Tang Long contacted Mu Qingcheng directly in his heart. He passed the Huixin gate between mu Qingcheng and returned to the Tang gate of batian city and appeared in a training room.

At this time, in the Tang mansion of the holy city of blood demons, Dongfang bing'er was receiving a guest at this time.

This man has never been to Tangfu before.

This is not an ordinary person, but a Dharma protector with high status in the blood temple, and also the Dharma protector of heaven.

In the blood god temple, the identity of the heaven protector is the same as that of the heaven elder.

The elder of heaven in the blood temple is mainly responsible for dealing with some important matters in the blood temple, but there are not many things in the Tian protector Dharma. They are basically ordered by the emperor to solve some problems directly by force!

In some special periods, tianhufa will directly destroy a family or destroy a continent according to the order of the Lord.

What they get is a grid order!

Therefore, most of the time, there is not much to do with tianhufa in the blood temple.

Of course, now that the blood god temple is at war with the great thousand worlds, these heavenly guardians are busy, and they will go directly to the battlefields of various places in the great thousand worlds to fight against the great thousand worlds.

Of course, there are still some Dharma protectors left in the holy city of blood demons. Under normal circumstances, they only obey the orders of the Lord.

Above the Dharma protector of the blood god temple, is the Department of true respect: Tiansha hall!

On that day, the Dharma protector would suddenly come to the Tang mansion. Dongfang bing'er was very surprised.

In the living room, Dongfang bing'er looked at the suddenly arrived Dharma protector and asked curiously, "what's the matter with tianhufa coming to Tangfu? Has it been ordered by the Lord? "

Tianhufa shook his head: "I'm a bit of my personal business. I've come to look for childe Tang!"

Oriental ice son face apologetic: "sorry, my husband is not in now!"

Tianhufa said: "I heard that childe Tang has been missing for many days and hasn't come back. Is this really true?"

Hearing the Dharma protector's words, Dongfang bing'er immediately said, "of course, it's not true. My husband was still at home yesterday, but today something happened to go out. It's a bit unfortunate that you came here."

"I was home yesterday!" The pupils of tianhufa's eyes slightly coagulated: "didn't your husband go out some time ago?"

Dongfang bing'er said: "my husband was practicing in the closed door a few days ago. He left the pass yesterday. He also specially met with the elder Xiuli and discussed some things about our Danshi League. This morning, my husband went out and said he was going to do something!"

Tianhufa asked, "where did you go to work?"

Dongfang bing'er shook his head: "I don't know about it. I only know that this matter has something to do with Xiuli elder!"

"That's it A disappointment appeared on the face of tianhufa: "since childe Tang is not here, I'll come another day. I'm here to ask him to refine some elixirs for me. I have some healing herbs here, and I'm going to the world soon. I need these healing elixirs!"

Dongfang bing'er quickly said: "if tianhufa is willing, you can leave me a way to contact you. When my husband comes back, I will tell him about it, or I will send someone to find you."

"Forget it!" Tianhufa stood up and apparently intended to leave: "I've been in the holy city of blood demons these days anyway. I don't think young master Tang will go out for a long time. Let's wait until he comes back. I'll come back another day."

"Good!" Dongfang binger also stood up.

Tianhufa didn't say anything more. He left Tang Fu. After Dongfang bing'er sent him out, he immediately contacted Tang Long with huixinmen.

Tang long had just arrived at batian City, and he Mu Qingcheng just came out of the training room. Hearing the voice of Oriental bing'er in the heart, he immediately asked, "bing'er, what's wrong with the holy city of blood demon?"

Dongfang bing'er said: "a protector of the blood temple came here and said that he wanted you to refine the elixir. But I don't think he came here. It seems that he is trying to find out whether you are in the Tang Dynasty."

With that, Dongfang binger told Tang Long what tianhufa said here.

Tang long thought about it for a while. He had already guessed. He thought to himself, "if you calculate the time, the people who went to the site to frame my Guangyao family must have come back now. They didn't find me at the site, but they couldn't be sure whether I was alive or dead. I don't know if I'm back. It's possible that they found the tianprotector and went to the Tang house I'm going to find out if I'm still alive

Tang Long asked Dongfang bing'er, "bing'er, how did you answer that day's Dharma protector?"

Dongfang bing'er said, "I said you have come back!"

Tang Long said: "you're right to say that, and then the problem of batian city will be solved, and the people of the shining family will surely think that, probably because of me, the problem of batian city can be solved so quickly."

After a pause, Tang Long snorted and said, "I hope that Guangyao Canglong can do something more right after he comes back. After all, I'm ready to deal with him!"

With that, Tang Long and Mu Qingcheng have entered the hall of the Tang mansion in batian city.Now Tang Long is sure that the things outside batian city are not planned by Guangyao Canglong. It's very difficult for these guys to plan such a big thing. After all, it is absolutely impossible to gather so many people just outside batian city in one or two days.

"Who would it be? Is it the people of Baili family, or other people of Guangyao family? But it must have something to do with the evil spirit sect! " Tang long thought secretly.

Together with Mu Qingcheng, he and Mu Qingcheng had already come to the east of the hall and sat down on two chairs side by side. At this time, there was no one else in the hall except for them. There were two guards outside the door.

The two guards outside the gate are warriors of the Dragon Guard.

After Tang Long and Mu Qingcheng sat down in the hall, Tang long looked at Mu Qingcheng and asked, "how is the arrangement outside?"

"As soon as you left in the morning, I began to arrange, and now it's all arranged!" Mu Qingcheng said: "I let more than a dozen warriors go out quietly and mix with those outside. Although the number of warriors gathered outside is large, it is very chaotic. Our people will not be found when they mix in. Moreover, I have arranged people in the city!"

"This arrangement is very good!" Tang Long was very satisfied, and then asked, "are the people who spread the news ready?"

"All ready." Mu Qingcheng said: "as long as the things outside are finished, the news will be spread around batian city. It is said that evil spirits sect deliberately gathered these people to make trouble in batian city. It is a conspiracy of the blood god hall, and those people are used by the people of the blood temple!"

"Good!" Tang Long was very satisfied: "the evil spirit sect wants to destroy our plan of batian City, so I directly point out that they are making trouble. Next, even if we do not have evidence, we will never let them have any harvest. If we can grasp a little evidence, the evil spirit sect will have to work hard this time, but help us!"

After chatting with Mu Qingcheng for a while, Tang Yi, the Dragon guard outside the gate, came in a hurry. Seeing Tang Long here, he immediately said, "young master, there are two people outside. They are wearing strange black cloaks, and they look strange. They say they are looking for you for something!"

Tang long heard Tang Yi's words, and immediately guessed that it must be the magic incense Wanggu and Zhong Li crazy.

He looked at Mu Qingcheng and said, "the strong reinforcements I moved from the blood demon holy city should be here!"

Then he looked at Tang Yi and said, "please come in!"

"Yes Tang Yi agreed, turned and hurried away. It was not long before he came in with two warriors in black cloaks.

These two warriors didn't have a strong breath, and they didn't look very old either. They were in their early 40s. They were all beards, bold and bold!

Tang Long saw these two people, slightly Leng Leng, these two people are obviously not Zhong Li crazy and magic incense Wang Gu.

Even the breath of these two people is strange to Tang long.

"You two are..." Tang long looked at the two black robed warriors in front of him.

One of the two warriors had already taken out a sign. He threw it at Tang Long and said directly, "let's go to the secret room and talk about it in detail."

Tang Long took over the sign and immediately knew that the man in front of him was the magic incense Wanggu!

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