In this case, Tang long can only defend and cannot attack.

"This is the power of the sky cloud law possessed by the Shura troll. Obviously, it contains a strong field law!"

"The law of the field!" Tang Long frowned: "what is the domain rule?"

"The law of the realm is the rule of using the force of the ancient taboo law, which is basically impossible to understand. In this field of law, the power of this law is infinitely powerful and almost invincible!"

The demon of death followed: "even if your strength is further improved, there is no way to disperse the power of this Law in this field. People who have the power of this law will always have super combat power in this field, and the power of this law can never be exhausted in this field."

"What!" Hearing the words of death and light, Tang Long was more and more shocked.

He knew that in this sky cloud domain, the hidden dragon's combat power is always so strong, even if it has been attacking, there is no problem!

If you want to defeat this dark red dragon, you must separate it from the sky cloud domain!

The most important thing is that in this field, Tang Long's line of sight is blocked, and their exploration ability is limited by the sky cloud field. Everything around them can't be seen or explored, but these have no impact on the dark red dragon!

This field rule is terrible!

"In such a bad situation, how can we defeat the dark red dragon?" Tang Long frowned fiercely.

In the face of such a powerful existence, he also felt powerless at this time.

The most important thing is that he has inspired the power of the small universe, and his strength has been improved a lot. In this case, his vitality will be consumed quickly, and he can't persist for too long!

Just feel some powerless, beside Tang long, two figures have come rapidly, it is before the dark red dragon attack the sky and floating flame.

The sky seems to be a little embarrassed. It's good to float the flame to it!

Looking at Tang long, vatian said in a quick voice: "your ghost and your spirit are interlinked. In this field of sky and cloud, we have become blind. Only your ghost can play a role and let us have the opportunity to discover the location of the dark red dragon in advance."

When he heard what vatian said, Tang Long suddenly moved in his heart.

Although in the field of sky and cloud, ghosts can't see how far, nor can they detect the distance.

But ghosts also have very unique characteristics. They can appear in the ancient Tianmei wild array at any time in any place within the ancient array!

And unless it is extremely special circumstances, the general ghost will not be killed.

Tang Long knew that the method of cutting the sky was really good.

He made the arrangements immediately.

His mind moved, and the 108 ghosts directly formed an encirclement circle, which surrounded him, vatian and others in all directions.

And the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman also gathered around Tang Long!

But at this time, the ghost just formed an encirclement circle, and the terrible energy swept down suddenly and crazily over Tang Long's head.

They looked up in a hurry.

Ten meters above their heads, in the rolling dark red energy clouds, the most terrifying power of Shura, like the roar of mountain torrents, has already bombarded them to the utmost madness!


Tang long in a hurry, had to display the defense of luoshengmen!

Fortunately, because he has inspired the seventh sense of the small universe, the combat power has been improved a lot, so the defense ability of Rosenberg has also been improved a lot.

In this case, although the power of the rolling Shura power bombarded from the sky is still very powerful, it is blocked by the 11th luoshengmen when it smashes ten luoshengmen.

"It's blocked at last!" Tang Long was also relieved.

If he could not resist the bombardment of the power of Shura, he knew that he could only escape from here by using the escape talisman, otherwise he would be killed here soon!

"Ghosts, pay attention to your surroundings. If you find the target, tell me immediately. King of the abyss, cut the sky. We will gather our energy and be ready to attack at any time."

Tang Long said in a deep voice.

He can connect with ghosts in his heart.

As long as the ghosts around him find any danger, he can immediately know, so that he can immediately prepare for the attack.

So he can detect the attack of the dark red dragon in advance.

In this case, when the dark red dragon was 30 meters away from them, he knew in advance through the ghost, which was much better than the current situation.

The dark red dragon's attack speed is extremely fast. Within 10 meters, the dark red dragon suddenly appears to attack them. It is very difficult for them to resist the attack. If they are not good, there will be great danger.The situation will be much better if the dark red distance attack is found at a distance of 30 meters. At least, they will have more time to take precautions.

However, this is still too passive!

The death demon said to Tang Long: "we are still not the way to do this. We are just defending. We can't resist for long. We have no chance of winning. We can only be beaten passively."

The king of the abyss said: "at present, the only way, Tang long, is to use the eternal star in the soul Tower!"

Tang Longwei: "I have no idea where the dark red dragon is and how to use the eternal star? I don't have the power to control the eternal star's attack on such a large scale, on the whole area covered by the sky cloud. "

The king of the abyss said: "when this dark red dragon appears, we will rush to it together, entangle with the dark red dragon, fix the position of the dark red dragon, and then you can use the soul tower to cover the dark red dragon as quickly as possible, and use the eternal star to refine it!"


Tang Long nodded.

He knew it was the only way to do it.

Because now, their improved combat power can't last long. They can only persist for 10 minutes. Within 10 minutes, they must find a way to control the dark red dragon, and they can't continue to attack them.

Otherwise, their lives will be in danger!

Tang Long's mind moved. The ten thousand souls tower, which soared several kilometers above the sky, was shining with dazzling golden light, and had fallen down quietly towards the bottom!


At this moment, the thunderous roar was heard in the sky cloud field. Then Tang Long suddenly felt the message from the ghost!

A ghost on the left front has been attacked by the dark red dragon!

"Front left, attack!"

Tang long burst out powerful ice fire energy with a roar. The ice fire energy gathered the power of explosion law and contained the power of thunder and lightning law. In that direction, he hit out with a fist!

at the same time, the ghost in that direction had disappeared!

The most terrifying aura of gold directly erupted from Tang Long's body and turned into a shining energy fist!

The energy fist is more than 10 meters high and bombards the dark red dragon where it is about to appear.

At this time, the dark red dragon also immediately appeared in the distance of 10 meters from Tang long.

The king of the abyss and others are also ready to attack.

When Tang Long launched the attack, they also had gathered strong energy. The dark red dragon just appeared, they all started to attack the dark red dragon together!

Even, in all directions, a head of purple fire wolf flew over, like a row of colorful meteors, bombarded the dark red dragon!

seeing, such a dense attack, they all bombarded the dark red dragon's head one after another!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The roar of the sky is continuous!

The huge head of the dark red dragon, which looked like a hill, was directly bombarded by the powerful energy and flew back.

But at this time, Tang Long's soul suddenly came to the ghost message behind him!

Hearing the sudden news, Tang Long was shocked!

"Behind your back, quick!"

He suddenly turned around and didn't want to think about it. He held the sea sword in his hand. On the sword, the golden energy exploded! , the fastest update of the webnovel!