"It doesn't seem very good!" Vatian flashed to Tang Long and explored the situation in the pit. He said nervously, "the dark round monster seems to be reborn in the devil's power in the pit, and at this time it is obviously absorbing the Demon power from all directions!"

The king of the abyss also flew over, looked at Tang Long and said, "quick, use your magic weapon to shake the Tianding and wanhun pagoda and suppress the pit!"


Tang Long nodded.

At this time, he had already detected that in the pit, a powerful momentum had spread out, and the momentum was constantly soaring, becoming stronger and stronger!

He knew that the king of the abyss was right. In the pit, in the tumult of the devil's power, the former monster was likely to be reborn!

"Heaven shaking tripod, soul Tower!"

Tang Long directly summoned his two magic weapons again.

Then, his mind controlled the two kinds of magic weapons to fly into the sky, and the two kinds of magic weapons soared in the sky. The power of seal and heavy gravity erupted together, enveloping the pit and even the area around the pit for several kilometers.


At this time, the power of the devil in the pit was tumbling, and a thunderous roar broke out.

In the roar, a terrible force of sound wave concussion broke out, sweeping the pit that extremely strong, rolling and rolling force of the devil, roared and bombarded the sky.

All of a sudden, the space above suddenly had a terrible twist.

"No, it's too powerful. Back off!"

"Tang long, improve your strength

"After this thing is reborn, its combat power will surpass dizu's five or even dizu's six. Damn it, how can it become so powerful?"


Nervous voice sounded beside Tang long, and the king of the abyss had already begun to retreat in a hurry.

Tang Long also hastened to retreat!

Although they retreated fast enough, although the force of the sound wave was still suppressed by the powerful effect of the high-altitude wanhun tower and zhentianding, the power was still formidable!

The force of the sound wave concussion spread, spread across the four sides, the residential ground fragmentation explosion, ice and snow explosion, the momentum is extremely strong, the destructive power is amazing.

Seeing that the force of the sound wave concussion has spread towards Tang Long and their side.

Tang long used the body method of Fantian Dun, and in an instant he had retreated a hundred meters.

However, although he retreated fast enough, he was still caught up by the power of the sound wave concussion, and was bombarded. Although he tried to resist, he still felt a sharp pain between his chest and abdomen, but this time he suffered internal injury!

"What a powerful attack, I'm not an opponent at all in my current state!"

Tang Long took a good breath and glanced around him. He saw that they were all shocked by the sound wave and flew out in the distance in a disorderly way.

even when the wolf of purple fire, which had been agglomerated again, was blown apart by the shock.

Finally, these purple fire wolves are magic weapon level existence, and they all have super self recovery ability. Even if they are broken by shock, they can quickly merge together and recover again.

However, if these purple fire wolves are constantly bombarded and fragmented, it is also very dangerous.

"Magic look!"

"Nine against the sky!"

"The power of the small universe, open it to me!"


Tang Long knows that in the face of this rebirth at this time, the combat power has become stronger. He must show his own strength thoroughly, and can not retain any trace of it. Otherwise, it is impossible to defeat this thing.

Even if we don't do this, his life will be in danger!

In the pit, in that strong devil's power more and more ferocious rolling swept through the tumbling, a huge black monster flew out of it.

This is obviously the same breath of life from the dark orb before.

However, the appearance of the dark round monster is quite different from the appearance of those dark round monster that Tang Long has seen before.

The dark round monster had a pair of dark wings.

Wings open, wings on the outbreak of a black lightning!

The dark round monster still has 36 black antennae, which are longer and full of barbs!


The dark round monster flew out of the pit. Under a roar, the devil's power suddenly broke out in a crazy way.

The devil's power swept wildly and bombarded Tang long. While bombarding Tang long, the devil's power was accumulating wildly, which had already condensed into dark energy groups one by one.With the roar of the dragon, it's more than ten meters in diameter!


Tang long felt that the power of the dark energy groups was extremely powerful. He did not dare to resist it. He gave a big drink and hurried to use Brahman to escape.

At the same time, he has exerted the power of domain boundary and divine power.

And the mind moved, calling out the flag.

He also used the auxiliary ability of Fengtian flag. Suddenly, his combat power with the king of the abyss and so on was improved.

Most of all, he has already inspired the power of the small universe.

His seventh sense was opened, the power of the small universe broke out, his potential was greatly improved, and his strength was constantly soaring!

At this time, the strength of Zujing jiuzhong has soared beyond the boundary, reaching the level of dizu realm, and even about to reach the level of dizu dual realm!

in this case, his combat power has been greatly improved.

Along with the king of the abyss and so on, including the spirit of the purple fire wolf, the combat power has been greatly improved.

The generals have attacked the more powerful orb.

However, even if the generals and ministers at this time exert their full strength, they are not at all the opponents of the more powerful dark circle monster.

A dark antennae of the dark circle monster attacked the past, and the speed was unimaginable. Even if it was the speed of the generals and ministers, they could not evade the attack.

The general was stabbed into the chest by the black circle monster's tentacle directly and violently, and pierced the general's chest directly!

Then, the tentacle suddenly and severely swung, that is to throw the generals out of the sky!

"cut the sky, attack together!"

Tang Long has no time to see the situation of the generals and ministers at this time. He knows that he must find a way to kill the dark circle monster as soon as possible, otherwise, everyone will be killed by the dark circle monster here.

Even though the dark round monster's combat power at this time, even if he wants to use the escape Rune to escape, he may not have that time.

Moreover, he had already known that there were Tiancai Dibao nearby, and he didn't want to lose such good things.

So now, he's going to direct vartian to launch their most ferocious attack.

He himself is to prepare for the final fight.

He needs a little time!

When they heard Tang Long's cry, they asked them to attack together. They didn't think much about it, but they all joined together to gather the strongest fighting power and rushed towards the dark round monster.

Their combat power increased with the improvement of Tang Long's fighting power.

Because Tang Long has already displayed almost all the means to enhance their strength, their combat power has also become very strong.

However, because the time is too short, Tang Long's potential has not been stimulated yet!

It will take a little bit more time.

"Kill me!"

Xuanyuan sky array first launched the attack. His magic weapon, blood refining Tianhe, was called out by him. In the blood refining Tianhe, the power of blood demons combined with the power of stars, turned into a roaring torrent of strength, and bombarded the dark and round monsters like mountain torrents and Tsunami!

Yasna is beside Xuanyuan sky array. At this time, she has also taken out her magic weapon: magic fire burning sky fan.

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