Hearing the question of looking at the moon for a hundred miles, Guangyao Canglong snorted coldly, but at this time in his eyes, he immediately showed a touch of obvious satisfaction.

He looked at the hundred Li Wangyue and waved: "there is nothing you have done here. Now you take your people out of here immediately, and you must completely erase all traces of you who have been here!"

"Yes Looking at the moon for a hundred Li, he turned and left the cave.

He soon cleaned up the surroundings, and then left with his men and returned to the city of vanity.

At this time, only Guangyao Canglong is left here!

However, in a place far away from here, many people are still waiting for the glory of Canglong.

They are waiting for the news of shining Canglong.

Guangyao Canglong left the cave five minutes after the moon watching for a hundred miles had left. Outside the cave, he turned his head and looked around. He was flying to a distant place.

After flying more than 10000 meters, Guangyao Canglong landed from the air.

He landed at the mouth of a mountain.

Of course, the entrance of the mountain is also provided with isolation and demarcation.

This barrier is obviously very common. If a warrior reaches the level of dizu, it will not be blocked by this barrier. It is easy to smash the barrier with one blow.

Guangyao Canglong cancelled the isolation and border, walked into the cave, and saw three people sitting in the cave.

One of the three is the owner of Guangyao family: Guangyao Yunshan!

Guangyao Yunshan saw Guangyao Canglong come in. Before Guangyao Canglong opened his mouth, he said directly, "I have found out that there was a break in the dark defense barrier over there, but after that, this gap doesn't exist again!"

"The opening was broken by Tang long. He has already entered the site." Guangyao Canglong said, snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said: "I didn't expect that Tang Long opened the dark defense boundary in one day. His ability in array is really not weak!"

"Although the identity of Tang Long has been determined, what I didn't expect was that the people who went to the city of illusion with Tang Long were not from the magic incense family, but Xiuli Changhe!"

With that, he had a very obvious admiration in his eyes. Looking at Guangyao Canglong, he said, "Canglong, this time you have done a very good job, and the plan is very good. Except for the little mistakes made by the magic incense family, everything else is in your control."

"Thank you for your praise Shining green dragon even busy road.

Don't forget the old man who has been waiting for you for a long time. Please don't forget the old man who has been waiting for you for a long time


The old man agreed. He stood up and reached the entrance of the mountain with a slight flash. Then he flew straight into the sky and flew away in the distance.

Tang long had already entered the site by this time.

He walked through the golden door of space and appeared in the main hall of a very empty palace.

Tang long can see that the palace is obviously an ancient site.

The site was built in a different space.

Tang Long turned his head and looked around. The light in the hall was very good. He saw that the hall where he was was was very large, and it was very luxurious, full of an atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes.

The wall of the main hall is made of silver stone, and many mysterious and strange runes are carved on the wall.

Tang long looked carefully and knew that these runes were arranged into a very powerful array.

"This place is indeed a site. Is this really a trap for me? Now it seems that there is no danger in the ruins, but if it is not a trap, how can the people of the Baili family not come in? "

"The people of the Baili family have not come in yet, so they certainly won't come in for the time being!"

"Anyway, I must be very careful!"

Tang long thought silently.

He didn't immediately summon all of them to Vajra, but he had completely eliminated his face changing skills, and directly untied the sealed strength.

The shenglingdan he took lost its effect at the moment when he untied the seal of strength.

Things to this point, Tang Long again seal strength is not necessary.

And he doesn't have to keep hiding his identity.

The most important thing was that he knew very well that if he did not prepare for any danger now, it would be very bad if he could not cope with it.

The strength of the seal was lifted, and the strength of Tang long at this time was directly restored to the level of the dual realm of dizu!

But at this time, just as his strength rose and he wanted to explore the surrounding situation, he suddenly felt that in the hall, in the air beside him, a slight force of space suddenly appeared.Then a fierce wind suddenly rose!

In the strong wind, a dark energy suddenly burst out!

Then a figure appeared in the dark energy, followed by this figure directly towards Tang Long extremely fierce attack!

"The power of the devil!"

Tang Long explored the sudden rise of dark energy, his eyes have been a touch of shock.

He knew that his previous judgment was correct. There were traps in the Archean site. It was obviously a cooperation between the guangcang dragon and the owner of the Demon power. He arranged traps here, waiting to kill him!

"Who will be waiting to kill me in this site? Gao Tianye or Li Qingtian? If it's Li Qingtian, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous this time! "

"The people of the Baili family didn't come in. It seems that the people of the Baili family certainly have arrangements. This trap is really not simple!"

He thought to himself, with a flash of body, he was already rapidly retreating.

In front of him, in the dark energy of the tumbling, that figure's hand has been more than a sword.

This is a long black sword.

In the long sword broke out extremely fierce black awn, through the powerful devil's power, saw that had attacked him in front of his eyes.

This dark figure has extremely strong combat power, reaching the level of dizu's five forces!

"It's such a strong existence, and the situation is a little strange, the dark figure seems to..." Tang Long's body flashed and retreated rapidly. He could have escaped the attack of this dark sword.

In the face of this sudden dark figure, Tang Long was very surprised.

He explored the breath of the dark figure, and immediately knew that the dark figure was not a real person!

This is the energy man of the devil's power.

Energy man's moving speed is very fast!

Tang Long has just escaped the attack of this energy man's sword. The energy man's body flash, and then he appears in front of Tang long in a twinkling of an eye!

Tang Long rallied his strength and tried his best to dodge the attack of the dark sword.

Now, if the situation in the site is seen from the surface, it seems that this is not a trap, as if there is such a danger in this site.

The dark energy man seems to be the puppet man formed by the array in this site.

However, Tang Long knows that this is not a puppet formed by the formation.

Tang Long from the previous events, from the power of the devil spread from this energy man, has judged that this is indeed a trap for him, but he still has to continue to act confused, pretending not to see all this.

He knew that somewhere in the dark, someone must be paying attention to it!

He needs people in the dark to show up, or at least they need to act again.

He needs to know all the secrets behind the trap, and he needs his opponents to always think that he is reckless and that he does not see it as a trap.

Most importantly, at least until now, his life will not be in danger.

Of course, his heart is also very worried at this time, his most worried thing is: all this is the arrangement of strong Qingtian.

If it is strong Qingtian who controls everything behind his back, he will be very dangerous today, because he is very clear that there is a very powerful spirit with the power of demons in lie Qingtian.

And strong Qingtian knows him very well, some means of strong Qingtian are also very cruel.

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