Hearing the words of looking at the moon for hundreds of miles, Tang longan immediately showed a touch of exciting light, and his face was already full of surprise: "I didn't expect that the place to go was actually an Archean site, which still made me very surprised!"

Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he said with a smile: "OK, I don't want to say much. We'll go to have a meal now. After dinner, you can have a good rest. We'll start early tomorrow morning."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

The dinner prepared by the hundred Li Wangyue was very rich, and Tang long had a very comfortable meal.

After dinner, Wang Yue arranged for Tang long to have a rest in a VIP room in the city Lord's mansion, where all kinds of facilities are very complete.

Moreover, no one seems to be staring at Tang long. Tang Long is very free.

But Tang Long is also very clear in his mind, he seems to be very free here, in fact, it is not.

He didn't plan to go out again or do anything else.

They are already here, and he has decided to go to the site to see what the hell these guys are doing. So he just let it go and see how things will develop first.

"If the people of the Baili family are a conspiracy against me, I must stabilize them now and then take action."

"If it's not the plot of the Baili family, I have to be careful at this time. When I get to the Archean site, I'll find a way to get rid of them first and then find a chance to get rid of them."

"If you really want to go to an Archean site, it will certainly not be very small. As long as you have a little chance, you can definitely escape."

Tang Long has the heart of wisdom, and there are several empty runes on his body. In his opinion, if he wants to escape, as long as he has a chance to lose, as long as he has a little time, he will be able to escape.

With this in mind, he turned and walked into a training room in this room. Then he opened the isolation boundary of the training room and began to practice seriously.

At this time, he thought of the man named Wang Yunlong who met before.

"Does Wang Yunlong really have the second volume of the true version of Qimen dunjia ancient books? Or did he lie to me? He said that when I came back to find him, how much of this is true? Or does he want to wait for me to come back and ask me what benefits I got from going out this time, and then exchange his Qimen dunjia with me? "

Tang long thought in his mind, hesitated to wait until he came out of the Archean ruins, whether he would go back to the illusory city and ask Wang Yunlong.

After all, the rare ancient books of Qimen dunjia are so precious that he really wants to see them.

But he didn't know that Wang Yunlong was in the city Lord's mansion at this time!

Wang Yunlong is talking to the moon Watcher in the mansion of the city Lord. The place is in a study which has opened the boundary of separation.

Looking at Wang Yunlong for a hundred Li, Wang Yunlong asked in a deep voice: "Wang Yunlong, at the first level of the array competition, when opening the ID card, do you see clearly around them? Is Zhou Tianlong really abnormal? "

"My subordinates have been observing Zhou Tianlong very carefully. I'm sure that he has seen the secret on the ID card in advance. Moreover, he also quietly used the method of gathering Qi to form a sound to tell the old man that I felt the slight surge of energy and his mouth moved slightly." Wang Yunlong said seriously: "the old man must have problems. They have met in the herbal medicine shop before!"

After listening to Wang Yunlong's words, Wang's eyes narrowed slightly: "where is the old man now?"

"We are being watched by our people. We did not leave the city of vanity and found an inn to stay. Our people are afraid that he will find out and dare not continue to stare. However, we have sent people to dress up as shop assistants and have informed you that the hermit can be monitored at any time!"

"Good!" Bai Li Wang Yue nodded with satisfaction and said, "I hope there will be no mistake. Next, I'll see the news from the childe. When the young master comes, I will report all the information to him."

Then he waved his hand and said, "go down!"

"Yes Wang Yunlong respectfully answered, cancelled the isolation of the study, and went out.

Looking at the moon for a hundred miles didn't go out.

He's waiting for someone.

The man he was waiting for finally arrived in an hour.

This is no one else, but it is the glorious Canglong of Guangyao family. Only Guangyao Canglong is alone!

When he saw the black robe, he went into the dark room and looked down

"Yes Looking forward to the moon for a hundred Li, he promised respectfully and led the way ahead.

They soon walked into the chamber together.

Looking at the shining Cang dragon for a hundred Li, he said: "the man is already in the mansion, but I'm not sure whether Tang Long is small or not. But he is the only one who can open the defensive array in that scroll, and his attainments in the array are very profound."

"It must be him!" Guangyao Canglong snorted: "there can't be so many people with such high array attainments in the world, let alone I got the exact news before I came here. Tang Long has left the Tang mansion and said it's the dantai family in the blood demon world. Hum, what does he do in the dantai family? It's obviously a lieLooking at the moon for a hundred miles, Canglong asked, "shall we take action now?"

"If you don't know anything, just do your job well." Guangguang Canglong's eyes were filled with pride: "as long as Tang Long comes, he will die. There is no doubt that we need not be so anxious to let him die, because I will take advantage of this opportunity to make a great contribution to the funeral of the whole Gaofu. We can also swallow the Gaofu by the way. Otherwise, how could I arrange such a big scene?"

This strategy is brilliant, but he thought it very carefully. Now everything is under his control.

The most important thing is that even Baili Dengfeng doesn't know it very well.

Although he is a member of the hundred Li family, he is completely obedient to the light of Canglong. He has been the one who shines on Canglong in the dark!

This point, even a hundred miles Dengfeng do not know!

Of course, Baili Dengfeng also knew about this time, but he didn't know that Guangyao Canglong had to deal with Gao Fu and Gao Tianye.

All I know is that Guangyao Canglong has to deal with Tang long. That's all.

Looking at Guangyao Canglong for a hundred Li, he has a very obvious worship in his eyes. He thinks that the method of shining on Canglong is too clever. At this time, he also told Guangyao Canglong another discovery: "Guangyao childe, my subordinate Wang Yunlong found an unexpected situation!"

Guangyao Canglong asked: "what unexpected situation?"

Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, Wang Yunlong found that this was probably Zhou Tianlong of Tang long. He had a close relationship with a man who also took part in the contest of master array, but we have not found out the details of that man yet

"Where is the man now?" The brilliant dragon asked in a deep voice.

Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he said, "this man is now in an inn in the city of vanity, but the staff in the inn have been replaced by our people, and there are two Tianzu who you arranged here near the inn!"

"Good!" In Guangyao Canglong's eyes, there was a sharp look in his eyes: "it seems that Tang Long is not the only one who has come, but this has long been in my expectation. Who will be the person who came with Tang Long? If I think so, it should be the members of the magic incense family. After all, the last time the Baili family escorted Dan Shi, it was also the news that the magic incense family got from the hundred Li family. As long as there is an Archean site here, how can the Moxiang family not send someone to see it? "

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