Mu Qingcheng said: "there are too many strong people who have taken the blood evil pill in batian city now. Moreover, there are people who have taken the blood evil pill to come to our batian city. However, their strength will fade in the year after taking the antidote, so they are hesitant to take the antidote of blood evil pill, but they all want to get the antidote. All kinds of problems are gathered here and can not be solved "Yes

Tang Long has thought of this situation, and he is not surprised to hear Mu Qingcheng say at this time.

And he had a solution in mind.

He looked at Mu Qingcheng and asked, "what's the reaction of evil spirit sect to the situation of batian city at this time?"

Mu Qingcheng said: "Zhong Li Cangwu and his colleagues have gone to the evil spirit sect to explain the situation these days. The people from the evil spirit sect know the chaos in batian city. They all say that this is their business and they will not interfere in any affairs of batian city. Zhong Li Cangwu said that these people of the evil spirit sect are obviously waiting to see the chaos of batian City, to gloat and watch the clock From Cangwu's jokes

"Evil spirit sect people do not intervene, this is what I want most." Tang Long said: "if you think about it, it is reasonable for them to gloat. The evil spirit sect of batiancheng sect has solved the problem of the evil spirit alliance. Zhong Li Cangwu and they have made a great contribution to the blood god temple. Those people of the evil spirit sect are envious and hope that the more chaotic the batian city is, the better it will be!"

After a pause, he continued: "those people of the evil spirit sect are watching the fire from the shore and waiting for the chaos in batian city. This can make batian city completely independent of the evil spirit sect, and enable me to better complete my plan, which is not harmful to us."

Mu Qingcheng said: "but it's not a way to go on like this. Sooner or later, batian city will have a big event."

Tang Long said with a smile: "when I came here, I had made a decision and had a plan. Now we will solve the problem."

Hearing Tang Long's words, Mu Qingcheng's eyes suddenly appear a touch of joy: "you have a solution to the problem?"

"Yes." Tang Long nodded positively and said, "the evil spirit sect has already started a war on the whole world. At this time, once some things break out, the effect will be better."

As the voice dropped, he had already taken out several boxes: "this is the flying sky Dun pill I made, which can improve the strength of girls. Take these, you can take one for yourself, and also take it for Ximeng. She practices with Tang Yang, and her strength will be improved as well."

"Good." Mu Qingcheng took over the box.

Next, Tang Long and Mu Qingcheng discussed some things in detail. Of course, it also showed that the people of Putuo Tianzong would come soon.

MuQing city already has a place for the people of Putuo Tianzong.

This is the golden city.

Huangjin city is very close to batian city. At the beginning, Tang Long came here and settled in Huangjin city. There is also a transmission array in the Tang mansion of Huangjin City, which can lead to the Nine Emperor Tianfu. Moreover, the transmission Hall of Huangjin city has a space gate, which can lead to the magic light city in Zixiao continent.

Now the Huangjin city has been completely under the control of the Tang clan of batian City, and the control of Zixiao continent has been taken over by Zhongli Cangwu.

The most important thing is that huangjincheng is not very popular, and Zixiao land is not small, so it is most suitable to arrange the martial artists of Putuo Tianzong.

Tang Long is very satisfied with Mu Qingcheng's arrangement. After discussing the matter, he goes to find Tang Xiaohu.

When Tang Xiaohu saw Tang Long coming, he immediately vomited bitterness.

This period of time, the situation of batian city really makes Tang Xiaohu worried, he is worried that a bad bully city will be chaotic!

He looked at Tang Long and said: "master, many powerful people who have taken blood evil pill in batian city are hesitant at this moment. They are unwilling to take the antidote of blood evil pill immediately, but they want to get the antidote of blood evil pill. Moreover, more people with weaker strength want to take the antidote of blood evil pill. In addition, some people still have doubts about the antidote of blood evil pill, because they have not seen it Come on

"I already know that." Tang Long said: "now, the evil spirit sect has started a war against the great world, and its fighting power is strong. The people in the big world are not rivals. So these people are afraid that they still have illusions about the evil spirit sect."

