Tang Long explored the injury of Tianyu Jianglong, and immediately went to explore the injury of Huanggu XueYue.

Huanggu XueYue's injury is more serious than Tianyu Jianglong, which also makes Tang Long feel a little tricky.

He first took out two healing elixir to Tianyu Jianglong and Huanggu XueYue: "you eat this elixir first, I'll go and see the situation of those two people."

Huanggu XueYue and Tianyu Jianglong take out healing elixir casually when they see Tang long, and they are all five grain elixir. They can't help but show a touch of surprise in their eyes.

They didn't expect that Tang long looked so young and full of life, but he took out the elixir casually!

At this time, they had more expectations for Tang long.

They expect Tang long to be able to treat the internal injuries of the other two more seriously injured people.

Those two people are only a little weak breath, one of them is called Moyun Tianbo, looks like a very old man.

The strength of the old man is a great realm of Tianzu.

The other is called the purple emperor picking stars.

This purple emperor picking stars is the supreme patriarch of Zihuang Shenxiao hall. It looks like he is in his early 40s.

But purple emperor pick star's strength is very strong.

Zihuang Zhuxing is the most powerful person in Zihuang Shenxiao hall. He is already the strength of Tianzu's jiuzhong realm. The purple emperor's star picking in Zihuang Shenxiao hall is also a legendary figure.

Zihuang Zhuixing was an orphan when he was young. He was picked up by the Supreme Lord of the previous generation of Zihuang Shenxiao hall and brought it back to the purple emperor Shenxiao hall for cultivation. In only 10000 years, the purple emperor picked up the star and reached the strength of the five levels of Tianzu.

Now it's only twenty thousand years, and he has reached the nine levels of Tianzu!

Such strength, in purple Emperor God Xiao hall already is strongest!

The Supreme Lord of Zihuang Shenxiao hall had disappeared 5000 years ago. Where he had gone, whether he was dead or alive, was completely unknown to the people of Zihuang Shenxiao hall. Later, they had to re select the Supreme Lord.

Finally, the position of the Supreme Lord fell on the body of the purple emperor picking up the stars.

These days, the purple emperor picked up the stars and sent people to look for his master, who was the Supreme Lord of the purple emperor's Shenxiao hall, but there was no news.

However, in these years of efforts, the purple emperor Shenxiao hall in the purple emperor's efforts to pick up stars, but the development is getting better and better, so that the decline of the Archean sect actually has signs of turning over.

It is also because of this, the purple emperor disaster star in the purple Emperor God Temple reputation is also higher and higher.

It's a pity that the sudden disaster made the purple emperor's Shenxiao hall fall suddenly, and the purple emperor's star picking was also seriously injured at this time. Not only the spirit soul was seriously injured, but also the heart vein was broken. The meridians in the elixir field were all broken by bombardment.

Even the bones on the body have been basically broken!

It's not dead now. It's not a miracle!

"I didn't expect that when the blood god temple attacked the purple emperor Shenxiao hall, they suffered such heavy internal injuries. Obviously, this is not what ordinary means can do, it is to make their spirits and themselves seriously injured together!"

"It's at least law magic."

"The blood temple made them seriously injured, but they didn't kill them. It seems that the people in the blood Temple must have wanted to capture them alive."

Tang long thought secretly, after exploring the injuries of the still unconscious purple emperor picking stars and Mo Yun Tianbo, he also gave them both the healing elixir he had refined before.

Then he went back to Huanggu XueYue and Tianyu Jianglong: "did you just say that there are Tiancai Dibao that can cure spirits?"

"Yes." The answer was Huanggu XueYue. She looked at Tang Long's weakness and said: "when I came out from zongmen, I brought out all the important Tiancai and Dibao collected by zongmen for tens of millions of years!"

"This is the best!" Tang Long was very satisfied: "if you can, please give me these Tiancai Dibao for healing wounds and treating spirits. I refine them into miraculous pills for them to take, and then treat them again. I believe that through my treatment, they can still recover. After all, although they are seriously injured, but after all, their own strength is very strong, and their physique is also very good!"

