The warrior came in with stubble on his face. His whole body was dark and his eyes were big. He looked fierce and fierce, just like a black bear!

The strength of black bear is not weak, but the strength of the triple realm of the earth ancestor.

He strode in and glanced at the situation in the restaurant. He saw many people lying on the floor in all directions. He glanced at some girls on the table covered with blankets. Then his eyes fell on Tang long.

Just now he passed through here outside, and he felt a powerful blood Demon power inside.

And now Tang Long's momentum has not been restrained.

What Tang Long diffuses is the power of blood demons.

So the black bear directly thought that Tang Long was also a member of the blood god temple. Looking at Tang Long's careless smile, he came over and said, "good boy, you are eating alone here. Is the big meal on the table yours or are you robbing others?"

"I robbed others, of course!" Tang Long made a very proud look: "well, my meal is not bad!"

"Not bad, not bad!" The black bear grinned and walked to the table.

The four girls on the table were covered with blankets, but their heads were still outside.

Black bear see their appearance, eyes immediately straight, these four girls are really very beautiful, black bear looked, eyes will not move directly!

"It's my duty to meet you. Since I've seen it, you don't want to eat alone!" Black bear said, already can't help but start!

Tang Long said: "it's better to close the door, I don't like to be seen by others!"

"Whatever you want!" The black bear said carelessly, his eyes still on the girls, regardless of the situation behind or at the door.

At this time, the shopkeeper of this restaurant is still in the counter, squatting down and not daring to appear.

Tang Long turned to look at the purple emperor picking stars: "block the door for me!"


The purple emperor picked up the star and agreed. His body shape flashed and went towards the door. He had a big blanket in his hand.

Just now the door has been smashed by the black bear's fist. At this time, the purple emperor can only take out a blanket.

Tang Long asked the purple emperor to pick stars to block the door. One really didn't want people from outside to come in again. Another reason was that he had decided to start at once, but the purple emperor was beside him. He didn't want to hurt him by mistake.

After all, purple emperor pick star now strength is still sealed.

Tang Long looks at the black bear, and sees the greedy appearance of the black bear, and his eyes become more and more obvious.

Tang's attention to the black bear is totally ignored!

Of course, Tang long will not miss such an opportunity!

Purple emperor pick star just arrived at the door, the black bear's hand has been stretched out, toward a girl's face on the table to touch up: "such a beautiful girl, is really rare, today I want to enjoy it!"

He didn't guard against Tang long. He thought that Tang long, like him, was going to play here!

Tang long had already flashed behind him, and then his fist burst into blood red light, and directly hit the black bear's back with a fist!

The power of this fist is super powerful, contains the law of thunder and lightning, contains the law of explosion!

The most important thing is, the black bear is unprepared!


Tang Long's fist hit the black bear's back directly and violently, and then the bear flew out!

The spirit of a bloodthirsty Lord has come out!

"Things that don't know how to live or die!" In Tang Long's eyes, the murderous opportunity soared, and his body flashed. He flew towards the spirit of the black bear. His palm stretched out. The energy of the colorful light contained the power of the blood devil. He turned into an energy giant hand and grasped the spirit in the energy palm!

The spirit of black bear stares at Tang long in horror: "you, who are you?"

Although he was the triple realm of dizu and the strength of spirit was not weak, he found that the strength and combat power of dizu in Tanglong district was very strong!

He was seized by Tang Long's powerful hand, but he couldn't get rid of it!

Tang Long never talks to him.

He knew that cleaning up the spirit of this guy here must not delay time. If the time is delayed, people from the blood temple will come in again and see the situation here, it is likely to cause unexpected trouble.

"Who am I? You'll never have a chance to know!"

The deep voice fell down, holding the spirit's energy giant hand, suddenly burst out the rolling thunder sound, burst out one after another golden lightning!

In a short time, the spirit was bombarded by thunder and lightning, and countless cracks appeared.

Then the huge hand of the energy shook hard, and the spirit exploded.

In the spirit, countless blood red life marks fly out, but before they can be condensed, they are broken and disappeared by the bombardment of golden light and lightning!The spirit of the bloodthirsty Lord was easily killed by Tang Long!

Tang Long has used his magic power in the field of the sea to explore the surroundings outside, but he doesn't find anyone coming towards here.

"Fortunately, it didn't cause too much noise, otherwise there might be trouble!"

Tang long thought in his mind, his figure flashed, and in a twinkling he had already appeared in front of the counter, looking at the shopkeeper squatting in the counter: "is there any room available here?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The shopkeeper nodded, still squatting.

"Wait a minute and take me there!" Tang Long said in a deep voice.

"Yes The shopkeeper didn't dare to refuse. At this time, he didn't know who Tang Long was.

For Tang long, the shopkeeper is a little afraid, after all, Tang Long's strength is obviously very strong, and Tang Long's body erupts or the powerful blood Demon power, which also makes the shopkeeper extremely scared!

But at the same time, the shopkeeper didn't understand. Although he was hiding in the counter just now, he also explored Tang Long's fighting process with his divine sense.

Tang Long obviously killed a blood Temple man!

The shopkeeper of this shop is also a martial arts man with some strength, but he is much weaker than Tang long. His strength has not even reached the realm of divine king.

Of course, he did not dare to disobey Tang Long's orders.

He had some expectations in his heart.

"Get up quickly and lead the way ahead!" Tang long looked at the shopkeeper and said in a deep voice.

The shopkeeper didn't dare to say more and stood up to lead the way.

Tang Long has a flash of body, to the girls lying in front of the table, explore the situation of these girls.

Obviously, these girls were not hurt internally. They were just controlled by people, their muscles and veins were controlled. They were unable to speak, use vitality and make any resistance. But as long as the ban on them is lifted, they can recover immediately.

Tang Long easily lifted the ban on them: "clean up quickly, come with me, I have something to ask you!"

Several girls looked at Tang long, a little hesitant for a moment.

But at this time, the purple emperor picked up the star and came over: "where is your supreme lord?"

See purple emperor pick star, these girls are still a face of fear.

They have never seen the purple emperor picking stars.

The purple emperor picked up the star and continued: "I know you are the people of the black demon sect, and you are the people of the heaven demon guard trained by the demon queen. I need to know more about the black demon sect. If you want to know about your supreme master, you must tell me!"

Several girls looked at each other and did not speak. The fear in their eyes was relieved.

Their strength is not strong, at least in front of purple emperor pick star and Tang long, their strength is very weak.

But at this time, they were at ease, and even had some hidden expectations, because Tang long had obviously saved them, and now Tang Long obviously did not want to be rude to them, which made them feel much relieved.

However, they are embarrassed at this time! , the fastest update of the webnovel!