"Tianyuntai is actually the entrance of a place, which is the entrance to the hole of time and space. In that hole of time and space, there are a lot of supernatural conditions. You can feel and practice in it, and you can realize various laws as quickly as possible!" said Mo Xiang qingluan

After a pause, Mo Xiang qingluan continued: "however, there are great restrictions there. The warriors below dizu's realm basically have no chance to go to tianyuntai. Even if they are warriors above dizu's realm, they must strive for opportunities to go to tianyuntai. Tianzu can't go to tianyuntai's hole of time and space!"

Tang Long said, "is Yuntai the responsibility of Guangyao family?"

"Yes." Mo Xiang qingluan said: "tianyuntai is opened once every thousand years, and only 200 warriors are allowed to enter the realm of dizu each time. The number of these 200 people is obviously very limited, which requires the efforts of all major families. In addition, there will be a great competition among the wandering warriors from the blood demon kingdom. This competition is the responsibility of the Guangyao family."

"I see!"

After hearing this, Tang Long finally knew that there was such a thing in tianyuntai.

Mo xiangqingluan continued: "I heard that as long as the strong dizu who went to tianyuntai, as long as there was no accident, a large part of them would grow up to Tianzu realm, and after reaching Tianzu realm, they would understand the very strong law of heaven and earth, and become the existence of extremely strong combat power in Tianzu!"

"It seems that Yuntai must go on that day." Tang Longman was full of expectation. He stopped and asked, "Guangyao Canglong said, give me this opportunity. Doesn't Guangyao family need this competition?"

Mo Xiang qingluan said: "of course, the martial arts of Guangyao family also want to have this competition. However, the competition is controlled by a lot of rules. A family can't go more than two people, but the Guangyao family can have one more quota, and the extra quota is not required to be tested!"

Tang Long said happily: "I have got an extra place in the Guangyao family. So I can go to tianyuntai directly without taking part in the competition?"

The magic fragrant green Luan nodded: "it is really like this."

Tang Long asked, "when will the competition begin? Are there any special rules? "

Mo Xiang qingluan said: "the rules of the competition are very strict, and there are many categories. I don't know about the details. After all, I have never participated in the competition. I only know that the competition in Yuntai is a very important means for the blood temple to cultivate super strong people. One half of the 200 places are selected from the big families, and the other half are the free warriors from the blood temple! ”

next, Mo Xiang qingluan briefly introduced tianyuntai to Tang long. Several people chatted casually in the living room.

At this time in LingXiao palace, xunkong, they were already studying something.

They have already made a decision before, want to take the Qinglong city as the center, go to attract the strong people of the blood temple in all directions.

Their plan was delayed for a period of time because of the Tianya Haige affair and the emperor's holy pond affair.

Now that those things have been dealt with, they will certainly begin to carry out the most important project.

At this time, in the holy city of blood demons, the blood god temple had another plan for the whole world.

This plan includes the dantai family, including the celestial burial family and the magic incense family!

And also includes the Zhong Li family!

In other words, the families most closely related to the Tang Dynasty are all in the plan of the blood god temple this time.

Zhong Li, Cangwu and others have been called back to the blood temple.

On the main hall of the blood temple, the head of the celestial burial family and the head of the Zhongli family have all stood on the main hall of the blood god hall, standing in front of the statue.

In front of the blood temple, among the strange blood red energy crystal stones, the mysterious figure of zunshang appeared: "I heard that during this period of time, you did well in batian city in the great world?"

Chi Peng, the head of the family of celestial burials, hastily made a very respectful look: "thanks to the decision of the Lord, we have basically solved the problem of the evil spirit alliance when we arrived in batian City, and the possible chaos of the evil spirit alliance has basically disappeared!"

Zhong Li Cangwu, the owner of the Zhongli family, followed closely: "however, after all, many people in the evil spirit League took the blood evil pill before, and there are still many problems in the follow-up, which need us to deal with slowly and further!"

Zunshang said: "you have done a very good job in batian city. Otherwise, the evil spirit alliance will certainly bring great trouble to the evil spirit sect and delay our many things."

After a pause, he said, "at present, you can deal with the affairs of batian city slowly, but there is one thing you need to do right away!"

"What's the matter?" Asked the red Peng.

Venerable said: "in the East and west of the great thousand world, we have used a large number of strong men, and are comprehensively strangling the super clan and super family of the great thousand world. Now, in the South and North, we need the heavenly ancestors of your families to go. Because of some unexpected situation, I need to finish the war of the great thousand world as soon as possible!"After hearing this, they were in a dilemma.

When they went to batian City, they didn't want their families to participate in the great war.

But now, the Lord has this order!

Can they disobey this order?

If they didn't know who the Buddha was before, now they have at least a basic guess on this statue. This statue is likely to be the blood demon ancestor, at least a mysterious incarnation of the blood demon ancestor.

Such existence, even with their strength, is not an opponent at all.

What's more, they don't dare to say anything at all now, which will damage their long-term plan!

The red Peng of celestial burial hesitated for a moment, looked at zunshang and said: "Reverend, our plan before was to use the batian city as the center, and try to make the people of the whole world believe us, so as to use a kind of soft means to let the people of the great world join us, so that we can disintegrate the resistance forces from the interior of the great Millennium World!"

Venerable said: "I know your plan, so I gave you this mission. I got a reward. I divided the five combat areas. The southern area of Daqianshijie is a very important place. Before, there were few arrangements for my blood temple there. You need to think about ways to help me solve the problems there."

After a pause, he said in a deep voice: "this matter has been settled. You go to discuss and gather the strong men of your family. After a week, you can start to solve the problem of Southern District for me as quickly as possible no matter what method is used."

Hearing the emperor's final decision, they immediately knew that this matter could not be changed.

They had no choice but to follow his orders.

They are very clear in their hearts that it must be something that some of their opponents have said in front of Zun, obviously to take advantage of this incident to give them a blow to these families.

At this time, the venerable continued: "by the way, I heard that you have a good relationship with the Tang clan, and there are many cooperative families in the Dan League. You can ask the warriors of those families to go to the battlefield in the Southern District to help you. I am fully responsible for this matter. The ten families cooperating with danmeng will be completely dispatched by your four families In a word, you must take down the battlefield in the Southern District of Daqian world as soon as possible! "

"Yes They had to promise to bury Chi Peng together.

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