The people of Tianya Haige are on such an island. If the evil spirit sect comes to attack Tianya Haige, all of them are so strong and super strong. Once the island is broken, will those weak people on the island be very dangerous!

How can there be no weak warrior in Tianya Haige?!

"I hope they have a teleportation array or a space wormhole, or else, Tianya Haige will be bad!"

Tang long thought in his heart and continued to fly forward.

Now, of course, he became very cautious.

After all, he is not clear about the specific situation of the battle ahead. He can only detect the strength of those who are fighting fiercely, and the worst is the strength of Tianzu Yizhong realm!

Such a fierce battle, even if he had gone, it was impossible for him to help!

The most important thing is that such a strong man came to attack Tianya Haige suddenly. Even though Qianji Baiyu got the information earlier, he went back to report the news and mobilized people. When Qianji Baiyu came with Meng Haoran, it took a long time. After all, it was too far away!

For such a long time, when Meng Haoran comes, I'm afraid Tianya Haige has already been very tragic!

So Tang Long knows that the situation in Tianya Haige is not optimistic.

"I hope Tianya Haige can support that long."

Tang long could only think about the situation of Tianya Haige in a good way, and continued to fly forward very carefully. He saw that he had flown forward nearly 50000 meters.

At this time, the roar of the sky was like thunder in his ears.

Looking forward from here, the vast sea ahead has been constantly swept up by the momentum of the sky, the sea waves, flying thousands of meters high!

On this kilometer above, the sound of a thunderous roar continued to come.

The rolling power of blood demons is sweeping all kinds of powerful and incomparable energy, which is sweeping towards all directions.

Even though the strength of Tang Long's half step dizu realm at this time, even though he was still far away from the battle place, he felt the impact of the powerful and incomparable strength and strong wind. He had to gather strong energy to resist it!

"What a fierce attack, it is worthy of being a strong one in Tianzu's realm."

He thought to himself, landing a little toward the sea below, flying close to the sea, and moving forward carefully.

At this time, the sea surface is always sweeping the torrent. The rolling waves are rolled up by the powerful force. The whole sea level is constantly depressed by the bombardment in the place of fierce fighting. From there, more than 1000 meters of stormy waves have been raised!

Over there, the whole sea, the whole sky, are constantly broken by the powerful force!

"The battle of Tianzu strongmen is not a joke. Fortunately, it is on such a sea. If it was in a city, the city would not exist for a long time and become a big pit!"

Tang Long explored a strong breath from the air and explored the surrounding areas. Because he was still flying forward, he was getting closer and closer to the war. He could also explore the situation of the war more and more clearly.

"There are so many people in the blood god temple. Moreover, the strong men of Tianzu realm obviously cooperate with each other very well. They all set up an array together!"

"How powerful are the attack arrays arranged by so many Tianzu strongmen!"

"No, Meng Haoran, they are all trapped in the array. It's very difficult to break through. How could this happen?"


Tang Long explored the crazy battle in the high altitude in the distance, and explored the situation there. He was already very worried.

He found that the number of powerful people in Tianzu realm of the blood god temple was so large that it even exceeded 50. What a terrible battle power such a joint attack of more than 50 Tianzu strongmen was!

Such a powerful and terrifying fighting force and so many people, they were even arranged into a huge array, which enhanced the strength of these people, and completely surrounded Meng Haoran and controlled them in the array!

Meng Haoran, although they are also strong in Tianzu, they can't break out of the attack circle of the evil spirit sect even though they try their best at this time!

All over the sky over there, the space is constantly being bombarded and distorted violently.

Tang Long knows that if the battle goes on, Meng Haoran will die!

"I have to find a way to let Meng Haoran break out of this array. With their strength, as long as they can break through the array, they will be able to escape. Otherwise, with a long time, their vitality will be exhausted, and everything will be over!"

Tang Long doesn't want to think about Meng Haoran. Whether their actions can cause casualties to the evil spirit sect this time, the attack of the evil spirit sect is really too strong!

His only hope is that Meng Haoran can escape safely, that's all!

"The martial arts of the evil spirit sect here are all the strong ones in Tianzu realm. My strength at this time is too weak. Even if I use the power of blood demons to go there and be found out by those people of the evil spirit sect, those people will doubted me.""If you don't get close to those people of the evil spirit sect, how can you break the array they set up?"

"With the strength of my half step dizu realm at this time, even if I have passed, I will certainly not be able to break this array and rescue Meng Haoran even if I pass by and face the attack array arranged by those Tianzu strongmen in the blood temple!"

Tang Long was in a dilemma.

All of a sudden, he had a flash in his mind and thought of a possibility!

If there are several super strong people who attack the evil spirit sect from the outside of the array, the array arranged by the evil spirit sect will be broken more easily.

"If we look for the strong people in Tianzu realm to help me, it is certainly difficult to find, but now I am not totally helpless!"

Tang long thought of the 80 dragons and 40 Phoenix that he had rescued from the space of heterotopia!

"It's been so many days, and these beasts have been cultivated in their bags for such a long time, and all the death formations on these beasts have been removed. Even if the combat power has not been fully recovered, I believe it has recovered a lot."

"I hope these animals don't let me down!"

Tang long thought to himself, turned his head and looked around, and then flew far away.

Although the spirit is still roaring and the waves are surging, this place is far away from the place where the battle was before.

Tang Long ting on the sea, his strength burst out to resist the strong momentum around him, and then he directly took out an ownerless beast bag.

Holding the bag, he directly moved his mind, and a god beast in the bag appeared in front of him.

This is a dragon, but also a dragon that has grown into an ancient beast.

When the Dragon comes out of the bag, it becomes a human.

The old man turned into a dragon looked at Tang Long and heard the thundering sound in the distance. His eyes suddenly showed a very obvious surprise: "what's the matter with this place? And who are you? Why haven't I met you? "

Tang Zhitong made an explanation and thought of using his magic power.

After explaining his appearance clearly, he said to the Dragon: "there is an accident in this place. The people in the blood temple are attacking the surrounded Tianzu strongmen in the whole world. These people in the blood temple are very powerful, and they have arranged a powerful attack attack to surround all the warriors."

After a pause, he continued: "I have to find a way to rescue these surrounded warriors. They will all be the backbone of the resistance to the blood demon ancestor in the future."

Hearing Tang Long's words, the Dragon old man's eyes also immediately showed a touch of dignified.

Of course, the Dragon knows the name of blood demon ancestor.

The destruction of the dragon clan is caused by the blood demon ancestor's people. Therefore, any enemy of the blood demon ancestor, the dragon will regard it as his friend and will choose to help.

"What do you want me to do?" The Dragon old man looked at Tang long, and his eyes were resolute: "as long as I can help, I will try my best." , the fastest update of the webnovel!