"Do you think they can recover?" Tianyu Jianglong stares at Tang long, with an obvious surprise in his eyes.

Beside Huanggu XueYue is also a surprise looking at Tang long.

Tang Long seriously said: "although I have a way to make them recover and you can recover, we must have enough good Tiancai Dibao, especially the Tiancai Dibao for treating spirits. I'm afraid the Tiancai Dibao with the quality lower than Qipin Xianyao can't work!"

"We have such things here!" Huanggu XueYue was still very weak at this time, but his eyes had already flashed with hope: "brother, as long as you can only deal with the internal injury of our Lord, we will certainly repay you!"

Tang Long nodded: "in this case, give me the medicine now, can't delay time!"


Huanggu XueYue promised that she was a hermit who was specially responsible for the medicinal materials storage room of purple emperor Shenxiao hall.Zong door was attacked, she rushed to bring out those Tiancai Dibao.

Of course, thanks to her magic weapon, this is a very powerful magic weapon. There is a large space in it to store a lot of things.

Her magic weapon is the nine day flying sword!

Huanggu XueYue, the magic weapon of Huanggu XueYue, was actually acquired by an extremely accidental chance, and there was also a period of her unforgettable past.

The past has been buried in her heart for thousands of years!

Her mind moved, and she had two more boxes in her hand. The boxes glittered with gold, and they were decorated with strong seal and isolation.

Looking at Tang long, she said, "these two boxes are both natural materials and earth treasures that can restore soul trauma. They are first-class and second-class divine medicines. Moreover, they are very rare and have a long-term life."

Weak voice down, Huanggu XueYue is to give two boxes to Tang long.

Then she took out the other two boxes: "there are Tiancai Dibao which can heal wounds. They are four grade divine medicines and two grade divine medicines. They are also extremely rare Tiancai Dibao!"

When Tang long heard the words of Huanggu XueYue, he was relieved.

With such high-quality Tiancai Dibao, there is no problem in treating the internal injuries of these four people.

Huang Gu XueYue said: "the seal on this box is a little profound. I'm afraid you can't open it. My current situation It may take some time! "

She is now extremely weak, although it will not take much energy to open the seal, but she can't use her energy at present.

If forced to use her energy, she would die within ten minutes.

However, the seal on the box is too abstruse. It is impossible for ordinary people to open it unless they are very proficient in the array.

After all, these are miraculous medicines. Of course, they are very careful when they are stored. However, they have become a problem now.

The Tianyu River Dragon beside her heard Huanggu XueYue's words, and immediately his eyes showed deep tension. He turned his head and looked at Huanggu XueYue: "can you use your vitality now? If you are so seriously injured, if you rush forward and use your vitality, will you not seek death by yourself? "

Huanggu XueYue's eyes showed a firm: "only I can open the seal on this box. I must save the Supreme Lord, and your internal injury can not be delayed. Therefore, I must not delay. Now I must untie the seal on this box!"

"You are not to come!" Tang long looked at Huanggu XueYue and said: "just seal, I can untie it!"


Huanggu XueYue looks at Tang long in disbelief.

She also has a good research on the array. The seals on these boxes are arranged by her own hands.

She knows that these seals are very profound, even if it is a person with a certain degree of array attainments, it is extremely difficult to unlock the seal she set.

Can Tang long do it? And said it was just a "mere seal"!

"Can you untie the seals on these boxes?" She looked at Tang Long's weakness and asked, with a look in her eyes.

Tang Long nodded definitely.

He is no longer weak in the array. In this period of time, he often removed all kinds of array seals. He has been doing research in this field for a long time, and he is still studying with such super strong people as vartian.

In the aspect of array, he has improved very fast in this period of time!

The most important thing is that he has seen the seals on these boxes. It is indeed a kind of ancient and profound seal. Although he is not very familiar with these seals, he can easily untie them with a little thinking.

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