Some of them are warriors from Tianya Haige, others are from other parts of the world who come to support Tianya Haige.

Tang Long has a general look at the situation of these warriors. From their current state, he can see that some of them are seriously injured and must be treated immediately.

Qianji Baiyu has already been beside Tang Long and said nervously, "quick, you can explore their injuries first!"

"Good!" Naturally, Tang long would not refuse Qianji Baiyu's request.

He promised that he had gone to the side of the wounded soldiers, and then began to seriously explore the situation of these seriously injured warriors.

Soon he was able to explore the wounds of the seriously wounded soldiers.

Among these seriously injured warriors, many of them are seriously injured, but fortunately, they are not injured for a long time, and their strength is very strong and their recovery ability is also very strong.

With Tang Long's ability at this time and his healing ability, it is not difficult to control the internal injuries of these warriors.

However, the internal injuries of these warriors are very serious, and some people's feelings have been interrupted. Obviously, it will take a long time to recover.

Tang long looked at Qianji Baiyu and said: "let them take my elixir, and then I will help them with huangquan Shenzhen. In less than an hour, their injuries can be controlled. There is absolutely no danger in their lives. If you want to recover completely, you must have a good rest for at least a week."

Thousand machine white feather even busy way: "first control their injuries again."

Meng Haoran followed: "although this place is safe for the time being, it is also necessary to prevent accidents. This is the place controlled by the people of the evil spirit sect. They should not think that we are here for the time being. But those people of the evil spirit sect may still find out here soon, so we can't stay here for a long time. "

Tang Long took out a box, in which were all his healing elixirs.

Of course, these healing elixirs are not ordinary Jinchuang pills. They are all made of precious healing elixirs he got before. Of course, the value of these elixirs is very high.

They all took an elixir, and then Tang Long condensed the huangquan needle and began to heal them.

In a hurry, more than an hour has passed.

Under the treatment of Tang long, the internal injuries of these martial artists have been improved a lot, and the originally pale state on their faces has become much more relaxed.

Tang Long treated and played with the injuries of these seriously injured martial artists. Looking at Qianji Baiyu, he said, "master Qianji, I still need to explore the vitality of these other people you brought, and treat their injuries to ensure that they are safe and sound!"

He did this mainly to prevent internal problems.

Although he also knows that these people should not have problems, there should be no blood Temple people mixed in.

But I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, in case some of these people happen and are swallowed up, the spirits mix with these people, then all the people here will be in great danger!

So Tang long did not dare to be careless.

Tang Long has checked the situation of those martial artists who were treated by Tang long just now. Now Tang Long wants to explore those martial artists who seem to be in good condition and are sitting beside them to recover their vitality.

Qianji Baiyu and Meng Haoran all know the importance of this matter and nodded at the beginning.

Then, Qianji Baiyu turned their heads and looked at several martial artists who were practicing and recovering their vitality and said, "Tang Long needs to explore your situation to see if you have internal injuries or hidden dangers, so as to help you treat them."

After hearing what Qianji Baiyu said, these practitioners nodded at the beginning.

They were rescued by Qianji Baiyu and others. At this time, Qianji Baiyu was obviously kind-hearted. How could they doubt it.

Seeing that they nodded, Qianji Baiyu didn't say anything more. He was also very satisfied. If these people didn't want Tang long to explore, he still needed to say something more!

Now that's not the case.

Tang Long went over and explored their situation.

These people had been fighting for a long time before, but in fact, they had slight internal injuries.

Fortunately, none of them is from the blood demon world. This also makes Tang Long feel at ease.

Tang Long helped them to recover as soon as possible.

Their internal injury is not very serious, through the treatment of Tang long, it will not be long before their internal injury can be basically recovered.

Meng Haoran did not have much problem. After all, when they went to support, they suddenly launched an attack on the people of the evil spirit sect. Although they were trapped in the array by those people in the blood temple, they were only consumed a lot of energy and were not hurt at that time.

The people of Tianya Haige were attacked before. Those who survived by chance actually suffered internal injuries when Meng Haoran supported them in the past.

They all felt lucky to be able to escape safely.Tang Long treated all the internal injuries here and looked at Qianji Baiyu and said, "master, since we can't stay here for a long time, we are going to leave now?"

Qianji Baiyu frowned: "it's OK for us to get on the way, but these seriously injured people still need a good rest."

"Let them have a good rest, that's OK!" Tang Long said: "I have a fast fortress. These people can sit in it!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Meng Haoran and Qianji Baiyu immediately saw a touch of joy in their eyes.

They all know that Tang Long has a fast fortress.

Last time, they and Tang Long went to rescue the Danshi who were escorted by the Baili family. That time, Tang long used the rapid fortress and the air fortress, which quickly took so many Dan division to LingXiao palace.

And that time, Meng Haoran and they all learned to open a fast fortress.

However, Meng Haoran didn't know that Tang long, a fast fortress, had been studied for the fourth generation, and the fourth generation of rapid fortress was about to be studied. At this time, Tang Long's sky sealing flag was only the second generation of rapid fortress.

Qianji Baiyu knew very well that Tang long had important bases in other places besides LingXiao palace and batian city.

Now they don't ask Tang Long much about it, and they trust him very much.

Looking at the soldiers rescued from Tianya Haige, Qianji Baiyu said: "this place is still controlled by the evil spirit sect after all. We will leave together now and go to LingXiao palace. You can rest assured that the seriously injured will not be very lucky on the way."

Hearing Qianji Baiyu's words, these warriors in Tianya Haige looked at each other and nodded at the beginning.

Some of them are from Tianya Haige, some from other places who have come to Tianya Haige to help. Some of them are helpers invited by Tianya Haige some time ago.

A large number of people were rescued, a total of 13!

And these people are also the strength of Tianzu realm, but most of them are the junior and intermediate strength of Tianzu. There are only two senior Tianzu people.

Thirteen heavenly ancestors come to LingXiao palace together, which can improve the comprehensive strength of Lingxiao temple.

After that, they still want to go back to the God of heaven.

Then they all leave the cave together.

Outside, Qianji Baiyu explored the surrounding situation and found no danger. Qianji Baiyu looked at Tang Long and asked, "where is your fast fortress?"

Tang Long didn't say much. When he moved his mind, he called out the fast fortress in the flag.

These people in Tianya Haige have never seen such a big guy.

One by one, they looked at the rapid fortress in front of them, and their eyes were full of obvious curiosity. One of them looked at Qianji Baiyu and asked, "what is this thing? Is it a weapon? If it's a weapon, how can it be used so bulky? "

"It's not a weapon." "This thing is called the rapid fortress. It's Tang Long's thing. It can take everyone off and fly very fast."

Meng Haoran then explained: "we sit on this rapid fortress. The rapid fortress flies to the height of tens of thousands of meters. The seriously injured people can have a good rest in the rapid fortress, and we can make our way easier. In addition, the rapid fortress can open the isolation boundary and isolate our breath. As long as we pay attention, as long as we don't meet the super strong people in the blood god temple, one There will be no great danger on the way. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!