Purple emperor pick star and Tang Long two people fly towards the distance in a hurry, not long is already far away from the place before.

Tang Long explored the surrounding environment and found no danger. He looked at the purple emperor picking up the stars and asked, "elder purple emperor, now you should tell me why you want to leave the place you just left? Why are you in a hurry to go to Heiyao mountain

The purple emperor picked up the star and said, "this is a secret about me, my personal secret!"

Tang Long asked, "what's the secret? Can you tell me? "

The purple emperor picked up the stars and was silent for a moment. Then he said, "the place where we hid before, the space of different degrees, do you know how the space of different degrees came from?"

Tang Long shook his head and said, "I don't know."

The purple emperor picked up the star and said, "that space of heterotopia is related to the black demon mountain. This matter belongs to my personal top secret in our clan. In the past, only my two younger disciples knew about it except me!"

Tang Long said: "what you said about your two younger disciples, are they the two warriors in the village before?"

"Not bad!" The purple emperor picked up the star and nodded: "those martial artists in that small space of heterodox before, I told Huanggu XueYue that they were a group of disciples that I had nothing to do with. In fact, the warriors in the space of heterodox were not the people of Zihuang Shenxiao hall, nor the disciples I trained at all!"

Tang Long guessed: "are they from the black demon mountain?"

"Not bad!" The purple emperor picked up the star and nodded.

Tang Long asked, "what's going on here? Is there something between you and the black demon mountain that conceals all the people of your clan? "

The purple emperor picked up the star and sighed: "my purple Emperor God Xiao temple and the sect gate on the black demon mountain, that is, the black demon sect. There was a great contradiction between our two sects hundreds of thousands of years ago, and we had a very difficult hatred to resolve!"

Tang Long asked, "what is the contradiction? What hatred is it? "

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the black demon sect was a very evil sect, but the strength of this sect was very strong, and it was not far away from our purple emperor Shenxiao hall. In these hundreds of thousands of years, our two clans had nearly one million large-scale wars!"

Hearing the words of the purple emperor picking up the stars, Tang Long immediately knew that the black demon sect and the purple emperor Shenxiao hall were obviously two incompatible ancestral gates!

"How far is Heiyao mountain from here?" he asked

The purple emperor picked up the star and said, "because there are several space wormholes that can connect the sites under our jurisdiction, so we can't calculate the distance between the two clans. The journey is a day's journey."

After a pause, the purple emperor picked up the stars and went on: "we'll be on our way from here. Tomorrow night we'll be able to reach the black demon mountain."

Tang Long asked, "are you related to someone in the black demon sect?"

The purple emperor picked up the star and nodded: "I have an indistinguishable relationship with the current Supreme Lord of the black demon sect. Even the rapid improvement of my strength is largely due to the help of the Supreme Lord of the black demon sect."

Tang Long said: "so it seems that your relationship is really very good."

"Yes." The purple emperor did not deny it.

He sighed softly and said: "the enmity between our two clans is too deep. In the nearly one million wars, whether it is our clan or theirs, many people have deep hatred against each other. This kind of bitter hatred covers almost all the strong people of our two clans, and even contains all the reclusive powers of our two clans The relationship with the Supreme Lord of the black demon sect can not be made public at all! "

Tang Long asked, "has the relationship between you and the Supreme Lord of the black demon sect never been known?"

"A few people know." The purple emperor picked up the stars and said, "all the people you know are in the strange space that you have been to before. The martial artists there are her confidants. We will meet there every time. For more than 10000 years, we have met many times every year, and we will stay there for a long time."

Tang Long said: "since both of you are the supreme lords of their respective ancestral clans, why don't you try to resolve the contradiction between the two Archean clans?"

"We've been working on it all the time." The purple emperor picked up the star and said, "in the past ten thousand years, there has been very few big wars between our two clans, and there has been no major conflict in nearly a thousand years. However, the enmities accumulated by our two clans for hundreds of thousands of years can not be resolved in a moment and a half."

Tang Long asked, "is the black demon sect still that kind of vicious clan now?"

"It's changed for a long time. It's all the credit of the current Supreme Lord of the black demon sect!" The purple emperor picked up the star and said, "she has paid a lot for me in the past ten thousand years. I am very ashamed. At the same time, I have tried my best to change these conditions with her. Even so, the relationship between us is still not allowed to be known by our family members. I'm afraid it will take a long time."

Tang Long nodded with understanding.

There are millions of wars between the two clans, so the number of small-scale conflicts must be numerous.Such two extremely powerful Archean sects, hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation of gratitude and resentment, and even the reclusive power of the two sects are all involved in it, so it is really difficult to resolve such a major resentment in a short time.

Under this kind of gratitude and resentment, the sincere feelings between the purple emperor picking stars and the black demon sect's Supreme Lord became more and more precious.

And it's obvious that both of them are working hard for each other and have paid a lot for this relationship.

Tang long admired his sincere and deep feelings.

Tang Long said: "you didn't mention anything about the black demon mountain in that strange space, but I'm sure now that you were worried about the situation there."

"Yes." The purple emperor picked up the star and said, "that's why I put forward the reason that only the two of us came out. After all, you don't belong to the purple emperor's Shenxiao hall, let alone the black demon mountain. You should be able to understand some disputes between me and the Supreme Lord of the black demon sect."

"I really understand you." Tang Long said: "I think you originally intended to go with me to get the divine pulse, and then you must go to the black demon mountain, right?"

"Yes." "I really thought so at that time, and I decided to go as soon as possible," he admitted

Tang Long said: "no wonder in the ruins of Zihuang Shenxiao hall, when you heard Qianxiang brothers say that the people from the bleeding Temple went to attack the black demon mountain, you would suddenly appear very nervous. Originally, you were worried about the safety of the Supreme Lord of the black demon sect. In this case, we will rush to the black demon mountain now!"

The two are still flying in a hurry.

Moreover, in order to speed up the journey, Tang Long summoned the golden winged Kunpeng. In the absence of anyone, they were sitting on the golden wing Kunpeng.

Before that, all eight of Tang Long's supernatural beasts had taken the elixir refined by Tang long to improve the growth speed of Warcraft. At this time, the combat power of Tang Long's supernatural beasts has also been improved a lot.

Although the combat power of these beasts has not been upgraded to the level of wild high-level beasts, they are not far away from the wild high-level beasts.

In this case, the flying speed of Jinyi Kunpeng has also increased a lot.

They flew all the way in a hurry and arrived at the boundary of the black demon mountain at noon the next day.

Black demon mountain is not just a mountain.

Heiyao mountain is a very big place. Of course, this place mainly focuses on the mountain area, and there are several cities around it.

In the past, these cities were very prosperous, but now there is no prosperous scene at all.

The place where Tang Long and they are now is the biggest city near the black demon mountain: Black demon city!

Walking on the streets of the black demon city, Tang Long and the purple emperor picked up the stars and prepared to find a restaurant to eat. After eating, they planned to inquire about the situation of the black demon sect, and then decided to take the next step.

Although the black demon city seems very chaotic at this time, you can hear the screams of girls everywhere, and some unscrupulous laughter, but there are still some restaurants still open for business.

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