Tang long looked at Mo Xiang qingluan and said, "we are not going back to the holy city of blood demons. We are going to a desolate place where there is no one else. Only in this way can they not find us at all!"

The generals looked at the magic xiangqingluan and asked, "is there any desolate place that nobody goes to here?"

"From here to the west, it's an ancient jungle. Although it's not very desolate, it's just Warcraft. There's absolutely no one to go all year round. I'm sure they'll never think we'll go there!"

Tang Long asked, "what's the place after that jungle?"

Mo Xiang qingluan said: "after that jungle, it is a city in the whole world. It is no longer the city controlled by my blood temple. Moreover, the jungle is very large. Even if it is our strength, it will take at least three days to fly through the jungle!"

"Good!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction and made a decision: "we are going to the jungle now, and when we get to the depth of the jungle, we will take a detour back to Pamir city!"


Hearing what Tang Long said, everyone was stunned.

Tang Long wants to return to Pamir city!

Looking at their reaction, Tang Long smiles and explains, "when we go around the ancient jungle, they certainly can't think of it, and they will lose our trace completely. But they can judge from their death that we are on our way from here. They must think that we want to return to the Holy City of blood demons from this side. Therefore, at least they never expect that we are at this time You're going to make a detour back to Pamir

"However, what's the advantage of going to Pamir city?" asked Mo Xiang qingluan? They'll find us sooner or later! "

Tang Long laughs: "we don't go to the city. When we get to Pamir City, we go around Pamir City, and then we go back to the holy city of blood demon by the shortest way we have gone before!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, a flash of light flashed in the eyes of Mo Xiang qingluan: "at this time, no one would have thought that we would return, and then go on the nearest seemingly dangerous road. We must all think that we are still here, and the people there will transfer. Therefore, the nearest road, originally the most dangerous one, has become the safest one Yes

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded in favor and said, "we should seize the time. When they come this way, we are going back by detour. If we miss the time, they will never catch up with us again."

When Tang Long said this, they did not hesitate.

Mo Xiang qingluan is the most familiar with the terrain here, so she is still in the front. Tang Long and they all follow closely. They change their flight direction in the air and fly to the vast forest in the distance.

Along the way, Tang Long was always very careful, always exploring the surrounding movement.

There was no danger around.

They had been flying towards the jungle for about half an hour and had reached the depths of the jungle.

Tang Long calculated in his mind, and felt that the distance was almost the same. He asked the devil xiangqingluan to lead the way and fly back to Pamir city together.

In order to save physical strength and speed up the speed, the generals summoned the hell demon lion, and made the devil Xiang qingluan sit on the back of the hell devil lion. Of course, the generals and ministers also sat on the top. Moreover, Tang Kuo also summoned their own dragon to ride their own dragon on their way.

Tang Long summoned the golden winged Kunpeng and sat on the back of the golden winged Kunpeng to go on his way.

In this way, they not only speeded up their speed, but also had a good rest on the back of the mythical beast and recovered their vitality.

More than an hour later, taking advantage of the moonlight, they flew to the periphery of Pamir city. Of course, they did not enter the city. They directly bypassed Pamir city and flew from the nearest route to the holy city of blood demon!

There is not a long distance from here to the holy city of blood demons. If they fly as fast as possible, they will arrive at the holy city of blood demons in the early morning!

They will pass through a city before they arrive at the holy city of blood demons. They have to go through the transmission Hall of that city before they can return to the holy city of blood demons.

There was no danger on the next road. They flew all the way smoothly. They had safely arrived at the city leading to the holy city of blood demon: Shen'an city.

Shenan city has a transmission array leading to the holy city of blood demons.

They didn't go to town immediately.

When they landed in the secluded place outside Shenan City, they all collected their sacred animals. Tang long looked at the magic fragrance qingluan and said, "if I am a magic incense van Loon or a shining Cang dragon, even if I know I won't come here, I will arrange people here, at least one who has the ability to kill me, which makes it difficult for us to pass through here!"

"What shall we do?" said the evil fragrant qingluan with a frown? If we don't go through the transmission hall, we will have to travel for at least five days to go back to the holy city of blood demons. There will be enough time for them to lay a net around the holy city of blood demons! "

Tang Long said: "I've already figured out a way to deal with this, so you don't have to worry about it at all.""What do you have in mind?" asked Mo Xiangqing Luan

Tang Long said: "next, you don't care about me, and then wait for me in the distance outside the transmission Hall of Shen'an city. If there are people in the transmission hall, I have my own way to attract the people in the transmission hall away!"

"Do you want to attract the enemy? What if something happens? "

Tang Long laughs: "I still have a rune on my body, so there is no problem for me to escape myself. As long as you go back safely, I can go back soon!"

The generals and ministers knew that Tang long had the means of huixinmen. He knew that as long as they could safely go back to the holy city of blood demons, Tang long would still be able to go back quickly through Huixin gate, and there would be no great danger.

And for Tang Long's ability, generals and ministers are also very confident.

He looked at the magic fragrance qingluan and said, "qingluan, listen to the boss. Since he said so, we will do it. Don't worry, the safety of the boss will not be a problem!"

After listening to the general's remarks, he had no choice but to agree to let Tang long take risks alone.

Tang Long said: "with your strength, if you completely astringe the breath and hide carefully, hide in the place 2000 meters away from the transmission hall, the people in the transmission hall will not find you."

"Well." Mo Xiang qingluan nodded: "such a distance, and in such a city, as long as we are as careful as possible, even if Tianzu is hidden in the transmission hall over there, we will certainly not be found."

Tang Long said: "you are ready. When you hear my roar, you will immediately go to the transmission hall as carefully as possible, and then leave immediately. When you arrive at the holy city of blood demons, they will not dare to act rashly, and you will be safe!"

"Good!" The generals and ministers agreed together.

Tang long looked at the generals and told them: "even if I attract the enemy to leave, you must be careful. Qingluan's safety will be handed over to you!"

"Don't worry." "I will guarantee their safety," he said solemnly

Tang long no longer said much, and quickly went to the distance, and soon completely disappeared in front of them.

The evil fragrance Qing Luan still a little uneasy, looking at the general: "husband, the eldest brother really will be ok?"

"Don't worry, the boss will be OK!" The generals and ministers were full of confidence.

After listening to the general's remarks, Mo Xiang qingluan was also a little relieved. He tried his best to restrain his breath. He went into the city carefully with the generals and ministers. Then he hid himself carefully in a place more than 3000 meters away from the city's transmission hall.

They don't dare to be too close to the transmission hall. After all, the senior warriors of dizu have strong detection ability, while those of Tianzu are stronger. They should ensure absolute safety!

So far away, they are careful to hide, there will not be much problem.

Tang Long has also arrived in this city. If the transmission hall is taken as the center, he is now in the opposite direction with Moxiang qingluan.

He is in the east of the transmission hall, about 2000 meters away from the transmission hall, and they are in the west of the transmission hall, about 3000 meters away from the transmission hall.

Trying to restrain his breath, Tang Long walked slowly along a street in Shen'an City, and soon saw an inn.

At this time, it was almost dawn, and the inn was still open for business.

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