"I haven't been in batian city for some time. It's also very important. Qingcheng contacted me in my heart and asked me to deal with some things immediately. I'd better go to batian city to see what's going on, and then go to Qinglong city." Tang long thought in his heart and called out the gate of wisdom between Mu Qing City and Tang long.

Through the Huixin gate, Tang Long soon appeared in front of Mu Qingcheng.

Mu Qingcheng was in her lounge in the Tang mansion of batian city. When she saw Tang Long coming, she stood up and sat down on a wide chair not far away.

Tang Long sat down beside her and asked, "you told me just now that you want to discuss with me about the war between the blood temple and the great world. What is it?"

Mu Qingcheng said: "yesterday, Zhong Li Cangwu came to tell me that they learned from the evil spirit sect that the evil spirit sect gathered a group of strong people to go to Tianya Haige. Unexpectedly, in Tianya Haige, the people who went to the evil spirit sect were attacked by many powerful people in the whole world and suffered heavy losses."

"Oh Hearing the news, Tang Long's eyes lit up.

He quickly asked, "where is the Tianya Haige? Are there many powerful warriors there? How could you let the evil spirit sect suffer great losses? "

Mu Qingcheng said: "Tianya Haige is a powerful reclusive family in the whole world. The comprehensive strength of this family is not weaker than that of any archaic sect. However, there are many secrets hidden in the victory of Tianya Haige. I am not very clear about what the secret is."

Tang Long asked, "how did the evil spirit sect's attack on Tianya Haige fail? Is there no one in Tianya Haige to settle evil spirits? At this time, how can the evil spirit sect attack such a sect that is not sure to win? "

Mu Qingcheng said: "listen to Zhong Li Cangwu that this time the evil spirit sect suffered a great loss because of the pavilion owner of Tianya Haige."

Tang Long asked, "how do you say that?"

Mu Qingcheng said: "the owner of Tianya Haige didn't know what method he used. He actually detected the internal ghost in advance and determined who the man was. Therefore, he made a plan in advance in secret. He also secretly contacted the people of a reclusive family they knew well, including several recluse experts. They made a careful arrangement in advance, and the evil spirit sect attacked it They were attacked directly by the people on the side of Tianya Haige, and immediately suffered great losses! "

"This is a wonderful thing Tang Long said with a smile: "no matter what, in addition to our side, there are still powerful forces in the world that can make the evil spirit sect suffer."

Mu Qingcheng nodded, followed by worry: "however, the evil spirit sect ate this loss, certainly will immediately go to revenge."

"That's true." Tang Long agreed with Mu Qingcheng's point of view, saying: "Tianya Haige has taken advantage of the advantage before. When the evil spirit sect's people pass by again, I'm afraid Tianya Haige can't be found. After all, the comprehensive strength of the blood temple is too strong!"

Mu Qingcheng looks at Tang Long and asks, "what can you do about this?"

"I have to think about it." Tang Long stopped and said, "I think if we plan well, we may be able to attack the blood temple again if we have a good plan. We can't miss such a good opportunity!"

Mu Qingcheng said: "I think so too. I hope to plan carefully and give a heavy blow to the evil spirit sect. Therefore, I have asked Xiaohu to call the people of Putuo Tianzong to come here."

Hearing what Mu Qingcheng said, Tang Long immediately guessed the idea of Mu Qingcheng.

Obviously, Mu Qingcheng means that when the strong members of the evil spirit sect attack Tianya Haige again, the strong ones of Putuo Tianzong will pass quietly, and many strong people will unite together to give the evil spirit sect a heavy blow!

Of course, Tang Long agreed.

Looking at Mu Qingcheng, he said solemnly: "the evil spirit sect has suffered a great loss in Tianya Haige. This time, we will be extremely well prepared to attack again. If we don't move, we will have to take big actions."

Mu Qingcheng asked, "do you have any plans for the joint affairs with Tianya Haige?"

Tang Long said: "I'll go to LingXiao palace immediately to gather all the martial artists from Tianzu realm and go there quietly. I'll wait for the people of the evil spirit sect to enter the urn, so that they can suffer great losses again!"

After a pause, he said with a smile: "after this big loss, I have a follow-up plan to ensure the safety after Tianya Haige."

Mu Qingcheng said: "are you going to let the people from Tianya Haige also come to batiancheng?"

Tang Long shook his head: "not only that, but also in this action, I want to maximize the reputation of the Tang clan, so that the reputation of the Tang clan in the world can be improved. However, some people of the evil spirit sect should believe that we are helping the blood Temple solve major problems!"

After listening to Tang Long's words, Mu Qingcheng has already guessed about Tang Long's ideas. After all, Mu Qingcheng has known about the development plan of Tang gate in batian city for a long time.

She looked at Tang Long and said, "since you have made a decision, you can do as you say. We will discuss the details."

"Good." Tang Long nodded.

Next, Tang Long and Mu Qingcheng discussed this matter in detail.Seeing that it was evening, the two men discussed the matter and had dinner together. After that, Tang Long left in a hurry and went to Qinglong city to build the city.

Mu Qingcheng is to see Huangfu cangyun and they want to start to arrange the arrangement plan of Tang long this time.

Their plan is: let so many strong people here go to support Tianya Haige, and never disclose the information to the evil spirit sect in advance. They even have to hide it from the evil spirit sect. When the evil spirit sect attacks Tianya Haige again, they will suddenly appear and unite with the people of Tianya Haige to make a heavy blow to the evil spirit sect.

This needs to be arranged very carefully in advance.

At this time, in the blood demon holy city, Guangyao Canglong and Bai Li's ghost are angry.

They had planned carefully to seize the control of the Danshi League in the Tang Dynasty, but now the plan failed, which made the Guangyao family and the Baili family very passive, and even their two families' prestige suffered a great blow.

In addition, Guangyao Canglong and Bai Li's ghost in the blood temple were reprimanded by the law enforcement department and some families, and even the supreme were very angry with them.

Zunshang directly took back their power of strategic resource arrangement.

When they failed to get the Danshi League and lost a great power, their hearts were extremely depressed. When they went back to their own families, they were severely reprimanded by the head of their families.

In the face of this major failure and such a great loss, Guangyao Canglong and the soul of hundred Li are certainly very uncomfortable.

Moreover, after this incident, the senior leaders of Baili family and Guangyao family were also very uncomfortable. They all wanted to occupy Danshi League. After all, Danshi League could create too much benefits, and its influence was still expanding.

The most important thing is that some time ago, some of their two families had recently left their families for Danshi League under various pretexts, which made it very difficult for the two families to refine spiritual elixirs.

However, the blood god temple asked for more spiritual elixirs collected by these families to provide the war against the blood temple and the whole world.

This makes Baili family and Guangyao family more and more angry and depressed.

Guangyao Canglong's heart is particularly angry!

After the family was severely reprimanded by the patriarch, Guangyao Canglong has made a decision to use his assassin's mace!

In a study in Guangyao mansion, Guangyao Canglong looks at Guangyao, the head of Guangyao family. He is brewing a plot in his heart.

Guangyao Yunshan's strength is very strong and has reached the level of Tianzu's nine levels. His status in the Guangyao family is very lofty, and his position as the head of the family is unshakable.

He has always been very good with Guangyao Canglong. He has always appreciated Guangyao Canglong. He thinks that Guangyao Canglong is very smart, resourceful and can be made into something. He will certainly make great contributions to Guangyao family in the future.

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