Tang Long got the news he wanted, of course, he would not leave the seven heavy warriors of the God Emperor behind.

He concentrated his spirit and turned it into a ghost needle, which pierced the heart of the warrior, which directly ended the life of the warrior. The body of the warrior fell to the ground, and the spirit had already flown out. Then the spirit wanted to escape.

This is the spirit of a bloodthirsty Lord in the blood demon world.

Of course, Tang long will not let the spirit escape.

Once again, a powerful spiritual power erupted in him, which wrapped up the spirit of the warrior, and the power of chaotic sky fire swept out, burning and swallowing the spirit of this guy, and soon disappeared!

After that, he took away the warrior's space ring and carefully observed the warrior's appearance.

After more than half an hour, he was full of confidence. He showed his magic power and changed his appearance into that of the warrior.

He is now dressed as a warrior in charge of air patrol in Tongtian city.

Even at this time, Tang Long's breath even became similar to that of the dead warrior before. If you don't pay special attention, you can't see it!

"With the warrior of the five realms of the God Emperor before me, the news of the magic incense family will surely spread out. Now I go back to Tongtian City, and I have to confirm the news again before I can continue my action..."

Thinking about his plan, Tang Long directly untied the sealed strength, and then re sealed his strength to the level of the seven levels of God Emperor.

After finishing this, he burned the body of the seven heavy warriors of the God Emperor on the ground.

Then, he flew directly into the sky and flew in the direction of Tongtian city.

At the same time, he has already contacted Meng Xiaomeng with huixinmen: "Xiaomeng, everything goes well with me. You are now close to Tongtian city to hide. When you have the right opportunity, I will let you into the city. You tell granddad that those Dan masters may not arrive until noon tomorrow."

"I see." Meng Xiaomeng's voice said in Tang Long's heart: "brother long, you should be careful when you are in Tongtian city."

"Don't worry, I'm very safe, there won't be any problems!" Tang Long is very confident.

Next, he had a brief chat with Meng Xiaomeng, and then he cut off the spiritual connection with Meng Xiaomeng. He saw that he had flown to the sky city again and reached the place where he had arrived before.

What he looks like now is exactly what he killed before, the warrior of the Seven Realms of God Emperor.

The warrior of the five realms of God Emperor had seen him before.

The warrior quickly flew to him: "Lord Luo, did you kill that boy?"

"Of course Tang Long snorted: "the people of the magic fragrance family, don't kill, still keep what to do." After a pause, he said: "however, I have already found out that there are still people in the magic incense family. Wang xiaohammer hammer. Next, we should guard against it and pay attention to the people who come and go. Don't let the people of the magic incense family enter the city!"

Tang long had known from the mouth of the warrior of the seven levels of the God Emperor that the name of the warrior of the five levels of the God Emperor was just called Wang xiaohammer.

Wang xiaohammer also has a brother. His elder brother is called Wang Dazhi hammer.

Wang Dashui was also in Tongtian city at this time, and its strength was stronger than that of Wang Xiaochui. It was the same strength as the master of Luotang dressed by Tang long, and it was also the strength of the Seven Realms of God Emperor.

Tang long looked at Wang xiaohammer and said, "I have saved the three magic incense family members who were arrested just now. The strength of the people who arrested them is not strong. Those people, as well as those of the magic incense family, have been destroyed by me at this time."

Wang xiaohammer said, "Lord Luo, don't you say that there are others in the magic incense family besides these people?"

"There are two more, but not with them, and I don't know where they are." Tang Long said: "no matter what, we have to be careful, things here can never be known by the people in the blood temple, or the people above the family will know, and you and I will have a lot to eat."

"That is!" Wang xiaohammer nodded quickly.

Next, Tang Long didn't go anywhere else, so he stayed here with Wang Xiaochui, paying attention to the surrounding activities and chatting with Wang Xiaochui at random.

As night fell, they had to change shifts, and the other two fighters flew out of the distance.

One of these two people is Wang Dazhong hammer!

With another warrior, Wang Dahui replaced Tang Long and Wang xiaohammer.

When Wang xiaohammer was about to leave, he simply told Wang Dashui about the people of the magic incense family.

Then Wang xiaohammer and Tang Long entered Tongtian city together.

They landed on a street in Tongtian city from a high altitude. Wang xiaohammer looked at Tang Long with a smile and said, "Lord Luo, what are you going to do next?"

"What are you going to do?" Tang asked

"Of course, I'm going to the moonlight Pavilion. The red girl there is a masterpiece. She has a good face, good waist and good legs. I didn't have a good time last night. I'm going to meet her again today We must fight 800 rounds! " Wang xiaohammer laughs obscenely!Tang long curled his lips: "your boy's vision is too bad, I don't want to be with you, I want to find my own fun!"

"Well, I'll go first." Wang Xiaochui finished and turned to leave.

Tang Long and Wang Xiaochui went far away, so he walked alone in the street in the opposite direction to Wang Xiaochui.

He has to find a place to eat first, and then he can make plans for the next step.

Anyway, now those Dan masters have not been escorted, he still has enough time to prepare and even find a suitable place to have a good rest.

Of course, he must think of a way to quietly put Meng Xiaomeng and Meng Haoran into the city first.

Now he pretends to be hall leader Luo, and he already has the identity of hall leader. Of course, it is much more convenient for him to move in Tongtian city.

While walking around, I soon saw a restaurant.

The business of this restaurant seems to be good, with a lot of customers.

Tang Long walked into the restaurant.

A goblin like girl came towards Tang long. The girl looked like a twenty-three-four girl. She looked like a picture, and her figure exploded. Tang long looked at her like this. She was really afraid that she would break her waist when she walked carelessly!

The girl is still growing up.

The most important thing is that the girl is very willing to show, even more willing to swing, this dew, coupled with this swing, suddenly swaying posture, that is very attractive.

"Oh, Hello, it's Hall master Luo. What would you like to have?" The girl looks at Tang long, and the smile on her face is as passionate as she wants to be.

"Help yourself to some!" Tang long strides into the restaurant.

There are a lot of guests in the restaurant, and they are very, very busy. All kinds of sounds, all kinds of laughter, and all kinds of screams make this restaurant full of a different flavor!

There are no boys in this restaurant. They are all girls, and these girls are very attractive in their clothes!

Most importantly, these girls don't mind being touched!

Tang Long was a little helpless with a wry smile and shook his head: "no wonder the restaurant business is so good. It turns out that this is the way to attract customers. I think this is the" special "business mode created by the blood god temple after occupying this place

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