Blood red monster will purple fire wolf fly, and continue to chase Tang long.

However, at this time, Tang long had already taken advantage of the hindrance of the wolf of purple fire just now, and flew forward three or four hundred meters!


The blood red monster roared, the blood red light suddenly exploded out of his body, and then the blood red monster suddenly turned into a terrible blood lightning.

In the thunderbolt of blood light and lightning, even with the sound of terrible sonic explosion, the monster quickly approached Tang long in the blood light and lightning.

At this time, the blood red monster's flying speed was even faster than before!

Tang Long was three or four hundred meters away from the blood red monster. He was also a little relieved. However, he immediately felt that the speed of the monster behind him suddenly increased several times. In a twinkling of an eye, he was only less than 100 meters away!

"The monster has such a terrible speed!"

Tang Long was shocked, but he was also ready to deal with it, because he had summoned another magic weapon of his own when he was flying forward.

The magic weapon is his Zhentian tripod!

the Zhentian tripod flew out and was controlled by Tang Long's mind. Suddenly, it burst out into a dazzling colorful light and turned into a meteor. It contained powerful and incomparable strength, and it bombarded the bloody monster.

While the Zhentian tripod bombards the blood red monster, it is still soaring. When the Zhentian tripod flies to the blood red monster's eyes, it is already soaring more than 50 meters high.


Zhentian tripod contains powerful energy, with the sound of breaking the sky, it is about to hit the bloody monster.

There was a flash of fierce light in the blood red monster's eyes.

In the face of zhentianding's attack, the monster didn't dodge at all. Without hesitation, his fist directly bombarded zhentianding. You can see that the monster's fist is hard hitting zhentianding!


The thundering sound sounded like thunder, and Zhentian Ding was blasted out by the bloody monster for hundreds of meters.

The chaotang dragon, who was bombarded with Zhentian tripod, flew over the top of Tang long.

Tang Long immediately uses his mind to control the wanhun tower, which attacks the bloody monster behind him.

When the blood red monster bombarded Tang Long's soul tower, the wolf of purple fire, which had been bombed by the blood red monster, was behind and around the blood red monster, attacking the blood red monster constantly!

The blood red monster felt the dense attack of the purple fire wolf behind him and around him. He suddenly turned around, and the blood devil's power swept out wildly. His fist was facing these purple fire wolves, and he attacked them like a storm.

In a twinkling of an eye, the blood red monster has attacked hundreds of fists!

One hundred and forty-four purple fire wolves were smashed by the blood red monster's hundreds of fists.

The broken wolf of purple fire was swept by the powerful wind of the blood devil, and flew out in the distance around him.

The blood red monster turned around again. The red light in his eyes flashed and looked at Tang long.

Tang Long has been hundreds of meters away and is still flying forward.

The blood red monster was about to catch up with him, but he didn't expect that Tang Long's Zhentian Ding and wanhun tower had bombarded the bloody monster.

At this time, Tang Long was always at one mind and two uses. At the same time, he used his mind to control zhentianding and wanhun pagoda to attack the blood red monster behind him, and kept on flying towards the front.

Because he has displayed nine anti heaven and God magic signs, his combat power has improved a lot at this time.

If he can stimulate the force of the small universe and stimulate the seventh sense, he thinks that he may be able to compete with the blood red monster.

But he didn't dare to take risks.

The blood red monster is too powerful, and its moving speed is too fast. If Tang Long now inspires the power of the small universe, because it is not in the array he has arranged, even if he calls for help such as cutting heaven, he is still not sure that he can solve the blood red monster in ten minutes.

If you can't solve the blood red monster in ten minutes, he's in danger!

So, he still wants to fly into the array.

Under the hindrance of Tang Long's Zhentian Ding and wanhun tower, the blood red monster's chasing Tang Long is delayed.

Taking advantage of this time, Tang Long has been flying hundreds of meters away. Although the blood red monster has been chasing after him, Tang Long is no longer worried.

He had already flew to the range of his array.

He followed him to the position above the array center!

the most important thing is that he also arranged the Tianmei wild ancient array. At this time, his mind moved, the array started, the Shanshui Tianmen array, the Zhenwu Tiancheng array, and the Tianmei wild ancient array were all started together.

One hundred and eight ghosts came out directly and rushed towards the bloody monster.

Blood red monsters have also entered the coverage of the array.But at this time, the blood red monster was less than 100 meters away from Tang long, but this time, in the blood red monster's eyes, the distance between the blood red monster and Tang Long suddenly became extremely remote, more than thousands of meters!

This situation also makes the blood red monster a little incomprehensible!

But the blood red monster still wants to catch up with Tang Long and kill Tang long.

With a roar, the blood red monster's energy exploded fiercely. He was about to chase Tang long in the distance more quickly, but suddenly, in all directions around the blood red monster, one ghost appeared directly.

Ghost's combat power has been improved a lot in the array, and the blood red monster's combat power has been suppressed a lot in the array.

In this case, even though the blood red monster's combat power is still very strong, it is not easy to bombard these ghosts out.

Ghosts around the blood red monster, has shown a crazy incomparable attack.

The blood red monster roared, and the blood devil's power burst out violently and attacked the ghost fiercely.

In the fierce battle between ghosts and blood red monsters, Tang Long has landed in the center of the array on the ground.

An extremely dazzling purple gold light suddenly rises from the center of the array. In this light, a powerful momentum like the sea is soaring wildly!

Of course, the momentum of this crazy surge belongs to Tang long.

Under the powerful effect of the Shanshui Tianmen array, Tang Long absorbed the energy of the array in the center of the array, and his combat power was greatly enhanced by the array. His strength soared wildly and his momentum became more and more powerful.


He roared in the sky, and the dazzling golden light broke out crazily. A kind of heavy and powerful breath like a mountain swept out of him.

Moreover, at this time, in the middle of the mountains and rivers Tianmen and above the ground in the array, countless stones flew up and turned into stone giants one by one, attacking the blood red monster in disorder.

The array is constantly gathering the energy of heaven and earth, and its power is becoming more and more powerful. On the ground of the array, many magnificent palace buildings and fortresses composed of huge stones also fly up and smash towards the bloody monster.

Although the blood red monster's combat power is indeed very strong, but in such a dense attack, the blood red monster is also a bit unable to resist.

In less than two minutes, the blood red monster was bombarded by attacks from all directions, and was in some confusion. It could no longer take the initiative to attack, but could only defend itself.

However, the blood red monster's defense is obviously super strong.

Even at this time, even in the mountains and rivers Tianmen array, even though there were so many attacks around, and even the attacks of ghosts, the blood red monster could still defend completely at this time.

This crazy attack took almost five minutes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!