
Lightning Shura split suddenly a thunderous roar, the body of the dark red energy extremely crazy explosion out.

He wants to reverse the passive situation just now and take the offensive as the defense!

The dark red energy exploded from the lightning Shura's body directly turned into thousands of dark red light stabs in all directions around him!

The dark red light stab, with a sharp whistling sound, faces in all directions, towards Tang Long and cutting the sky. They attack fiercely in the past!

This kind of attack not only has a wide range, but also has strong attack power!


Tang long felt that the power of the attack was extremely powerful, and he quickly put out the curse of luoshengmen's natural disaster.

He tried such a defense, but also can resist the attack of the dark red lightning and light stab.

However, the attack power of lightning Shura separation this time is too strong. His eighteen luoshengmen have been smashed by the dark red energy light stabs in a twinkling of an eye!

There are eight remaining Rosenberg gates that are not broken.

They all resisted the attack of the dark red lightning stab, but they were not easy to resist. They were bombarded by a strong energy, and they all flew back for tens of meters before they finally stopped.

The eyes of lightning Shura split body have fallen on the front, not broken the remaining several Luosheng door.

In a flash, he had reached the front of the front of the Rosenberg gate.

"Break it for me!"

With a loud exclamation, his fist burst out a dark red lightning light, which turned into a long lightning sting, which directly hit the Luosheng gate in front of him.

This luoshenmen was directly smashed by the bombardment.

Even the remaining seven rashomons were smashed by the dark red lightning.

Just this attack, the lightning Shura broke up six luoshengmen.

At this time, there are only two luoshengmen left before the split of lightning Shura, and the Luosheng gate in front of him has already cracked countless cracks, and it seems that it will be broken!

Lightning Shura separate body know, in these two Luo God door behind is Tang long.

He's going to kill Tang Long!

He knew that all the energy life bodies around him had something to do with Tang long.

Kill Tang Long first, then deal with the rest.

"Kill you in a minute!"

Lightning Shura hums separately and holds his fist. He is about to attack luoshengmen again. However, at this time, a figure suddenly appears in front of him.

Moreover, all of a sudden, the Rashomon in front of him disappeared.

It is Tang Long who appears in front of the lightning Shura split body!

Tang long held a knife in his hand, a precious sword with the general vastness of the sea.

The sword erupted a thousand kilometers of golden light. The blade awn soared into the sky, and the powerful ice fire energy erupted on it.

Seeing this sword, it attacked the lightning Shura separately.

"A little bit of work!"

The lightning Shura does not take Tang Long's attacker in his eyes. He holds his fist and fiercely resists the sword awn which is chopped down towards him!

However, just at this time, when he thought that Tang Long's attack was only one knife awn, suddenly, half a meter above the golden light knife awn, the space there suddenly produced a strange distortion.

Then, in this strange and twisted space, another golden shining blade awn, which contains a touch of mysterious darkness and a strong smell of killing and killing death, emerges from the twisted space, and immediately behind the knife awn that was cut down before, it slashes hard at the head of lightning Shura.

This is the Dao of law that Tang Long condensed in advance, and it is the Dao of law of tianxie GUI Dao.

At this time, Tang Long is holding the sea sword!

Canghai Baodao with a thousand thousand thousand blade awn, fiercely cleaved on the fist that the lightning Shura separately bombarded!

Although the power of Canghai sword is very powerful, it is obvious that it can't resist the attack of the lightning Shura split body. It is directly smashed by the fist of the lightning Shura split body, and the momentum is sweeping in all directions.

But in this sweeping momentum, the law of tianxie ghost Dao has been cut down.

The law blade of the tianxie ghost sword has torn the strength of the roaring and sweeping, and it has been chopped to the top of the lightning Shura's body!

"Damn it!"

The lightning Shura separated body realized the danger of the top of his head, but also couldn't help cursing fiercely. Then, on the top of the lightning Shura split body, a terrible dark red lightning column suddenly burst out.

The lightning light column hit the sky. In the blink of an eye, it has hit the edge of tianxie ghost Dao!The awn of the tianxie ghost Dao is exploded by bombardment.

After the explosion of the knife awn, the rolling momentum was blasted by the dark red lightning light column, and spread in all directions, which failed to pose any threat to the lightning Shura separation.

However, Tang Long's two successive attacks are not to let lightning Shura separate injury.

His purpose is to fully attract the attention of the lightning Shura.

Obviously, the attention of lightning Shura has been attracted by Tang Long's continuous attack. Although this time is very short, this time is enough for cutting the sky and floating flame, for the king of the abyss and yasna!


They were all ready just now.

Now, taking advantage of the lightning Shura to resist the attack of Tang long, their attack is launched at the same time.

A burst of colorful light from their bodies, from four directions toward the lightning Shura body bombarded up.

These four powerful energies have turned into four energy mountains over 100 meters. All the energy mountains burst out colorful light, and the wind blows forward with roaring strength. It seems that it will bombard the body of lightning Shura.

Although the lightning Shura is facing such danger, he is still not afraid. Although he is in a hurry, his defense speed is still very fast, and his power of Shura has been broken out in all directions.

The power of Shura directly condensed into a four square energy cage.

The energy cage completely protects the lightning Shura, and then the attacks from all directions bombard the energy cage!

This time, they are fully prepared for the attack and extremely powerful. In the face of the hasty defense of the lightning Shura, they finally have the upper hand in this attack.

The cage of dark red energy protecting the separation of Shura is broken by bombardment!

then the energy of colorful light rolling in all directions, like a raging torrent, severely bombards the whole body of the lightning Shura separation.

Lightning Shura body was bombarded by the strength of all directions at the same time, and was immediately bombarded at the same time!

Just at this time, in the sky above the split of lightning Shura, a giant tower of giant sky suddenly shrouded!

This is the soul tower of Tang long.

The ten thousand souls tower has shrunk. Taking advantage of the moment when the lightning Shura can't move, the lightning Shura body is directly enveloped in the soul tower, and the strong gravity erupts, making the whole body of the lightning Shura suddenly heavy 100 times!

Then, there was a raging fire of chaos in the soul Tower!

"At last one of them is under control!"

Seeing such a result, they were relieved to see the result.

As long as you can control one of the four Shura separators, it will be much easier to control the remaining three.

The most important thing is that at this time, Tang long did not inspire the power of the small universe, nor did he display the extremely exhausting power of archaic thunder curse. In this case, he was able to persist in fighting for a long time.

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