Guangyao Canglong stared at the generals and ministers in the sky, and his eyes showed a cold pride: "although the general killed the devil nine, but the next two, even if he can barely kill one, must have been the end of his tether, then the last one is sure to kill his generals and ministers!"

Thinking secretly, the hand of shining Cang Long suddenly waved: "demon kills four!"

The strength of magic kill four is already the four levels of dizu, which is obviously much stronger than those before.

At this time, he got the order, and also flew directly to the high altitude. Then he flew into the air and directly attacked the generals and ministers.

He used a sword, a bloody sword!

His attack is extremely ferocious, and it is obvious that magic four is good at speed attack!

The sword was waved in his hand and turned into a dense red sword.

The bloody red light of the sword awn, containing a strong breath of death and destruction, contains a powerful and incomparable power of blood demons. Each sword awn is more than 100 meters, which completely envelops the whole space where the generals and ministers are located!

Blood red swords flashed through the air, and the space was twisted with terror. The strong wind brought by the sword tearing the air made the whole square howl!

When the generals and ministers looked at the dense swords and the resolute faces like knives, there was also a clear disdain.

The attack speed of the demon killing four is really fast, and the moving speed is not slow.

But speed is also what generals and ministers are good at.

A flash of body shape, the original general and minister, suddenly turned into three, three at the same time, actually turned into nine!

The nine generals and ministers all burst out with incomparable strength!

On the square below, the guests glared again at the tactics of the generals and ministers.

They all know that there are some martial arts practitioners who cultivate their own body, but there is only one!

Some people can use very special magic skills. They will appear three illusions, and even the phantom can have certain attack ability in a short time. However, they have never heard who can separate nine illusions and have strong combat power!

Even under their investigation, they can find that the nine sub bodies of generals and ministers are not separated from each other. It seems that each of them is a real general and minister, and the breath of each one is exactly the same, as if it were real!

Such magic power is really incredible!

This is the special means that generals and ministers can use: ninety nine points!

It is not only generals and ministers who can display the ninety-nine points, but also sikongmin and Sikong guanding of the death ghost team.

Of course, there are limits to the ninety-nine.

After exerting the ninety-nine Fen Shen, the Fen Shen can only persist for one minute. After one minute, the split body will disappear, leaving only the Buddha.

However, when the ninetieth body reaches its highest level, within this minute, its combat power, movement and attack speed, and even its defense, can be the same as the original one!

This is the most terrible magic art!

The nine generals and ministers were directly dispersed like lightning and dispersed in all directions!

Although in the face of the attack from the front, the soldiers did not panic at all.

The generals and his ninety-nine points all dodged around like lightning, constantly dodging in the space of dense blood red energy swords.

Although the sword's attack speed is extremely fast, it can't cause any damage to generals and ministers at all!

While dodging attacks, the generals and the ninety-nine soldiers approached the devil from all directions. However, in the process, with the power of blood demons roaring and surging between heaven and earth, one of the generals was in a strong breath, and his breath was completely restrained.

Moreover, the general and Minister actually in the strong Qi tumbling, quietly toward the high altitude above the rapid fly up!

The rest of the generals are still fighting with the devil in the blood!

"Whew, whew, whew!"

The sword is still dense and dense. The attack of magic kill four is too fast and too fierce.

If such an attack really falls on the generals and ministers, even if they are generals and ministers, I am afraid it will be very difficult to resist!

Generals and ministers have been dodging, in the effort to kill four demons slowly approaching.

Suddenly, in the dense attack, one of the generals could not dodge and was attacked by a bloody sword. Suddenly, the general was directly exploded by the sword.

That sword also exploded at the same time.

But at this time, just when the general was bombarded and exploded, the remaining generals and ministers all attacked the four magic killers who were waving their swords in the center.

One by one, the fists of the generals and ministers burst out a dark red light, and they attacked the four demons fiercely!Magic kill four strength is too strong, and the attack speed is too fast!

At this time, he held a sword in both hands, and when it was waved, it turned into a dense red sword to resist the attack of dark red fists!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The roar of the earth shaking, everywhere is the strength of the vertical and horizontal, in this extremely fierce momentum, under the attack of the dense blood red sword, one by one the generals and ministers were attacked by the sword and kept retreating!

Below the square above, guests see such a situation, immediately for the generals pinch a sweat.

Obviously, although the magic skills of generals and ministers are extremely miraculous, and the fighting power of generals and ministers is very strong, it is obviously extremely difficult to defeat the four demons.

The most important thing is that the attack speed of this demon killing four is too fast, which is appalling and hard to resist.

Magic kill four also realized the speed rule, and the speed rule he used was very clever, and his perception was also very profound. His attack at this time was to display the speed rule, making his attack like a storm, airtight!

Seeing that, one by one, all the generals and ministers were attacked by the sword, and they were more and more far away from the four. These generals and ministers were more than 40 meters away from the four, and they were unable to get close to the four!

Moreover, all the generals and ministers have been suppressed by dense swords, which makes them extremely passive!

It is very difficult for every general and minister to dodge the attack of sword!

Seeing this situation, there is also a clear joy in the eyes of the shining Canglong below: "generals, it seems that there is no need for the last dead man to kill you. The devil can kill you, hehe, hehe..."

He was elated, and suddenly heard the continuous explosions in the sky!

above the sky, the generals and ministers seemed to be attacked in a hurry, and the dark red energy broke out from his body. All the generals and ministers braved the powerful strength of blood demons, and suddenly rushed towards the central demon killing four!

Magic kill four at this time the attack also suddenly becomes stronger!

Watching, one by one, the generals and ministers were attacked by blood red swords, and one by one all exploded, and the power of blood demons roared up and down in the sky!

Thousands of meters within the radius of blood red, chaos, strength roaring!

"It's over

All the guests on the square sighed.

Guangyao Canglong wants to laugh. He really wants to kill his generals and ministers. He has been thinking about it for a long time!

Today, he finally got his wish!

His heart was filled with infinite joy.

Only, this joy only lasted less than three seconds!

When all the generals and ministers were attacked by the sword, they were roaring in the high air. All the attacks of magic killing four broke out and hit one after another. When the last general and minister were attacked by the explosion, a dark red light suddenly roared down in the sky above the head of magic kill four and in the sky of strong Qi and chaos!

The speed of this dark red light is too fast, and the power contained in the period is too strong!

The most important thing is that there is no sign before the attack of this light attack. In a moment, when all the guests in the square feel that the generals and ministers have been killed, and when the attack of magic four is over, they think that the attack has been successful, and this dark red power light is a rapid attack.

At this time, the magic kill four has almost no defense! , the fastest update of the webnovel!