The restaurant is already overcrowded. It is obvious that the business is excellent!

These diners in the restaurant are not weak in strength and have a lot of money, but they are all gloomy and angry. If it wasn't for the strict system of the Tang clan in batian City, they would have been fighting!

However, they absolutely do not dare to make mischief now, because whoever makes trouble in batian city will not get the antidote of blood evil pill!

Yesterday, they wanted to do something, but today they dare not.

They have heard the news, Cloud City side, just last night, suddenly a lot of people broke out the side effects of the blood demon pill, lost their senses, and later were killed by some powerful people!

Such a terrible thing really scares them!

They are afraid and anxious!

But just then, suddenly, they heard a loud cry outside the restaurant:

"ah, I don't want to live, I want to die, you and I will die together!"

"Evil spirit sect, it is you who made us take the blood evil pill. I will kill you, I will kill you!"

"Kill me, I'm going to die anyway. In that case, you don't want to live!"


When they heard the chaotic voice coming from outside, people in the hotel suddenly became confused, and the fear on their faces became more obvious!

they heard the continuous and thunderous roar!

Then in all directions, the voice of shouting chaos sounded:

"let's go, get out of here quickly, someone here broke out the side effects of blood evil pill!"

"These people are out of their senses. Let's go

"I'm responsible for the chaos here. Don't panic. We will try our best to ensure everyone's safety!"

"All stay away from here first. If anyone stays here, once the side effects of blood demon pill are taken by these people, you will lose your sense. At that time, Tangmen will not be responsible for your safety!"


The sound of the earthquake made people in this restaurant more and more afraid.

They didn't expect to hear that someone in Cloud City had the side effect of blood demon pill, and now this situation has happened in batian city.

What's more, they have felt a terrible momentum spreading from the sky outside and covering it.

This is the momentum possessed by the martial arts of Tianzu realm!

They know that this must be the martial arts of Tianzu realm in the Tang clan, who came here to control the situation.

They were afraid of panic and wanted to go out and see what was going on.

"Come on, look outside!"

"Bad, there are many people outside the side effects of blood magic pill outbreak, has been crazy!"

"It's broken. Is it possible that the blood demon pill will break out naturally after taking it for a period of time, then what can I do? I have to go to Tangmen immediately and take the antidote of blood evil pill immediately! "


All of them rushed out of the restaurant in a hurry.

The sound of thundering outside has already sounded!

Dozens of warriors who burst out of the blood demon pill were bombarding in the air crazily. People from the Dragon guards of Tang clan had already flown over, surrounded them and killed them!

And above the sky, there is a warrior of Tianzu realm in control of the situation.

The time of the chaos was short, ten minutes from the beginning to the end.

Ten minutes later, all the warriors who were inspired by the side effects of the blood demon pill were solved, and the people of Tangmen also quickly evacuated.

But around here, more and more people gathered.

They were all heavy and silent.

Some people go back to the hotel, ask for wine and drink to the dead. Some people sit still for a long time like a stone. Some people have tears in their eyes and look numb. They seem very sad

The atmosphere in the whole restaurant is extremely heavy. Everyone is obviously controlled by fear, and they are worried that they will lose their senses and die madly at any time!

It was already noon.

All of a sudden, they heard a distant place, and there was a roar from the sky, and the strength of the blood demon was roaring and spreading!

At this time, as long as these people feel the power of the blood devil, they will be afraid and nervous!

Once again, they heard the voice of confusion:

"no, the side effects of these people's blood demon pills have broken out. Go

"The people of Tangmen are coming!"

"Get out of here. It's too dangerous here. I have to go to Tangmen to ask for the antidote of blood evil pill, or I'd rather die!"

"My God, you bastard of the evil spirit sect, you have made us miserable. I will not let you go as a ghost!"


Listening to these sounds, the original dull atmosphere in the restaurant has become more boring.Originally, they had their own plans a few days ago. They even wanted to go back to the evil spirit sect to rob money and be free.

Originally, they wanted to rush into the Tang mansion and do something together.

Now, they don't have these plans!

The antidote of blood evil pill is only available in Tang clan, and there are strong Tianzu in Tangmen. Even they don't know how many strong Tianzu state there are in Tangmen.

They dare not act rashly. If one is not good, they will die!

If you offend Tangmen, you won't get the antidote of blood evil pill any more!

They didn't know that the warriors in Tianzu realm of Tangmen could use the power of blood demons, and they didn't know that those people were blood demons. Because when Zhong Li Cangwu arrived at batian City, they all restrained their breath and never used the power of blood demons.

According to Tang Long's plan, they need to be integrated with the people of the whole world and can not intensify these contradictions.

Tang Xiaohu is very busy today, super busy!

In the morning, he was busy to solve the confusion caused by the outbreak of the side effects of the blood demon pill. In the afternoon, he hurried back to the Tang gate of batian city to deal with more and more things!

At this time, many people had gathered on the hall of the Tang clan.

These people are in charge of some places in the Tang clan of batian city. They are some hall leaders, some Dharma protectors and so on. They are all looking at Tang Xiaohu and waiting for Tang Xiaohu's reply.

Tang Xiaohu looked at them and said in a deep voice, "now, how many people are willing to take the antidote of blood evil pill?"

"I have more than 100 people here, all of them are warriors with strength above the emperor of heaven!"

"I have more than 300 people here!"

"I have more than 700 people here. Many of them are warriors with the strength above the emperor of heaven. In addition, there are more than 300 people coming from Pengcheng!"

"Now the number of people who want to take antidotes is increasing rapidly!"


The five hall leaders of the Tang clan in batian city are reporting the number of people.

They reported that these people were not willing to take the antidote of blood evil pill a few days ago, but they refused to leave batian city. Because of their strong strength, they all had their own plans in mind.

But now, because of what happened in batian city today, these people are afraid and make a decision immediately.

Tang Xiaohu said: "they should be very clear about my previous decision?"

"Yes." "They promised that they would go to Fengdu, the capital of the mainland, in absolute accordance with the regulations of the Tang clan, and that they would not cause trouble."

Shenyou continent is not a very big continent in the whole world.

This continent has long been controlled by the blood temple. There are not many people on the mainland, but the environment is still reluctantly, but it is very chaotic.

Zhong Li Cangwu and Qiu Li Mo Feng asked for the control of the mainland. They wanted to provide Tangmen with a place to recover after taking the antidote.

At this time, there were many people who had taken the antidote of blood evil pill in the past.

But before, there were many people who didn't want to go.

Even many people have doubts about the antidote of blood evil pill, worried that the antidote of blood evil pill is fake.

They are afraid that they will be killed directly if they go to the Divine Land!

At this time, a hall leader of the Tang clan in batian city looked at Tang Xiaohu and said: "headmaster, although these people have agreed to take the antidote of blood evil pill and to go to the land of God, they have made a request. This is another big fear in their hearts." , the fastest update of the webnovel!