Tang Long is no longer near them.

Tang Long flew out into the distance. After flying for hundreds of meters, he stopped and watched the purple emperor pick up the stars in the distance. They dealt with the last ancestor of the blood temple.

Of course, he was not idle, using the boundaries of divine power and spiritual power to assist the purple emperor in their war.

Next, the war lasted more than 20 minutes, and the war was finally over.

At this time, outside the entrance, the warriors of the blood temple were surrounded by the magical beasts brought by Tang long, and they were being killed by them.

These warriors are no match for these beasts at all.

After a long time, the warriors in the blood temple were all solved by these beasts, and the beasts returned to the headquarters of the black demon sect.

The purple emperor picked up the star, and the three of them had killed the last God of blood god.

The battle has been completely over. At this time, the warriors of the black demon sect who were imprisoned have all recovered their freedom, and the warriors in the blood temple here have all been solved.

The war was obviously a great success, a complete victory.

Tang Long was very satisfied with his plan and the battle in the headquarters of the black demon sect. After all, it was not a small victory, which solved the total of five Tianzu strongmen in the blood temple!

This war let the purple emperor pick stars, their hearts also vent a lot of evil gas.

Tang long looked around. He wanted to leave.

He has been here for a long time. He has to look for that divine pulse.

He turned to look at the purple emperor picking stars and ziyunsana and said: "the next two elders should go to the ruins of purple emperor Shenxiao hall?"

The purple emperor picked up the star and nodded.

He had promised Tang long before this matter. As a result, because he came to the black demon sect to rescue ziyunsana, he has not got the divine vein. Now ziyunsana has been rescued. Of course, he has to go to the ruins of Zihuang Shenxiao hall.

He wanted to go to the ruins of Zihuang Shenxiao hall, not only for that divine vein, but also for storing a lot of things of their ancestral clan.

He would take out all those things if he could.

He turned to look at ziyunsana and said, "shall we go together?"

Ziyunsana sighed: "we really have to leave here. The black demon sect can't stay here any longer. Although we have solved these people in the blood temple, I know that they have more powerful ones. Once those people come back, we can't deal with them at all!"

She is worried about the future of the black demon sect. The blood god temple attacks the whole world so savagely. Where are the people of the black demon sect going to settle down next?!

Tang long looked at Ziyun SANA and said, "if you don't dislike it, go to batian city together?"

"Where is batian city?" Asked ziyunsana.

Tang Long said: "batian city is a place where powerful people from all over the world are gathered to deal with the blood god hall together. When you get there, you will know more about it."

"The most important thing is that you black demon clan can't stay here any more. You'd better arrange for the rest of your clan to find a safe place to hide. Don't show up for the time being and avoid this disaster again!"

"Where can they hide? People who come to the temple of God sooner or later! "

Tang Long said: "if you like, these girls of the black demon sect can take them to batian City, but I think it's better to find a safe place for them to hide for a while, because batian city will become a battlefield sooner or later."

At this time, the purple emperor picked up the star and said, "I know a place, which is very large and hidden. There is no problem hiding for a while. Even if the people in the blood Temple find the place, as long as they don't say they are from the black demon sect, the people in the blood temple will not pay too much attention to it!"

"Where are you talking about?" asked the purple emperor SANA

The purple emperor picked up the star and said: "this is in an ancient jungle. The place is rarely visited. The talents of the blood god temple begin to attack our whole world. I believe that they don't have time to send many strong people to such places, let alone Tianzu!"

Purple emperor SANA asked, "you have survivors in your clan. How do you plan to arrange them?"

The purple emperor picked up the star and said, "in this continent, the places where people are rarely seen are not very few. I have already thought of another place, so that all the survivors of my clan can go there and hide for a period of time."

Tang Long said: "the purple emperor's method is very good. You let the weaker people of your clan go to those places to hide, and then all the strong people will gather together to go to batian city. All the strong people in the blood temple will be attracted away and let them attack us. As long as we are still there, the remaining people in your sect can ensure basic security."After listening to Tang Long's words, the purple emperor picked up the stars, and their eyes immediately fell on Tang long.

Magic night Piaoyu glared at Tang Long and asked, "what do you mean? Do you want to attract the strong men of the blood temple to attack batian city

"Not to attack batian City, but to attack Qinglong city!" Tang Long said: "there is a place that we have arranged and arranged to deal with the blood temple. We should attract all the strong people in the blood temple, so that other parts of the world can be free from slaughter."

"That's a good idea!" The purple emperor picked up the stars and flashed a light in his eyes, but immediately frowned: "but, the comprehensive strength of the blood temple is very strong, can your batian city do it?"

Tang Long said seriously: "now you haven't gone to batian city. I can't explain some situations clearly. When you get to batian City, you will know my overall plan. At that time, you will know that my plan is absolutely feasible!"

Hearing Tang Long's confident words, the purple emperor picked up the stars and looked at each other.

They all know that the situation of the whole world is extremely bad at this time, and it may be of some use to gather all the strongest to fight against the blood temple.

They thought it over and over, and felt that no matter what, Tang Long's method was obviously the better one at present.

If they fight on their own, they will soon be defeated by each other!

Ziyunsana looked at Tang Long and said: "at present, it seems that it's the only way. I'll arrange the people of my clan here to hide in the hidden place, and then I'll go with you to batian city and fight with those people in the blood temple to the end."

Tang Long said: "the strong people of dizu can hide with them. You and master moyeye can go to batian city with me!"

"Well." Ziyunsana nodded.

Let the remaining clan ancestors hide together. If there is any situation, the strength of those strong ancestors can also cope, and the survivors of the clan can also have a guarantee.

Ziyunsana looked at the purple emperor picking up the stars and said, "I'll make arrangements now. When the arrangements are finished, we'll go to your ancestral gate, and then..."

At this point, she couldn't go on.

She already knew that the purple Emperor God Temple is more miserable than the black demon sect!

At this time, the headquarters of Zihuang Shenxiao hall has become a ruin!

Tang Long went to collect all the supernatural beasts. Ziyunsana and the magic night Piaoyu arranged for the survivors of the sect. The purple emperor picked up the star and gave ziyunsana a a map, telling her a relatively safe ancient jungle.

Ziyunsana must arrange these people to leave as soon as possible. After all, at this time, all the people in the blood temple here have been solved. Now it is the safest to evacuate.

But it won't be long before people from the blood temple will come back.

It's the best time for them to leave now.

After a while of discussion, Tang Long and they left the headquarters of the black demon sect and went together toward the valley of Qing Dynasty.

There are more than 20 rescued people from the black demon clan over there in the Qingyou valley.

To the other side of the qingyougu, after meeting with those girls, ziyunsana told them some things in detail, and handed the map that the purple emperor picked up the star to her to the two ancestors who survived in the clan.

Then she ordered them to go to the ancient jungle to hide.

Of course, she went to the ruins of Zihuang Shenxiao hall and helped Tang Long get the sealed divine vein of Zihuang Shenxiao hall.

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