Tang Long nodded and looked at Mo Xiang qingluan and said solemnly: "I have already thought of this. In order to protect himself and for his own ambition, the magic fragrance van Loon will probably use the power of the Guangyao family and the Baili family to make civil strife in the magic incense family and seize the opportunity to seize power."

Mo Xiang qingluan said: "the head of my family and several powerful offerings are not there. The capture of power by magic fragrance van Loon is likely to succeed!"

Tang Long said: "the most important thing is that the patriarch of your family has been transferred from the blood god's temple. This matter is likely to be the ghost of the Baili family and the Guangyao family. They may know where the owners of your family are and where they are worshipped."

Hearing Tang Long's words, Mo Xiang qingluan was more worried: "do you mean these guys will attack our master?"

Tang Long said: "this may not be very likely. I know that the comprehensive strength of your magic incense family is not weak, and the strength of your clan leaders and those worshippers is absolutely not weak, and there is no absolute assurance. At this time, when the blood god temple is at war with the whole world, the Guangyao family and the hundred Li family dare not go too far!"

After a pause, he continued: "however, this time their action failed. It's hard to say. Even if they send someone to ambush and attack your patriarch, they will be greatly damaged when they come back. They can't change the situation of the magic incense family. When your family is under the control of magic incense van Loon, everything will be over!"

"What should I do now? My strength is too weak. If I go back to my family now, or go back to the place where the magic incense family works in the holy city of blood demons, I am afraid I will be caught by the magic incense van Loon immediately! "

Tang Long said: "the only way for you is to go to the blood temple!"

"To the temple of blood?" The evil fragrance qingluan was stunned.

Tang Long said: "if you go to the blood temple, and go with Tang Kuo, it's better to have Xiuli Changhe and Dongguo wild wolf. When they come to the blood temple, you will pierce the matter in the blood temple, and say that the head of your family and the offering go out to complete the task of the blood god temple. However, the family is mischievous and calculated by Guangyao family and Baili family!"

"However, what if the Guangyao family and the Baili family don't recognize it?" said Mo Xiang qingluan

Tang Long said: "you don't need them to admit that, as long as the blood temple can come out during this period of time to ensure that the Guangyao family and the Baili family do not participate in the internal fight of your family, the magic incense van Loon will not be great!"

After a pause, he snorted coldly: "besides, do you think the present Danshi League is useless? Do you think those families in danmeng can't give you any help? "

Hearing Tang Long's words, the eyes of magic fragrant qingluan immediately showed a thick joy!

She knew that with Tang Long's method, her family's problems would be solved immediately, and even could be solved with overwhelming force.

Her heart more and more admire Tang long.

Originally, she felt that the problem was very difficult. Unexpectedly, in a short time, Tang Long gave her a thorough solution, and even solved some subsequent troubles. She wanted to solve the internal crisis of the magic incense family together!

"Thank you, boss." She looked at Tang Long's sincere way.

Tang Long smiles and is very happy in his heart.

He knew that after this incident, the internal problems of Moxiang family could be completely solved, and the status of Moxiang qingluan in Moxiang family would be higher.

From then on, the relationship between Moxiang family and Danshi alliance will be more close, and the relationship with Baili family and Guangyao family will be worse!

"Qingluan, let's start now!" Tang Long said, his eyes fell on the generals: "you now go to Xiuli mansion in person, and Dongguo mansion. Please leave Changhe and Dongguo wolf and say I have something urgent to ask them to help!"

"Yes The general and Minister agreed, and his figure flashed. He had already been outside the living room. He flew up into the air and went away quickly.

Tang long looked at Tang Kuo and Fengyun thunder and lightning: "you go to Danshi League and danmeng immediately, tell the matter, and let the ten princes, as well as several families of Dan League, gather together and go to the mansion of the magic incense family in the holy city of blood demons!"

"Yes Tang Kuo and they agreed, but also in a hurry.

Tang long looked at the demon xiangqingluan: "you can't go out now. Let's study it carefully. When you get to the blood temple, how do you explain the whole thing to the Venerable Master of the blood temple? We must conceal the matter when we go to the strange space to save the dragon. It is just a sealed space."

After a pause, he continued: "you go to the blood temple, and the ultimate goal is to let the venerable speak, let the superior give orders, and prevent the Baili family and the Guangyao family from participating in the internal struggle of your family!"

"Well." The magic fragrance green Luan nodded.

She also knows that this matter is extremely important. If the mysterious Zun of the blood temple can speak, and the Guangyao family and the Baili family are not allowed to participate in the internal strife of the magic incense family, then this matter will be regarded as a success.

Moreover, once the head of the magic incense family and others happened outside, the matter would be counted on the Baili family and the Guangyao family.Now the blood temple is at war with the whole world. Once this kind of infighting happens, and the magic incense family still holds the truth. No matter how you do, you can never take sides with the Baili family and the Guangyao family.

If this is done, it will make the magic incense family's people who are on duty outside more secure, and let the Guangyao family and the Baili family dare not act rashly.

This also can let the magic fragrant Qing Luan can more quickly clear the family's internal strife!

Tang long looked at the magic xiangqingluan and said, "when you go to the blood temple, you must remember that the matter of man and wolf must be magnified. Moreover, this is the man wolf brought by the Baili family or the Guangyao family."

"However, that man wolf is one of the ten dead men, and those dead men are members of my magic fragrance family!" she frowned

Tang Long smiles: "all the dead men are dead. More importantly, the whole thing is directed by magic incense van Loong. You can firmly affirm that those dead men were trained by magic fragrance van Loong, and the Guangyao family and Baili family are the people behind the scenes. They cooperate with magic fragrance van Loong. Can man wolf and them get rid of the relationship?"

"That's true." The magic fragrance green Luan nodded.

Tang long continued: "as long as you explain in the blood temple that the matter of man and wolf is inseparable from Baili family and Guangyao family, let this matter fall on the head of Baili family and Guangyao family. Even if they don't admit it, you can also make a strong statement. Surely the superior will let them prove their innocence and find out about the man wolf, and they can't refuse it!"

In the eyes of the Tang family, the most dangerous thing for them to do is to keep away from the evil spirits of the Tang family

Tang Long nodded his head and said with a smile, "you have to say that there are demonic powers in man wolves!"

"Devil power?" The evil fragrance qingluan was stunned.

Tang Long said: "you don't know a lot about the devil's power. You can't say a lot before you get to Zun. You can say that the black evil energy broke out from the man wolf. That's enough. It must be the most feared thing in the blood temple."

After a pause, he complacently said: "as long as the devil power is related to the Baili family and the Guangyao family, the development of this matter will be very interesting!"

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