Guangyao Yunshan looked at Guangyao Canglong and said in a deep voice: "therefore, to defeat the Tang mansion, you must first know the comprehensive strength of those people in the Tang mansion, and understand their strengths, including Tang long, generals and ministers, Tang Kuo, etc."

Guangyao Canglong said: "the Tang Dynasty lacks their strength, but the strength of the generals and ministers is too strong, which is obviously much stronger than I know!"

Guangyao Yunshan said in a cold voice, "what about the Tang dragon? Do you know the strength of Tang Long? "

"At the wedding banquet, Tang Long didn't make a move, but the child had information about his strength." After a pause, Guangyao Canglong frowned and said, "it's just that this information is not true."

"How can Tang Long's information be false?" asked Guangyao Yunshan

Guangyao Canglong said: "yesterday, my child went to inquire about Baili Dengfeng. He told me that the warrior of Tianzu Erzhong arranged by their family in the transmission hall told him that Tang long had escaped from the hand of the warrior of that day's ancestral dual realm. Tang Long's strength at that time was half step dizu realm!"

"Banbudizu!" Guangyao Yunshan frowned fiercely: "is the strength of the Tang dragon so strong?"

"Yes." Guangyao Canglong nodded positively and said, "this is the message that the hundred Li family got. It was discovered by the warrior of zuerzhong that day. There can be no mistake!"

"It seems that we have always underestimated our opponents!" Guangyao Yunshan frowned: "Canglong, I'll give you another chance. This time, you must find out the strength of Tang long before you arrange the means. You must be sure that everything is safe!"

After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "remember, to take advantage of Gao Tianye's relationship, his man wolf is very powerful. We were afraid we underestimated him before."

"I see!" Guangyao Canglong nodded: "boy, first try to test Tang Long's comprehensive combat power, and then set up a bureau to kill him. Although I already know that he is a half step ancestor's strength, I still have to personally verify. I want to verify all his abilities this time!"

"Well." Guangyao Yunshan nodded with satisfaction: "you are right to do this. Anything that you check out by means of information may go wrong. Only if you personally prove it, is the safest."

The reason why Guangyao Yunshan has to give Guangyao Canglong a chance is that he also wants to deal with the Tang government.

The chance of cooperation between tangfudan SHIMENG and Guangyao family no longer exists!

In order to ensure the rapid development of the Guangyao family, Guangyao Yunshan must destroy the Tang Dynasty, otherwise the Danshi alliance will become stronger and stronger, and the families cooperating with Danshi alliance will become stronger and stronger. Any of these families will pose a great threat to the power of Guangyao family.

Therefore, even if Tang Long of Tang Dynasty doesn't care about power, he must kill Tang Long and destroy Tang Fu!

In the next few days, the holy city of blood demon was calm.

The Tang mansion in the holy city of blood demons has always been quiet these days.

Tang Fu, the city of genius, is also quiet these days.

First of all, he went back to the city to find him.

The tower of time he has taken back.

Shi daokong has already seen him. The time to go to the imperial heaven pool can be delayed for another two days.

Two days later, he will go with shidaokong to Huangtian holy pool. He asked shidaokong for the time of these two days, because he still needs to prepare some things, whether it's the batian City, the LingXiao god palace, or the blood devil holy city.

Those Shenlong and Phoenix rescued by Tang long have been sent to the pocket world to recover.

Although the heaven holy pool is also good for the growth of the beast, it is useless for the injured beast to recover the internal injury.

Therefore, it is not necessary to go to the heaven and the holy pool when they grow to the top.

The rest of the Tang Clan Dragon, as well as those who did not grow up to adulthood, of course, will be taken by Tang long this time to get benefits in the imperial heaven holy pool.

In addition, there are the Dragon guards of the Tang Dynasty, the heavenly daughters of the Tang clan and so on.

All of these people are going to the holy pond.

Tang Long doesn't have to worry too much about arranging these things. Dongfang bing'er and Beigong Xianer are in the blood demon holy city and the city of genius. He only deals with some things here, so as to avoid some troubles after he "closes down".

It's been a day in the blood devil holy city.

The day after tomorrow, we will go to the imperial heaven pool.

Tomorrow, Beigong Xianer and Dongfang binger will leave early. Tang long stays at the back. After all, he can catch up with him quickly through some methods.

This evening, Dongfang binger and Beigong Xianer accompanied Tang Long and chatted in the hall of Tang mansion, the holy city of blood demons.

The magic fragrance qingluan and autumn Li Ruoshui are also here.

After listening to this period of time, Tang long felt that the girl was really capable of solving the internal troubles of the family.

He looked at Mo Xiang qingluan and asked, "when will the head of your family come back? No news at all? ""No "However, I have also gone to the blood temple to find someone to inquire about it. I heard that our master and others went out this time, not to do anything very dangerous, but to get something for the venerable of the blood temple, which may come back in seven or eight days."

Tang Long said: "during this period of time, bing'er and xian'er are going to go out to do something. Tang Fu, the holy city of blood demons, will be handed over to you and your generals."

"Don't worry, we will deal with the matter well," said Mo Xiang qingluan

Just then, a warrior of the dead ghost group came in, looked at Tang Long and said, "young master, someone has come and sent an invitation card!"

"Invitation?" Tang Long frowned: "who's here? What kind of invitation did you send? "

He will go to the imperial heaven and holy pool the day after tomorrow. At this time, who will send any invitation? He doesn't have so much time to delay here.

The warrior of the dead ghost team said, "it's a heavenly elder from the blood god's temple. He said that he was the elder of the God medicine Pavilion."

"Shenyao pavilion?" Tang Long curiously said: "is it in charge of the blood god Hall medicine storehouse?"

"I don't know." "This man has been waiting at the door," said the warrior of the dead ghost team

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the magic fragrance qingluan: "what kind of existence is the blood god hall and the God medicine pavilion?"? Is it good? "

"The Shenyao Pavilion is the Department in the blood temple that controls all kinds of medicinal materials in the blood temple. It also controls some Dan masters, and even controls all the miraculous elixirs preserved in the blood temple. It has a high status."

Listen to the magic xiangqingluan so said, Tang Long suddenly slightly frowned: "this kind of person suddenly came to me, I'm afraid it's nothing good."

But in any case, it is obvious that the Tianchang of the Shenyao Pavilion is of high status. Moreover, it is the first time that people come to the door and send invitation cards. Of course, it is impossible for Tang long to exclude such people.

"Invite him in." He looked at the warrior way of the dead ghost troop.

"Yes." The warrior of the dead ghost group agreed, turned and left. It was not long before he came in with a warrior who looked like forty-eight or eight. , the fastest update of the webnovel!