The seven bloodthirsty tigers are behind Tang long, less than 10 meters away.

Roar even sound at the same time, a head of bloodthirsty dragon tiger body, the power of the blood demon is extremely crazy burst out.

As you can see, the powerful and incomparable power of blood demons swept out of the bodies of these bloodthirsty dragons and tigers, and then the power of these blood demons even fused together in front of the seven bloodthirsty dragon tigers. It seems that the blood red raging sea torrent rolling over the earth is sweeping towards the Tang Dragon crazily!

With the fighting power Tang long can exert at this time, even if he resists with all his strength, it is obviously impossible to block the joint attack of so many bloodthirsty dragons and tigers.

But now Tang Long is too late to dodge.

The rolling power of the blood demon was about to bombard him from behind.

This sweeping blood Demon power bombarded a wide range, including the space within 100 meters around Tang long.

"We must seize this opportunity to escape!"

Tang long thought in his mind, it was the mind that moved directly. The power of nine you cold days broke out from his body madly.

When he cast his body method speed to the limit, he had already moved in the dark center and displayed the absolute defense of the blood god shield of Ruyi Demon Armor!

Besides the defense of the blood god mask, he also added a layer of defense.

This added layer of defense is the defense of chaotic heavy water.

A cold energy mask suddenly expanded from Tang long, which directly covered the Tang dragon. Besides, outside the cold energy mask, the cold energy gathered wildly, and it was seen that a cold energy ice mass with a diameter of more than five meters was formed!

Ice cold energy ice group just gathered, from the Tang dragon behind the thunder from the blood devil's power on this ice ball!


In the thunderous roar, the icy energy ice mass is directly bombarded and exploded!

Then, behind Tang long, the powerful and incomparable force of blood demons swept over the mask of blood god.

The blood god shield protecting Tang Long has super strong defense, and it has not been broken by the power of the blood devil. It has been bombarded by the power of the blood devil and flies out in the distance ahead!

In the midst of the strong Qi, Tang Long flew out of the sky in a twinkling of an eye in the blood god cover.

The mask of blood God has been removed by the Tang dragon. The Tang dragon's body shape twinkles, condenses the power of nine hell and cold days. The body method of fantiandun reaches the limit and flies forward rapidly.

And while he was flying, he had landed on the ground below.

Behind him, the power of the rolling blood demon is still roaring.

Behind the tumultuous power of blood demons, those powerful ancestors of the blood Temple explored the breath of Tang long, and found that the breath of Tang Long was obviously very normal.

They know that Tang Long was not injured by the joint attack of the seven mythical beasts.

What's more, Tang Long was flying forward rapidly. With the attack of the bloodthirsty dragon tiger, the speed of the forward flight was increased by more than ten times in a short time, which directly opened a long distance with them.

Their hearts were a little incredible:

"how could this be possible? The boy resisted the joint attack of seven bloodthirsty dragons and tigers, and it was obvious that he was not injured!"

"This kid definitely has some kind of very strong defense!"

"Damn it, this boy seems to be landing towards the ground, and it's getting farther and farther away from us. Hurry up, we can't let such a son of dizu escape under our noses!"

"We must seize him, and we must grasp the living one. No matter the strength or mental strength of his martial arts, it is of great benefit to us. We should seize him to devour the spirits."


Several of the strong men of the earth ancestors said that, with a flash of their body shape, they rushed into the roaring and tumbling momentum ahead, and quickly chased Tang long.

Those bloodthirsty dragons and tigers stopped slightly after the previous attack, and all chased Tang long.

Tang Long is less than 50 meters above the ground, and has flown hundreds of meters to the side in this time.

After exploring the situation behind him, Tang Long knows that those strong ancestors and the several bloodthirsty Tianlonghu have quickly chased over again.


He snorted coldly, and there was a look of pride in his eyes!

"If you can catch my Tang Long with your strength, I don't have to mix with me!"

He continued to fly forward, and he continued to fall to the ground below. His body was rolling cold energy, which contained rolling thunder and lightning, which suddenly burst out of his body and pounded hard behind him.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Thunder and lightning broke out one after another behind him. The icy energy contained a series of thunderbolt flashes, which swept wildly behind him, rolling and bombarding, directly enveloping the space of hundreds of meters in all directions behind him.Seeing that the icy strength contains thunder and lightning, it has swept towards those who pursue him.

However, his attack on those who are strong in earth ancestors and those who are bloodthirsty can not pose too much danger.

"It's just a small skill. I'm too lazy to resist it!"

Seeing the cold energy sweeping from the front and exploring the power contained in the icy cold energy, the warrior of the seven levels of dizu who came after him could not help but saw a very obvious disdain in his eyes.

The strong people around him didn't care about the cold energy.

One by one, the power of blood demons erupted directly, and the icy cold energy swept in front of them bombarded them.

Their catch-up speed was not affected at all.

Seeing that the blood Demon power burst out of them was about to collide with the icy cold energy sweeping from them, but suddenly, in the icy cold energy swept by, one after another of the icy cold rays contained the most terrifying cold energy, which appeared from several water texture spaces and flew towards them rapidly!


They felt the fierce cold energy burst out of the cold energy. Even they felt a weak force of space, and their eyes were shocked.

At this time, they realized that the strength of the cold energy Tang Long attacked was obviously just bluff, which was used as a means of concealment.

The real threat of attack is that in the cold energy strong wind, after a slight space energy fluctuation, suddenly appear this fierce and extremely cold energy power attack!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

At this time, all the icy energy and strength have already attacked their eyes. Even on this road of icy cold energy, there is still a cold and sharp blade awn, showing the boundless and murderous spirit of freezing!

The icy and strong Qi tore up the roaring strong wind, and it seemed that they were going to attack the strong men of the earth.

Moreover, more and more fierce icy and cold energy have already attacked those bloodthirsty dragons and tigers!

"What a strange attack, what a fierce and quick attack!"

More than a dozen earth ancestors stopped in a hurry, all of them gathered the power of blood demons to resist. Those bloodthirsty dragons and tigers also roared and opened their mouths. A force of blood demons burst out from the mouth of the bloodthirsty dragon tigers and bombarded them fiercely in front of them.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sky roared one after another.

Although Tang Long's attack was extremely fierce and extremely strange, and even the attack power of the icy and cold Qi was very powerful, in the end, the fierce cold energy was still resisted by the warriors in these ancestral realms.

And those bloodthirsty tigers did not get hurt.

The power of blood demons bombarded out by these warriors in a hurry was severely bombarded by the icy vitality.

All the cold and strong Qi was broken by the bombardment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!