"As long as you pass the competition, you can get a million gold yuan stone reward, and will follow us to a very mysterious place, where there are countless treasures, and here I can tell you that any treasure you get there is absolutely your own!"

Hearing the words of looking at the moon for a hundred miles, the light of expectation in the eyes of the mages became more and more obvious.

They all want to go to the place where the moon is said to be.

An array mage can't wait. Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he exclaimed, "when will the competition start?"

Looking at the array mage for a hundred Li, he said, "the contest of the array mage is starting now!"

After a pause, he said: "in fact, there is a number hidden in the ID card of each of you. As long as you can see where the number on the ID card is hidden, find and tell the number, even if you have passed the first level, you will fly to the competition test platform directly!"

Hearing the words of the hundred mile moon watching, so many mages in the square quickly took out their own identity cards and looked up.

They didn't expect that there was a mystery on the ID card.

Tang long did not think of this.

After he got the ID card in the city Lord's mansion, he put the ID card in the sky sealing flag and didn't observe it too much.

Moreover, he was sure that if the array was arranged on the ID card, if the array was open, there would certainly be energy surging, and he would find out immediately.

However, the fact is, since he got the ID card, he has not found any energy fluctuation on the ID card, nor any other mystery on the ID card. That at least shows that if the array is arranged on the ID card, the array must be extremely profound, at least the hidden means are very clever!

He has also taken out his ID card.

Next to him, Wang Yunlong also took out his identity card, and the old man beside Tang long, who was Xiuli Changhe after he changed face, also took out his identity card.

The ID card doesn't look strange. Tang long can't find out the array and so on.

Tang long looked at the front and back of the ID card, and could not find any number on the ID card.

Next to him, Xiu left the crane. They all looked at the ID card carefully for a while, but they didn't see the number hidden in the ID card.

All of a sudden, the array mages under the stage all looked up at the moon.

Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he said with a smile, "if you can see the number on the sign, you can come up to the competition platform. If you can't see where the number is hidden in the ID card, the person will be eliminated. The time is half an hour. Now the competition has begun!"

Tang long heard the Moon said that he had half an hour to know that the secret on the identity card was not so easy to see.

"I didn't expect that the competition of this array was really a bit of a skill. The first level actually cost me a lot of time!"

He thought, looking at the ID again.

With his understanding of the array, after ten minutes of careful observation, he finally saw a mystery on the identity card!

The mystery is not on the front or the back of the ID card!

The ID card is only the size of a palm, and its thickness is about five centimeters. It seems that there is nothing strange on the surface, but Tang Long looks carefully and finds some clues in the frame of the ID card!

People who are proficient in arrays need to know more than arrays or runes.

They have to be very observant.

How can the weak observer see the difference between the array and the array? After all, the difference between many arrays is extremely subtle, but the difference in effect is very large.

What's more, the subtlety of array arrangement is often the difference in details.

Tang Long's attainments in the array are not weak, of course, his observation ability has been very strong for a long time.

He had observed that around the border of the ID card in his hand, there were some indistinct protuberances and concave dots.

These bumps and depressions are not very noticeable, and they seem to exist irregularly on the frame of the identity card. They are even covered by some very common patterns depicted on the border. These small dots seem to be the natural state of the material used to make the identity card.

If not very careful, it is really difficult to see such a little clue.

Moreover, even if people see this clue, they will only think that this is just some defect in the material used to make the ID card, and they will not care about it very much.

Tang Long saw this little clue, but he was very concerned, and immediately studied it carefully.

After nearly five minutes of observation and research, he saw the clue: "it turns out that there is a joint hidden on the frame of the ID card, and a weak seal buckle is arranged!"When he discovered this, he was immediately happy.

There are secret buttons, which prove that there must be heaven and earth in this. Although the details of the border are not very impressive, Tang Long has also seen that the small dots are arranged into a mysterious and profound seal array.

The seal array melts into the frame and emits extremely weak energy, which is extremely difficult to detect.

Tang Long has seen that the heart of the seal array is not above the border, but inside the identity card.

He can be sure that there must be something hidden in the ID card!

Although the seal array is really profound, Tang long can easily open it.

He did not immediately open the seal on the identity card, seemingly inadvertently turned his head and looked at the Xiuli long crane not far from his side.

Xiuli Changhe is also looking at him.

He didn't speak. He looked around casually and didn't find anyone paying attention to him. Even Wang Yunlong, on the other side of him, was obviously looking at the ID card in his hand.

Tang Long quietly gathered his energy and tried to converge. He used the method of gathering Qi and forming sound, and told the secret he found to Xiuli long crane beside him.

Tang Long's plan is that he and Xiuli Changhe can pass the competition of mages and go to the Archean site together. After all, Xiuli Changhe is the strong one of Tianzu.

If we could go to that place with Xiuli Changhe, he would be much safer.

Xiuli Changhe hears the explanation of Tang Long's gathering Qi. He knows the secret of the identity card, and his eyes are filled with joy.

However, the joy also flashed away, and the crane's expression returned to calm.

Tang long had already turned his head and looked at Wang Yunlong on his other side. Seeing that Wang Yunlong was still looking at the identity card carefully, he asked, "Mr. Wang, do you see the secret on the identity card?"

"And you?" Wang Yunlong asked.

Tang Long said, "I seem to have got something, but I'm not sure yet."

Wang Yunlong looked at Tang Long with a smile: "to tell you the truth, I've seen some clues, but I'm not sure yet!"

"Is it?" Tang Long was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Wang Yunlong also saw some clues.

He did not tell Wang Yunlong the secret that he could see through the identity card.

It took about five minutes.

It seems that there are still 10 minutes left for the first level competition. But at this time, there is no one standing out from the square with so many people.

Some are already in a bit of a hurry.

Even some people have been holding the ID card to break.

Unfortunately, the ID card is also very hard, and it is not easy to break it with such brute force.

Moreover, the moon watcher on the high platform obviously predicted this situation in advance, and had already said in a deep voice on the high platform: "this identity card can't be damaged, or even if you find the hidden secret, it will be considered as a failure in the competition."

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