The wolf of purple fire was burning with purple flame all over his body, and he ran into the huge green energy hand!

One by one, the wolves of purple fire, like meteors of purple flame, bombarded the palm of this green energy giant hand!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The roar of the sky kept ringing.

However, even if it is such a powerful attack, it still can not stop the attack of the green energy giant palm.

Green energy in the palm, a green light flew out, bombarded a head of purple fire wolf body, unexpectedly these purple fire wolf bombardment burst to pieces, turned into the sky purple fire light to fly out!

Even the ghosts that followed were blown out by the green light from the huge hands of energy!

"If you want to make enemies with me, you can see how I can get rid of you all!"

In the distance, the strange green man made a proud laugh.

This guy controls the huge green energy giant palm, which contains powerful and incomparable energy. It seems that Tang Long and the king of the abyss are all in his hands!


Tang Long was also extremely shocked.

He didn't expect that the scornful green devil was so powerful that the attack of holy light and demon could not stop the attack of green palm.

At the same time, Tang Long has directly stimulated his own potential and opened the small universe power of the seventh sense!

On him, the light of purple gold suddenly erupted madly.

The purple gold light completely enveloped him, and the momentum that he burst out of his body rose wildly.

And at the same time, he is in front of the rapid condensation out of the purple and gold light of luoshengmen!

There are 18 roads in total!

Each luoshengmen is more than 1000 meters in length and 800 meters in width. It burns with purple and gold flame and contains strong defense power, which completely blocks the whole space in front of Tang Long and Tang long.

Because at this time Tang Long inspired the power of the small universe, so at this time, his strength is soaring!

He displayed the body method of Brahman Dun, and together with Xuanyuan sky array, they were rapidly retreating back!

And at this time, the green energy palm has been hard to grasp the front of a luoshengmen, even directly this one luoshengmen grasp broken open!

Then the green palm is the second Luo Shengmen!

As you can see, all of the luoshengmen were caught by the green hands, and then they were directly broken by the green palms. In a flash, the 18 roads of luoshengmen had been broken by the huge green hands!

But at this time, taking advantage of this time, Tang Long and they also flew back hundreds of meters under the block of luoshengmen!

Tang Long's power of the small universe is breaking out crazily, and his momentum is still soaring!

Moreover, the fighting power of the king of the abyss also soared along with it, and his body was bursting out with an extremely powerful and domineering momentum!

"Now, I think you can withstand my attack!"

Tang Long's potential was aroused, and his fighting power was suddenly improved. He was staring at the green giant palm, which had already broken the last Luo Sheng men's grasp!

"The sword of law is killing the sky!"

A low voice sounded, above the top of Tang Long's head, all of a sudden, the space was filled with the sound of rolling thunder, and an extremely terrifying murderous atmosphere erupted.

In this fierce murderous spirit, a huge bloody sword is directly revealed out of thin air!

Giant Dao is above the sky, more than kilometers long!

This is the Dao of law condensed by the soul of Tang dragon blood drinking Dao!

"Curse of natural disaster, curse of ancient thunder!"

Tang Long stares at the green energy palm, and his eyes are full of arrogance. While stimulating the power of the small universe, he directly exerts the most terrifying curse of natural disasters to enhance the combat power!

His strength at this time, using the taiguretin mantra, can increase his combat power by 40 times in a minute!

What a terror!

Not to mention, before that, he also inspired the power of the small universe!


A thunderous roar, Tang Long's whole body purple gold light is exploding, in this purple gold light, one after another from his body thunderbolt vertical and horizontal burst out.

His face was resolute and solemn, and his momentum was vigorous.

At this time, he looks like a master of all ages, fierce and overbearing, invincible!

Above his head, the bloody knife awn has been slashed towards the green energy giant hand with a terrible roar!


As you see, the blood red sword is mercilessly chopped on the green energy giant hand, which directly splits the huge energy hand into pieces, turns into green and spreads all over the sky!The blood red sword awn is also broken!

the broken blood red knife awn turns into a rolling and turbulent shock wave. With the sound of thundering thunder and the purple and gold lightning, it bombards the scornful green devil!

The green devil didn't expect that suddenly Tang Long's fighting power had soared so much!


I only heard the roar of the green devil!

In this roar, the terrible green light on the Siman green devil burst out, turning into a rolling torrent of green and poisonous energy, which resisted the powerful gas shock wave sweeping in.

Even at this time, the fierce green devil's fighting power is so strong that it can't resist the attack of the powerful shock wave.

The green devil was directly bombarded and flew back.

It's not a hundred meters out of the sky. On the top of the head of the Siman green devil, another terrible blade appears, and it slashes down towards the extremely crazy Siman green devil!

This Dao awn, burst out like the sea of General powerful breath, which contains a kind of can frighten people's heart of strange power!

This powerful power, let the body of Siman green devil is a tiny meal!

Seeing this terrible blade, it is to bombard the head of the Siman green devil. All of a sudden, the roar of the Chiman green devil suddenly burst out on the top of the red man green devil, which contains mysterious runes!

The green light rushed out and turned into a green energy light column. It was extremely powerful and broke the space above the head of Siman green devil!

See this green light column is and chop down the knife awn mercilessly collide together!


Such a shocking collision is like the explosion of the whole world.

The terrifying energy erupted from the place where the knife awn collided with the energy beam, swept out in all directions, and twisted the surrounding space wildly.

With the spread of this energy, within thousands of meters, the wind is howling between the sky and the earth!

Those supernatural beasts of Tang long, as well as those purple fire wolves that had just been reunited after flying to the distance by the bombardment before, all of these just want to fly here, and they have been swept back and out by this powerful momentum.

Tang Long and the king of the abyss were all bombarded and flew towards the sky!

The Chiman green devil was also bombarded by the powerful energy, and fell down to the rear. Seeing that it had fallen to the ground, the ground was blasted out of a huge pit by the powerful momentum!

In the pit, the green devil roared, and the green light on his body soared. Suddenly, he wanted to fly.

But at this time, above his head, a space suddenly had a terrible twist!

Following in this twisted space, a purple and gold Dao awn suddenly appears. It contains the most powerful energy. It seems that it has been severely chopped on the top of the Siman green devil! , the fastest update of the webnovel!