"It's not right. Something may have happened!"

Tang Long quickly opened the door, looked to the ground at the door, and saw the mystery of the leaves falling on the ground!


He quickly displayed the magic skill of the sea field, explored any movement around him, and found no abnormal situation in the vicinity, so he felt a little relieved.

He had already picked up the fallen chayeh mystery.

At this time, it was obvious that Kaya Xuanji had been seriously injured, his face was pale, and he was in a coma.

There is a deep scar on the chest of Kaya Xuanji!

It's obviously a penetrating injury because he has the same kind of scar on his back.

Although the wound is not bleeding now, it is obvious that the wound is extremely heavy.

The north wind and bright moon at this time of course also began to see the situation of the Kaya mystery at this time, and quickly stood up and walked over.

Tang long had already carried the mysterious machine of GA ye and walked into the room: "bright moon, erase the trace of the door, don't leave any trace, so as not to be found by others!"

"Well." North wind bright moon should a, walked to the door.

She knew that great care must be taken now.

It is obvious that there are some bloodstains at the place where Kaya Xuanji just fell to the ground, but the north wind and bright moon turned to look around some places in the distance, but there was no blood.

Beifeng Mingyue knew that Kaya Xuanji had been very careful all the way back, but when he got to the door, he must have been totally unable to hold on and fainted, so he only left blood on the ground at the gate.

After dealing with the bloodstain at the door, Beifeng Mingyue carefully checked it again and could not see any clue at the door. Then she came back again, closed the door and opened the isolation and boundary of the guest room.

Tang Long has taken the seriously injured Kaya Xuanji into the training room.

He has to help Kaya heal his wounds immediately.

Moreover, he must know how the gypsy was injured, ask the specific situation, and make sure that the place is still safe.

After exploring the injury of JIAYE Xianji, Tang Long was relieved.

Although the internal injury of Kaya Xuanji was very heavy, after all, he was a strong man in the realm of Tianzu, and his constitution was very good, so he could not die for the time being.

Tang Long took two healing elixirs for JIAYE Xuanji, and then condensed the huangquan divine needle. He was planning to help JIAYE Xuanji heal, but at this time, suddenly there was a roar from outside!

And this roar is obviously not only in one place, but also in many places.

Even, the sound of screams in many places has been heard one after another.

"Oh, what seems to be going on out there!" When Tang long heard the sudden roar outside, he had a bad feeling.

He quickly moved his mind, and the needle of the netherworld God condensed out, and controlled the injury of Kaya Xuanji with the fastest speed.

Then he left the training room in a hurry.

Beifeng Mingyue stood up nervously in the living room outside. Seeing Tang Long come out, she asked, "husband, there seems to be something wrong outside. Is it possible that people from the evil spirit sect have attacked us? What should we do

Tang Long said, "don't go out in the guest room. I'll go outside to see the situation."

"Well." The north wind and bright moon answered.

Tang Long didn't go out from the door. He flashed his body. He went to the window on the side of the guest room, opened the window, and flew out directly. He flew up into the sky and looked at the place where the sound came from.

At this time, the sound of the sky shaking and roaring outside has become a piece, and the sound of the earth shaking bombardment has sounded in many places.

Even, the sound of the roar of Warcraft is earth shaking.

Tang long looked to the place where the voice came from. The sound was in the east of Zixiao city. At this time, a large area over there had been roaring and thundering, and the powerful blood Demon power contained a strong sense of famine, which also swept over from there!

"Oh, no, it's the god beast, and it's also a variation of the blood demon world. There are many people in the blood god's temple. These people suddenly come to this city and make such a bombardment, there must have been a major situation!"

"Before my eyes, the mystery of JIAYE was seriously injured, and Zixiao city was suddenly bombarded again. It seems that there may be something wrong with Zihuang Shenxiao hall!"

Tang long thought of JIAYE Xianji's serious injury, and then thought of the sudden appearance of Zixiao City, he immediately worried about the purple Emperor God hall!

But now he can't go to know more about the situation of Zihuang Shenxiao temple.

Exploring the strong breath in the distance, he knew that the warriors of the blood temple over there were very strong.

There are even strong people at the top of the earth ancestor.

What's more, the war power of the mutant God beasts in the blood temple is obviously super strong.

"If something happens to the purple Emperor God Temple, I'm afraid the city will be occupied by the blood god temple soon, and I'm afraid there will be some strong people from the blood temple to settle down here soon!"Tang long thought that it would be very dangerous to know that he would continue to stay in this city.

"Maybe after a while, there will be a god of blood coming to the city. By then, I don't know what will happen to this city."

"You have to get out of here first, or it will be dangerous!" Tang long thought in his mind, he quickly returned to the guest room, then looked at the north wind and bright moon and said in a hurry: "bright moon, what is the safer place around here? We are going to leave the city right now

After the north wind and bright moon came here, they had a very comprehensive understanding of the surrounding terrain and environment.

Even she had a complete topographic map of the continent.

She looked at Tang Long and said, "husband, go south from us. There is a big mountain and jungle area there. Even if we can fly for two days, we can't fly that mountain!"

Obviously, the mountain range she was talking about was really big, even as big as some small continents.

Tang Long immediately made a decision: "let's take the seriously wounded cheyeh Xuanji to the mountain area you mentioned, and hide in the mountain jungle first!" With that, he was in the training room.

Then he directly picked up the seriously injured and unconscious Kaya Xuanji.

The north wind and bright moon did not hesitate to fly out of the window opened by Tang long.

Tang Long immediately followed out.

Together, the two people directly gathered their energy and exerted their body method, and flew rapidly toward the south of Zixiao city.

At this time, in the east of the city, the roar has become more and more loud, and the powerful energy is constantly sweeping towards this side.

The roar of Warcraft and the roar of arrogance have been heard in the sky and spread all over Zixiao City:

"roar, roar..."

"The people of Zixiao City listen to me. Everyone stays at home and is not allowed to go out. Let me see who is outside and who wants to leave Zixiao city. Don't blame us for being rude!"

"We are the people of the blood god temple. Now we have destroyed the purple emperor's Shenxiao temple. This city is under our jurisdiction. Anyone who does not listen to us will immediately let him die without a burial place."

"Anyone who wants to fly out again and want to leave this city will be killed immediately!"

"People in the air will get down to me at once!"


In the chaos, Tang Long has detected that there are hundreds of warriors who burst out the power of blood demons, who have rushed towards him.

These people's strength is super strong, at least all have reached the ancestral realm, even most have reached the ancestral realm.

However, the strong one in Tianzu realm has not yet appeared.

Towards Tang long, there were also some wild beasts that burst out strong savage breath on their bodies. All of them had strong blood Demon power, which was obviously the variation of the blood god temple.

These mutant beasts are extremely powerful and ferocious, flying towards this side and bombarding all parts of Zixiao city at the same time.

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