Tang Xiaohu said: "some of them really have fantasies about the evil spirit sect. They want to go to the evil spirit sect to get oil and water, but they are worried about the side effects of the blood evil pill, and they are afraid that they will become the cannon fodder of the evil spirit sect."

Tang Long scorned a cold hum: "most of these people used to belong to the evil spirit alliance, they were some vicious people, they were extremely greedy, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, but also very afraid of death!"

"What are we going to do?" Tang asked

Tang Long's eyes flashed a wise smile: "what they are most worried about is the outbreak of side effects of the blood demon pill. It's very simple to let them be honest and honest!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Tang Xiaohu's eyes suddenly showed a touch of joy: "master, what do you mean..."

Tang Long ha ha smile, did not speak, he knew, Tang Xiaohu should have guessed his idea.

He didn't mind saving those who took the blood demon pill.

However, these people were not good people before. He could not allow these people to bring him great trouble. If these people want to make trouble here, he doesn't mind creating some fear for them.Only by putting these people in good order can he put them in another continent where they came from the evil spirit sect in Cangwu, Zhongli. These people will not be together with those warriors of Putuo Tianzong. They will be separated.

After taking the antidote of blood evil pill, these people also need to be controlled and managed.

He had thought of it for a long time.

After these people are settled down, there will be many warriors coming from both the heaven burial family and the Qiuli family. These warriors will not fight and will naturally take charge of this matter and manage these people.

In this way, it not only helps the blood god temple to solve the worries behind, completely solves the problem of the evil spirit alliance, but also preserves the comprehensive strength of such families as the celestial burial family, and also keeps the Tang clan in batian city away from the battlefield, and keeps the people of these families away from the war.

Such an arrangement will do more with one stone!

"Xiaohu, go and call Zhongli and Cangwu to come here!" Tang long looked at Tang Xiaohu and said, "you tell them that I have something very important to discuss with them."


Tang Xiaohu agreed and immediately turned away.

Before Tang Xiaohu's heart was still nervous about the batian City, but now he is no longer nervous at all.

He knew that Tang long had a solution to the problem of batian city at this time.

He left in a hurry, not long is the clock from Cangwu, and autumn Li Mo Feng and other people called over.

Zhong Li Cangwu looked at Tang Long and said, "what do you want us to come here for?"

Tang Long said: "I know, you should all know how to stimulate the side effects of blood evil pill."

Zhong Li Cangwu said: "although in our blood temple, there are not many people who know this method, and we need certain strength to do it, but we do know this method and all have such strength."

"That's good." Tang Long nodded with satisfaction and asked, "can you control the outbreak of side effects of only a few people who took the blood demon pill?"

"Yes." Zhong Li Cangwu said: "however, we can't control it very accurately, we can only control it in a certain range!"

"This is the best!" Tang Long is very satisfied with Zhong Li Cangwu's words.

Next to the celestial burial, red Peng asked: "childe Tang, do you want to stimulate the side effects of those blood demon pills? Why is that? "

"For the stability of batian City, of course." Tang Long said: "now, there are too many people gathered in batian city who have taken the blood evil pill, and many people are very strong. They don't want to take the antidote of blood evil pill, and they don't want to be controlled by our Tang clan. If this goes on, once the contradiction is aroused or people use this situation to disturb, our batian city will be very dangerous!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, autumn Li Mo Feng and others all nodded together.

They are all big men, and they are the owners of the blood Temple family. After listening to Tang Long's words, they immediately guessed Tang Long's intention.

Zhong Li Cangwu said with a smile: "you boy, you really have a ghost idea. These days I'm still worrying about the situation of batian city. I'm worried that we can't control the situation of batian city. Now when you come back, this problem will be solved immediately!"

"The best way now is to let these people fear, so they have to take the antidote of blood demon pill!" he said

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded: "we must let them have their own fear and be honest with themselves."

"Where are you going to start?" asked red Peng , the fastest update of the webnovel!