Tang long looked at Moxiang Hongbo at this time. After thinking about it, Tang Long suddenly came up to Moxiang Hongbo and said a few words in his ear. Then he turned around and strode out: "let's go!"

The generals and ministers, the magic fragrance qingluan, as well as Tang Kuo and Fengyun thunder and lightning, all followed Tang long to go out.

When they arrived outside the city hall, Tang Long and they immediately flew to the outside of Pamir. In a flash, there was no trace.

Moxiang Hongbo stood at the gate of the mansion and watched Tang long. After they had gone away, he quickly returned to the living room.

He looked at his two men in the living room and said, "I'll go to the training room and come out in an hour. No one of you can go out. After I come out of the training room, I have something for you to do!"


The two men agreed respectfully.

Magic fragrance Hongbo no longer said more, turned to his training room in the mansion and hurried away.

Two of his men saw him leave, and one whispered to the other, "you go."

"Good!" Another should a, directly flash out of the door, toward the distance is in a hurry, the blink of an eye is no trace.

Tang Long and magic xiangqingluan fly high into the sky and fly out of the city. Looking at Tang long, the devil xiangqingluan asks curiously, "boss, what did you say to that Moxiang Hongbo before you came out?"

Tang Long indifferent way: "I told him, let him disappear immediately according to the way I told him, if not disappear, he will die immediately!"

"Why do you want to help him?" he asked curiously

Tang Long said: "it seems that he doesn't look like the man of magic incense van Loong. He held this wedding banquet here. After the event, the magic fragrance van Loong must find a person who carries the pot. Therefore, no matter what the outcome, he is dead. I don't think he will be so stupid. Unless he doesn't know about the whole thing and just acts according to orders, he won't do it!"

"If he knew the whole thing, he didn't dare to do it."

Tang long continued: "even if he is really the one who worships the great sacrifice of your family, and he has to be so stupid to seek his own death, then he will certainly listen to the words of the great sacrifice. In this case, no matter what I said to him before, he will not believe it, and his result will certainly be a death!"

After a pause, he he said with a smile: "listen to my words. In him, I said that sentence does no harm to me. If that sentence reaches the ears of magic van Loong, if they are a group, then this group of people will be estranged because of this sentence."

After listening to Tang Long's words, qingluan immediately admired Tang long.

She knew that Tang long had already thought of many possibilities in the short film before. If Moxiang Hongbo was not with Moxiang Fanlong, Tang Long really saved his life.

If moxa Hongbo is the man of magic fragrance and van Loong, Tang Long's words at least do no harm to them.

Mo Xiang qingluan thought to himself: "no wonder the generals listen to the boss so much. It seems that he is really not simple. So many people in the blood god hall have been cheated by him. Even if I stay in the Tang mansion every day, even though I already think he is very powerful, I am afraid I still underestimate him!"

Tang Long really thought a lot.

The words he said quietly to Moxiang Hongbo just now used gathering Qi to form a sound. He not only made Moxiang Hongbo disappear, but also made him disappear immediately after changing his appearance, so that he could stop breathing and hide in the vicinity of the city hall of magic incense.

The more dangerous the place, the safer!

This also prevents the magic fragrance Hongbo from disappearing forever, so that even the magic fragrance qingluan can't find him.

As long as moxa Hongbo seals his own strength and carefully hides it in a certain place, it is very difficult for anyone to find him, even if the magic incense van Loong can not find him.

Moreover, Tang Long also reminds Moxiang Hongbo that there must be people around him who have magic fragrance and van Loong. He must be watched all the time.

So his hiding, absolutely can't let anyone in the city Lord's house know!

Moxiang Hongbo doesn't need to hide for long. When the head of the family comes back, he can come out.

Tang Long needs Moxiang Hongbo to live, because Tang Long has predicted that there will be a big disturbance in the magic fragrance family soon!

To solve this storm, we need to have Moxiang Hongbo appear, which will make Moxiang qingluan less troublesome.

As he flew forward, Tang long thought to himself: "obviously, the Guangyao family or the Baili family have already made arrangements within the magic incense family. This time, Guangyao Canglong designed such a wedding banquet, and the Baili family also came to participate in it. In addition to shining Canglong's dark mind, I'm afraid there was the one I robbed of the Baili family last time The two thousand Dan division played a role in it

"In any case, as long as the magic incense family can survive this civil strife safely, it can be regarded as a good thing on the whole..." Tang long thought about it secretly.He hoped that the magic incense family would break with the Guangyao family.

This is obviously the best opportunity!

He doesn't need to push this opportunity at all. He just needs to let it develop, and everything will be as he wishes.

In the end, the magic incense family will break with the Guangyao family. I'm afraid the relationship between the two families will never be relaxed. Then the Tang family will not be hostile to the magic fragrance family in the future.

Tang Long didn't know about the head of the magic incense family and those who sacrificed to complete the mission of the blood god temple. He knew that before the head of the magic incense family and others did not return to the magic incense family, many things would happen to the magic incense family.

The distance from Pamir city to the blood demon holy city is not very far. According to the nearest route, they only need half a day to get to the blood demon holy city.

But Tang long did not intend to take the nearest route.

After flying all the way from Pamir city to a remote place, Tang Long stopped in the air.

He looked around and found no one chasing them, so he felt a little relieved.

The generals and their men all stopped.

The general looked at Tang Long and asked, "boss, why did you stop suddenly?"

Tang Long said: "I think that the magic incense van Loon must have arrangements near the city hall of magic incense. Since we are alive in the city hall of magic incense, the people of magic incense van Loon will immediately spread the news. They absolutely don't want us to live, but they will take action immediately!"

"Do you mean someone will come after us soon?"

"Yes." Tang Long nodded: "I expect that after a while, not only will some people come after us, but also the people who will come to kill us. Their strength must be very strong. Don't forget, there are not only magic fragrance van Loong, but also guangcang dragon and Baili Dengfeng also participate in it, and even human wolves!"

"What shall we do?" asked the magic fragrant qingluan

Tang Long said: "we are going in a direction that we can't hide from them, and they must be able to guess where we are going now. They also have a basic understanding of our comprehensive strength. Then the strength of the people they are chasing will be very strong and the flight speed will be very fast. Therefore, we must change our direction now!"

"Change direction?" asked the magic fragrance qingluan? Where are you going? "

Tang Long said: "from Pamir city to the blood demon holy city, in addition to the nearest road, what route can we get there?"

"There are still four roads to reach, the farthest way we need about three days, the medium road has a little more than one day."

"Let's go a little closer!" Tang Longdao.

Mo Xiang qingluan said: "a short way, a little more time a day to get to the holy city of blood demons."

"Let's go now!" Tang Long said in a deep voice: "you are familiar with the route in this area. You lead the way ahead."

"Good!" The magic fragrance green Luan nodded.

Then, she changed her direction and flew to the Far East of here.

Tang long, of course, they all flew in that direction.

From the route that Moxiang qingluan now said to fly, the road will pass through three cities, and then through a city's transmission hall, you can reach the blood demon holy city.

They flew forward in a hurry, and soon they were far away from where they had been before.

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