"The mantis catches cicadas, and the Yellow finches are behind? What do you mean? " Meng Haoran looked at Tang Long and was stunned. He followed Tang Long with a gleam of brilliance. He nodded his head and said, "yes, we can plan. Haha, it's a good way!"

Qianji Baiyu thought a little and immediately grasped the key point of Tang Long's plan.

You know, now Lingxiao temple has many strong people in Tianzu realm, and there are many strong ones in dizu realm.

At this time, Lingxiao temple has been connected with batian city. At the critical moment, the reclusive strongmen of Putuo Tianzong and the reclusive strongmen of Fenglei Shenzong can also gather together for corresponding support!

If they were hiding in the dark, they would quietly wait for the plan of the blood temple to go smoothly, and then they would suddenly appear and give a blow when the plan of the blood Temple reached an important moment. That would definitely make the blood Temple suffer a great loss!

"That's it!" Qianji Baiyu immediately said: "I'll arrange for it now and send people to some places in the world to investigate the situation. As long as we find out that there are strong people gathering, we will make preparations immediately."

Tang Long added: "we can't have too many people like us. It's better for those who are strong in Tianzu to act together. If they are strong, they can go to Qinglong city to make some necessary preparations."

"Not bad!" Xunkong nodded in agreement: "after our attack, we will certainly give the blood temple a heavy blow. They are angry in their hearts and must deal with us!"

Qianji Baiyu followed: "then after this plan, we will take the opportunity to attract them to Qinglong City, and the two sides will fight fiercely. In this way, at least the battlefield of the great thousand world can be concentrated, and the strong people scattered around the world can have a centralized goal!"

Tang Long nodded: "at present, this is the quickest and safest way for us to control the whole situation."

Next, several people discussed carefully for a while.

After the discussion was completed, they all rushed to make their own arrangements. Tang Long was planning to go to Qinglong city and continue to build it. However, in his heart, the voice of Dongfang bing'er sounded anxiously: "husband, there is someone here looking for you in the holy city of blood demons."

"Who's looking for me?" Tang Long asked.

Dongfang bing'er said: "it's a member of the hundred Li family, and there are also people from the shining family."

"Baili family and Guangyao family!" Hearing the names of these two families, Tang Long's eyebrows immediately frowned fiercely.

These two families are the top families of the blood temple. They have great power and power in the blood temple. Moreover, the relationship between the two families and the Tang government is tense.

What can I do for them when they go to the Tang mansion together? Obviously not good!

"It's not good to come here!"

Tang long thought, at this time is also a decision, must go back to the blood devil holy city, to see the two families together to the blood demon city Tang house, in the end what is the purpose.

He immediately said in his heart, "binger, I'll go right now."

"Well." Oriental ice son should a, way: "now those two families of people should just come to the living room, xian'er and qingluan are there to greet, I have been in your special training room."

Tang long no longer said that he was already calling for the Huixin gate between Dongfang binger and Tang long.

Huixinmen was soon called out, and then Tang long passed the Huixin gate and appeared directly in front of Dongfang bing'er.

He looked at Dongfang bing'er and asked, "how is the situation of the blood demon holy city during this period of time?"

Dongfang bing'er said: "I heard that the war between the blood temple and the whole world has started, so the high-level of the blood god hall is dealing with the war. The blood devil holy city is still quiet."

After a pause, he continued: "during this period of time, thanks to the efforts of Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf, our Danshi League has developed very fast. Because a few days ago, the blood god hall has suppressed the task of handing over the elixir to all the big families. As a result, some of the Dan masters in the big families are under great pressure and have generated emotions. Therefore, more Dan masters have joined our Danshi League."

"That's good." Tang Long was very satisfied: "we first controlled most of the Danshi in the blood god temple, and then we tried to close down some powerful families. Our position in the blood demon world was basically stable."

Dongfang bing'er reminds Tang Long: "but we still have to keep a low profile. After all, the war has just begun, and we still don't know how deep the details of the blood temple are."

Tang Long said: "bing'er, I know what you are worried about. I also know that there must be many super strong people in the blood temple. You can rest assured that I will never act rashly without thoroughly understanding the comprehensive strength of the blood temple."

Dongfang bing'er asked, "what are your next plans for Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons?"

Tang Long said: "the Tang gate of batian city has just begun to expand, and the comprehensive power of Tang house here is also limited. I must not rashly expand now. I should pay attention to a stable character here."

At this time, Dongfang bing'er has untied the isolation boundary of the cultivation room and walked out with Tang long.

Soon, they walked into the hall of Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons.The atmosphere in the reception hall is terrible!

Sitting in the hall of the hall of the Tang Dynasty, there are Beigong Xianer, qingluan, generals and Qiuli Ruoshui.

At this time, all four of them were angry.

They stare at some people, including Guangyao Canglong, a local elder of Guangyao family, and several people with high status in the Baili family.

These people one by one look fierce, a pair of arrogant incomparable appearance.

When Tang Long saw the situation in the reception hall, he could not help but frown slightly. He glanced at all the people and took Dongfang binger's hand and walked towards the empty seat in front of him.

He went behind the throne's long table and sat down in the spacious chair. Tang Long glanced at the people sitting there. His eyes first fell on the body of Beigong Xianer: "Xianer, who are these people? What are they doing here? "

North Palace fairy son hums a way: "come to pick a matter!"

"Pick a problem?" Tang Long's eyes shifted to sitting in front of him not far away, looking proud and shining Cang Long's body: "it seems that our Tang house is really good bullying, but someone is so direct to pick things up!"

Guangyao Canglong has seen Tang long.

When Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons, was attacked last time, he was not far away to watch the excitement. At that time, he also saw Tang long.

However, at that time, he was one of the secret planners of the people who attacked the Tang house, and did not approach Tang long.

For Tang long, he didn't pay much attention to it.

He is not very clear about Tang Long's strength, but he knows that the reason why Tang Long has achieved his present achievements in the blood god temple is that Tang Long has good luck and good energy of cultivation. He also found such intelligent women as Dongfang binger and Beigong Xianer, but not how powerful Tang Long himself is.

In addition, he knew that there were several available people around Tang long, including generals, magic incense, qingluan and so on.

Guangyao Canglong felt that without these people, Tang long would be nothing!

Now seeing Tang Long coming, he is very happy. After all, if the generals and ministers are in charge here, or Beigong Xianer is in charge here, he will have a headache for some things. These people are not easy to deal with and easy to fool.

But Tang Long is here, that's different.

He felt that he could completely control Tang long by dividing two by three, and then everything could go smoothly in his plan.

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