"This box looks familiar to me."

Seeing this dark box, Tang longan suddenly showed a touch of surprise.

as like as two peas, he found that the box looked exactly the same as the one he had got before the wolf.

"Is there half a scroll in that box?"

Thinking of this possibility, Tang Long immediately looked forward to it.

At this time, the four blood red devils who had mutated on their bodies had been sucked and pulled to fly up to a height of tens of meters, but one of them suddenly turned around when he was flying upward and reached for the air below!

Suddenly, the extremely powerful blood red energy burst out from the blood red devil emperor's palm, which turned into a blood red energy chain, and actually directly wound the dark sword on the ground!


Seeing this situation, Tang longan suddenly showed a touch of tension.

But he has heard a big bang. There is a big hole in the fast melting golden light energy barrier in front of him!

The powerful pulling force burst out of the big hole, whistling and pulling everything in all directions.

The generals and ministers who were next to Tang long just now have reached the energy barrier and are grasping the dark sword which has just been pulled up in the array!

Seeing that the generals and ministers have caught the dark sword!

At this time, the generals and ministers directly bombarded out a strong momentum, which broke the chain of blood red energy that controlled the dark sword, and let the dark sword fall completely under the control of the generals and ministers!

However, the general was not controlled by himself!

Seeing this situation, Tang Long couldn't think much about it. He flashed his body and flew in from the big hole in the energy barrier which was smashed by the generals and ministers.

Then he was sucked and pulled and flew up to the big hole in the sky.

At this time, the four blood red devils were out of control, and were sucked into the big holes, and the big holes on the blood red energy disc array were rapidly becoming smaller.

At this time, the blood red energy disc array is gradually becoming blurred and seems to be disappearing.

However, the generals and ministers are very close to the big hole!

Tang Long was in a hurry. When he was flying up to the sky, he had already moved his mind and cast the curse of luoshengmen!

He had encountered such a situation the last time he robbed Tiancai Dibao, and he was not nervous to deal with it at this time.

The most important thing is that the curse of natural disasters is different from the magic arts. It is controlled by the mind, so it can be used very quickly.

In the twinkling of an eye, just when the general was less than five meters away from the black hole, Tang Long also flew up rapidly. When he arrived at the general's side, all sorts of luoshengmen had gathered in the sky of Tang Long and his generals.

Then all of them were sucked and pulled up and flew up, directly blocking the dark hole.

However, the luoshengmen blocked the entrance of the cave for a short time. The strong pulling force in the hole exploded all the doors.

But at this time, the hole is also rapidly disappearing, and it seems to be disappearing clean.

And the blood red energy disc array is also rapidly disappearing.

Tang Long and his generals were no longer in danger and landed on the ground safely together.

In a flash, Tang Long went to the dark box not far away and picked up the box.

The general said curiously at Tang Long's side: "boss, just now that powerful suction and pull force can pull up four blood red devil emperors, which almost sucked us in. Why didn't the box dropped on the ground follow the dark sword?"

"Yes After listening to this, Tang long felt very curious.

He didn't pay attention to this detail before.

At this time, listening to the generals and ministers, he immediately remembered the situation just now.

It is reasonable to say that with such strong pulling force, the dark sword and black box should be pulled when they fall on the ground. But why are they still when they fall on the ground before?!

This really makes Tang long puzzled.

"Vatian should know about this. I'd better ask him." Tang long thought in his mind that the danger here had been lifted, and he had a mental move and summoned all of them from the sky sealing flag.

They were in the Fengtian flag. They were ready to attack as soon as they came out. However, when they came out, they found that it was very safe outside. There was no other breath of life here except Tang Long and generals.

"Is there no danger in this place?" vatian asked curiously

Tang Long laughs: "how can there be no danger here?"

Nearby generals and ministers have explained: "a demon giant appeared here just now, and its combat power is approaching to the peak of the earth ancestor. However, it was fooled by my boss, fooled into the ancient Panlong array, and finally killed in the Panlong array!""That's OK!" Vatian glared at Tang long, and his face was unbelievable.

Tang Long ha ha smile, already looked at the cutting sky way: "don't say these first, you untie a doubt for me first!"

"What doubts?" Asked vartian.

Tang Long said: "every time the ancient Panlong array is withdrawn, there will be a strong pulling force in the array. Why can the pulling force pull up the demon king and even me, but not the sword falling from the ground?"

With that, Tang Long also took a look at the sword in his hand.

His eyes also fell on the sword, and his eyes immediately showed a ray of light: "what a sword, not only a magic weapon, but also contains a strong law of swallowing, with the strange function of swallowing spirits!"

"This sword is mine!" The general said immediately.

Tang long looked at the cutting sky to urge: "you explained this to me first!"

With a smile, vatian said: "the ancient Panlong array is a rare ancient array, which belongs to the summoning array. It contains the law of life and many kinds of strong prohibitions. After the ancient array was withdrawn, the pulling force that broke out from the big hole sucked and pulled the living spirits. Any existence with a living spirit can be sucked up, but ordinary things or Magic weapon and so on, but will not be sucked and pulled by this pulling force

Tang Long asked, "but when I cast the curse of natural disaster, luoshengmen will be sucked and pulled. Why?"

He said: "that's because luoshengmen is the spirit of your spirit, and the pulling force breaks out from the big hole. In this case, all the existence that blocks the pulling force will be sucked and pulled."

"I see." Tang Long nodded and finally understood the reason.

At this time, he took out the box he had just found and sent it to vatian's eyes. He said with a smile, "look, this is what I just picked up. You must be familiar with it when you look at it."

Seeing the box, vatian saw a surprise in his eyes: "isn't this box the same as the one you found in the wolf before?"

Xuanyuan Tianzhen said: "this is not the box, is it?"

"Of course not!" Tang Long said: "this box was dropped by the demon giant here."

"It seems that the man wolf and the demon giant here have got such a box," he guessed

"I'll open the box and have a look at it now," said Vader

Tang Long handed the box to vatian.

as like as two peas, the first time, the first day, the first day, the first day, the first day, the first day, the first day, the first day, the first day, the first day, the

was the first to take the box.

With that, he began to crack the seal on the box.

After a short time, the seal on the box was untied, and then vatian opened the box directly.

As expected, there was a broken scroll in the box.

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