In the special Feitian Dundi fruit taken by Tang long, the pure Yang force in it is wrapped by the seal of yin and softness contained in the fruit, so it will not appear under normal circumstances.

Even if it was Tang long, he had only explored a little bit of the situation before.

At this time, Tang Long took the fruit of flying away from the earth, and the power of pure Yang broke out directly!

It is precisely because of this pure Yang power that this Feitian Dundi fruit is very different from other Feitian Dundi fruits.

At this time, the king of the abyss and others have already arrived outside the tower of time.

They want to find out why this fruit is so different from other fruits grown on the same tree, and how the difference comes about?

They focused on the flying tree.

The trees are already in Tianling garden. Now they can only study the place where the trees grow in the sky and escape to see what is special about this place.

Now Tang Long went to practice. They had nothing to do, so they studied it together.

Tang Long practices in the tower of time.

Three hours later, the cultivation of Tang Long has been completed.

"This time, it's not bad. The heaven emperor's nine peaks are just a little short of breaking through to the ancestral realm."

Feel his strength at this time to improve the range is very large, Tang Long is also very satisfied.

During this period of time, he always felt that his strength had been improved too slowly. This time, he finally had a good harvest and his strength was greatly improved.

He had already seen that the king of the abyss was busy in one place.

This is the place where flying trees used to grow.

Tang Long collected the flying tree into the heaven garden. At this time, there was only a big pit left on the ground!

At this time, the depth of the pit is more than 500 meters!

Moreover, the depth of the pit is increasing, and the king of the abyss is trying to dig it!

"What are you digging for?" Tang long looked at the king of the abyss and their busyness. He asked curiously, "is there anything strange in this pit?"

Su Xiaoman stopped, flew up to look at Tang Long and said, "we found that this place is very strange!"

"How strange?" Tang Long asked.

Su Xiaoman said: "the ground is not particularly hard, but the more we dig down, the harder the ground will be. Now, even if it is our strength, it is extremely difficult to dig the hard pit below us again!"

"It's such a thing!" Tang Long was a little surprised.

You know, Su Xiaoman and his strength are exactly the same.

There is no defensive border on the ground of this place. In this case, with Su Xiaoman's strength, even though it is the hardest boulder ground, they should be able to easily blow out huge pits!

Even they can't dig the place, which shows that the ground under the pit is hard a bit incredible!

Tang Long couldn't help guessing: "is there any secret down here?"

Su Xiaoman said: "before, we all wondered why one of the fruits of that flying tree is so different from other fruits. Even the energy contained in it is much stronger, and it has changed. We think there must be something strange in it."

Tang Long was also very curious about this matter. He asked, "you were studying this before. So, have you got any results?"

Su Xiaoman said: "we have found out by now."

"What discovery?" Tang Long asked.

Su Xiaoman said: "we found that among the roots of this flying tree, there is a very small root, which is very fragile. Before you put this flying tree into Tianling garden, but this very small and fragile root is broken."

This is obviously a very normal situation.

No matter how careful such transplantation is, there will be broken roots.

Fortunately, Feitian Dundi tree is not a general natural material and treasure, but also has a very strong vitality. The Tianling garden is an excellent place to grow Tiancai Dibao.

The most important thing is that Tang Long still has the spring of life.

He had collected the tree into Tianling garden. After planting it, he directly watered a bottle of Tianquan of life.

In this case, even if the tree was damaged during transplantation, it could recover quickly.

And here, in the pit, is left that extremely fragile very small roots!

Tang Long asked, "where does this root stick extend?"

Su Xiaoman said: "this root is very long and incredible. We have been digging down the root, and we found that there is a very pure power of pure Yang in this root."

Tang Long is very interested in Su Xiaoman's words!The power of yin and softness is very strong in this place, and there is a place where the power of pure Yang gathers.

It's really strange.

At this time, the death demon stopped digging, flew up to Tang Long and said, "in fact, Feitian Dundi tree does not belong to pure Yin Tiancai Dibao, nor does it belong to Chunyang Tiancai Dibao. In such a special environment, this kind of Tiancai Dibao can't survive at all. I'm afraid it's thanks to the most fragile tiny root that can survive here

Listening to Su Xiaoman and the king of the abyss, Tang Long became more and more curious about this tiny root.

So, he also started digging together.

To his surprise, the ground below was not only extremely hard, but also extremely strange. He could not quickly excavate the ground below by using the technique of earth hiding!

"The soil on this ground has changed!" Tang Long is a bit unbelievable. This is the first time he has ever met this situation!

Su Xiaoman said: "it's not the variation of soil quality, and the soil here has been tempered by a kind of extremely strong pure Yang force for many years, and the surrounding pure Yin force is extremely strong, so that the soil in this place is constantly tempered and strengthened by these two kinds of energy, so that it becomes so hard and abnormal!"

Next, Tang Long and they continue to dig here.

It's been a whole day!

A day later, the pit was dug deeper by them, about 100 meters. At last, they found the end of this whisker!

at the end of the root, there was a twinkling golden light, fist size light in the deep underground!

Seeing this light group, the king of the abyss was deeply shocked: "my God, this is the soul of pure Yang!"

"What is the soul of pure Yang?" Tang Long asked curiously.

The king of the abyss said: "this is a trace of pure Yang spirit pulse between heaven and earth, which can only be generated after tens of millions of years of gestation. This kind of existence is almost legendary, almost a theoretical existence. I didn't expect that it actually appeared here!"

"It takes tens of millions of years for this kind of energy to generate a filament. I'm afraid it has been pregnant for so many years with so much pure Yang power in front of me," he added

"What's the use of this thing?" Tang Long asked in a hurry.

The king of the abyss laughed: "this can be of great use to you. It can not only enhance your strength, but also reshape your meridians, and even reshape your soul. Your quality in all aspects can be improved ten times, and the purity of vitality can also be greatly improved."

After a pause, he went on: "of course, it's useless for girls to use this thing, and even some harm will appear."

"In that case, I'll have to use it now!" Tang Longlian was busy.

Light and death all nodded together.

They know that after Tang long used the soul of pure Yang, his strength will certainly be greatly improved, and even his own breath of life and vitality will be greatly changed!

Tang Long has been very careful to gather vitality, the soul of pure Yang in the pit is wrapped up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!