at the high altitude in the valley.

At this time, this high altitude, still in the extremely crazy fierce battle, he hesitated a little, and finally nodded: "go."

Tang Long and long Ao Zhan Yun flew towards the distance together. Then Tang long looked at long Ao Zhan Yun and said, "master long Ao, I know that you don't want those people in the blood demon world who have the power of blood demons to arrive on this continent, and they don't want them to know the secrets of your Fengling clan."

"Not bad." Long Ao Zhanyun nodded: "my sky light land is the only pure land in the blood demon world. If people in the blood demon world know about this place and know the sky light land, they will certainly destroy and destroy the plants that have the power of holy light in Tianguang land. At that time, the whole blood demon kingdom will really fall!"

Tang Long said: "I heard that you know some secrets about the power of the blood demon and some secrets about the ancestor of the blood demon. Can you tell me what will happen to the people in the blood demon world if the blood demon ancestor doesn't have any worries?""According to what I know, all the people in the blood demon world will become zombies, bodies without self-consciousness, and parasites of some strange life!"

Why didn't he do this? Did not let those strange lives live here? "

"Because the strength of the ancestor of the blood demon is not enough, he needs more people with the power of the blood demon, and he needs the breath of life from these people to complete the transformation of the blood demon world and even the world of many and more, so that he can use his means."

"What means is that?" Tang Long asked.

Long Ao Zhan Yun shook his head: "I don't know that." After a pause, he continued: "my Fengling people just hope that at least the enchanting land, at least the Tianguang continent, can avoid the harm this time!"

Tang Long said: "if it had been before, if the door of the void had not been opened, the sky might have been spared. But now, what should you do about the evil wolf and snake? If you don't turn to people in the blood demon world, I'm afraid it's here... "

Long Ao Zhanyun heard Tang Long's words and sighed bitterly.

He knew that if the things here were known by the blood god temple, if the secret of the natural disaster whirlwind was known by those people in the blood demon world, it would soon be controlled by the blood god temple!

Tianguang land is bound to be destroyed by the blood demon ancestors!

However, if you keep the secret here and don't let people from the blood demon world come, the wolf snake will soon destroy this place!

By then, everything here will still be completely destroyed!

Tang long looked at long Ao Zhan Yun and said helplessly: "the things in front of me have developed into this. I can only ask the people from the blood demon world to help us. First, we can solve the problem of evil wolf and snake."

After a pause, he looked at long Ao Zhanyun and continued: "I'll take the matter of looking for people in the blood demon world. The people I've found will not pass on the things about the enchanting land or the sky light continent, and they may be helpful to us."

Dragon Ao Zhanyun looked at Tang Long and asked, "what do you mean by this?"

Tang Long said: "I have an idea, and I know that some big families in the blood demon world may not completely obey the orders of the blood god temple. If we tell them a lot of secrets, as long as they keep them secret, as long as we work together, we will have sufficient time to arrange. At that time, there may be opportunities to reverse the overall situation, and even defeat the blood demon ancestors and restore the occupied blood demon kingdom! ”

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