Tang Long's thundering voice condenses the power of thunder concussion, condenses strong vitality, reverberates over the whole blood demon holy city, so that the people of the blood demon holy city can fully hear the voice.

At this time, the glory of Canglong and the soul of the dead is already a face of iron!

When they came to the Tang mansion, they anticipated all kinds of situations in advance. However, the situation at this time was totally beyond their expectation.

They have made a comprehensive understanding of the Tang government in advance, and know the comprehensive strength of the martial arts of the Tang Dynasty.

However, it is obvious that their understanding has made a very serious mistake!

At the beginning, they underestimated the strength of the generals and made them directly under the control of the generals. They could not leave the Tang Palace safely, let alone carry out their subsequent plans.

What's more, they didn't expect that Tang long could make such a fuss. He did things disorderly and unscrupulously. Before they started, Tang Long's voice of crying injustice shocked the whole blood demon holy city.

How can there be such a person crying injustice!

Not to mention, at this time, they were still in the hands of Tang Long and became witnesses!

Guangyao Canglong wants to change the situation in front of him.

But now he has been controlled, can not even speak out, can only be obediently captured by the generals to fly forward.

Originally, they hoped that after flying out of the Tang Dynasty, the warriors from the distant family Tianzu realm would come to rescue them, so that the situation could be reversed immediately, and even the black and white could be reversed.

But now Guangyao Canglong knows that if Tang Long shouts injustice so loud, the strong Tianzu of the family they arranged in the distance can never come out.

And in this case, those people come out and make things worse today!

You know, there are many super families around Tang Fu, and Tang Fu Dan Shi Meng and Dan Meng are not far away from Tang Fu!

Xiu is not far from the residence of Changhe and Dongguo wolf, and is also not far away from the Tang house.

Tang Long's voice was so loud that he was filled with resentment, and the sky was filled with emotion. How could these people not hear the warriors of the big families around him, the warriors of Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wild wolf family, as well as the warriors of Danshi League and Dan alliance!

All of a sudden, all around, a powerful momentum is flying to the sky, moving towards Tang long, to see what the situation is.

Even in the distance, the elders of the law enforcement department of the blood Temple all flew together to understand the situation.

It's the first time that someone in the holy city of blood demons has been so outrageous.

Even these people have never heard of such a shocking voice of crying out wrongs in a place like this!

Tang Long was still crying out for injustice, and his voice was still shaking with anger, sadness, and despair:

"let's all have a look. Let's all have a look. The people of our Danshi League have worked hard and made a lot of contributions to the blood god Hall. They never asked for any return, but the result was It's to be exterminated! "

"We are diligent, but what we get is such a reward. Where is the reason of heaven and where is the reason of heaven?"

"The people of Tang family are so easy to bully? Is this the bottom of my blood demon kingdom? It's obvious that he has made great contributions, but he has to be slaughtered by others. Why is that? "

"My God, open your eyes and give me justice."


At this time, although Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan did not fly out of the Tang mansion, they also heard Tang Long's pathetic and sad voice shouting injustice in the air.

Two people looked at each other, pretty faces are slightly red.

He is a man who can pretend!

Although it was the people from the shining Canglong and Baili family who came to bully Tang Fu just now, Tang Fu didn't suffer any loss.

As a result, Tang Long's voice is like being wronged to die!

Mo Xiang Qing Luan is also a little speechless.

However, at this time, she also admired Tang long. After all, it was impossible for Tang long to glorify Canglong and the dead soul of Baili to use this power to gain the Danshi League.

Moreover, she could also guess that it was absolutely impossible for the blood god temple to issue an order to kill the Tang family. It could only be that the Guangyao family and the Baili family used some pretexts to fabricate such an order.

Now Tang Long's plan to glorify Canglong is to be completely destroyed.

Neither Xiuli Changhe nor Dongguo wolf is in his residence.

Although Tang Dynasty's generals had heard the situation of the dead dragon's mansion, they could not control the time of the emperor.

They thought that the Tang mansion might have been badly damaged and suffered a great loss, otherwise Tang long would not have been so indignant.

Of course they will be on Tang Long's side.

So, one by one, powerful momentum broke out, followed Tang Long and flew towards the big square of the holy city of blood demons to prevent people around him from doing harm to Tang long.Although Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf are not in their own residence, they are both in the blood devil holy city and working in the blood god temple.

Hearing the earth shaking cry of injustice, two people's hearts "cluttered" was all at once.

They think that the Tang mansion may have been bombed out, otherwise Tang long can't be so unjust!

Xiuli Changhe looked at the wild wolf of Dongguo and said nervously, "Tang Long is crying for injustice. I'm afraid that the Tang mansion has been attacked by the Baili family and the Guangyao family. I'm afraid there's a big disturbance!"

"It is estimated that the loss of the Tang mansion is beyond imagination. It is very likely that there has been an earth shaking disaster in the Tang Dynasty."

"But it's a little good. At least Tang Long is still alive now!"

"We have to get there and see what's going on!"

"Let's go!"


Two people say, body shape is twinkling, go out quickly.

Tang Long's voice of crying injustice still shook the world, and at this time, the Dan gods of the far away Danshi League, as well as the princes and warriors of the big families of the Dan League, all flew out together.

So many people are chasing Tang Long together.

Even in the holy city of blood demons, so many warriors of big families and people of high status are chasing the place where the voice of injustice comes.

At this time, Tang long had already flown in front of the generals and ministers, and in the front of the Tang family.

In front of him, he was filled with indignation and indignation. His voice was full of disappointment and contained infinite anger. Looking at it, the party was not far away from the central square of the holy city of blood demon.

At this time of course, the law enforcement department of the blood god temple heard the news and rushed to the central square of the blood demon holy city.

On the central square, Tang Long has stopped.

Of course, the generals and ministers have stopped. At this time, the generals and ministers are still gathering strength and controlling the shining Canglong and the hundred Li dead soul.

Behind the generals and ministers, 200 warriors of the dead ghost corps are powerful. They take the glorious Canglong and the hundred Li dead souls to the Tang mansion. These warriors are always surrounded and controlled by groups, and they have strong vitality one by one. As long as there is any change in these warriors, a strong momentum will immediately bombard them.

Shining Canglong and the soul of a hundred Li, his face is black.

Looking around, they saw that more and more people gathered around them, and each of them was of high status. They knew that their plan was completely broken today.

They don't know what Tang Long is going to do or what he's going to do.

Tang Long is in a mess!

However, at this time, the situation is shining, and they are not particularly worried about it. After all, they have all kinds of preparations for today's affairs.

"Is Tang Long trying to cry injustice? But I have the order of the blood temple. Although this order is far fetched, it is also reasonable. Moreover, Tang long, such a messy person, may not be able to say anything with reason in front of so many people, but it is useless to shout unjustly. "

"Today's plan failed, but I also have an excuse. At most, I was reprimanded by the law enforcement elders of the blood temple, saying that we acted recklessly."

Shining Canglong thought secretly.

Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wolf have come from afar in a hurry. They have already taken off to Tanglong.

Moreover, four of the law enforcement elders of the blood Temple all flew over together, and they all passed through the crowd and stood in front of Tang long.

In addition, many elders of big families have gathered here.

Xiuli Changhe looks at Tang long. He needs to know the situation first. After all, he is a member of the Tang Fudan division alliance, and he is also one of the law enforcement elders of the blood god temple. Under such circumstances, his position is quite special.

He looked at Tang Long and asked, "Mr. Tang, what's going on? How can you cry out here all of a sudden? "

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