"It's all the damned Tang long. Even if I don't want Danshi League, I must die!" Guangyao Canglong is gnashing his teeth!

Baili Dengfeng also wants Tang long to die, but how can Tang Long die so easily?!

They hurt Tang long so many times. Isn't Tang Long still alive?!

"What bad idea do you think of to harm Tang Long? First of all, you can go to Gao Tianye this time. I can't help you any more. My family has forbidden me to go out for a month, and the martial artists in my family don't allow me to dispatch them! "

Guangyao Canglong snorted: "master Bai Li, you don't need to show up this time. I'll have my way to deal with Tang long. I must let Tang Long die, and Gao Tianye, this bastard, must die!"

This time, Gao Tianye did not show any flaw in the trap. Not only did Tang Long escape, but also Gao Tianye escaped, which made Guangyao Canglong extremely angry.

If there were not manwolves in the ruins, his Guangyao family would not have the current problems and be respected and doubted.

It's very bad for the glory family.

Guangyao Canglong knows that the matter of man wolf, Guangyao family must find a way to prove his innocence!

In the view of Guangyao Canglong, if you want to solve the problem of Guangyao family thoroughly, you have to find a way to expose Gao Tianye. Otherwise, the Guangyao family will be more and more respected and suspect, and will lose the trust of zunshang to Guangyao family.

The owner of Guangyao family has told Guangyao Canglong very seriously that he attaches great importance to the human wolf, especially to the devil power, which is even more important than the war with the great world!

Many of the mysterious super masters around zunshang have actually gone to various places quietly to investigate the things about man and wolf, and the most important thing is to investigate the power of the devil!

If this thing can't be washed off by Guangyao family, it will be very dangerous!

This is a big event, it's about the life and death of Guangyao family!

"This time, we must come up with a perfect plan, not only to let Tang Long die, but also to let Gao Tianye die, and let my Guangyao family completely get rid of the trust crisis of zunshang!"

Shining Canglong thought secretly.

He looked at the hundred mile summit, bit his teeth and said, "this time my plan doesn't need you to do it. I come to you today because of another thing!"

"What's the matter?" He asked.

Guangyao Canglong said: "the information leaked by your Baili family let Tang Long know, so Tang Long went to that ancient site. This matter has let me know that the ghost of your Baili family is not arranged by the Moxiang family, but by Xiuli Changhe!"

"The man who left the crane?" Bai Li Dengfeng frowned fiercely: "do you mean that the last time our family escorted Dan Shi and this time set traps to deal with Tang long, it was Xiu Li Changhe who spread the news?"

"Yes Guangyao Canglong nodded positively and said: "this time, it's the vain city that Xiuli Changhe and Tang Long went to together, not the people of the Moxiang family. Moreover, Xiuli Changhe also brought a lot of people, which is obviously well prepared!"

"It's the one who arranged by Xiuli Changhe. It seems that Xiuli Changhe arranged someone in my hundred Li family!" Bai Li Dengfeng frowned fiercely: "I will tell my grandfather about this matter. I have to check carefully to see who is in our family. It is actually the person who left the crane!"

Guangyao Canglong said: "this time, my Guangyao family and Xiuli Changhe have completely turned their faces. It seems that we can find a way to get rid of Xiuli Changhe."

Bai Li Dengfeng said: "you'd better think about how to kill Tang long. Tang Long is dead, and all the problems have been solved."

"That's it Guangyao Canglong thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to go to Gao Tianye. I have to deal with this matter as soon as possible. If Tang Long continues to live, it's really bad for both our families."

"Then you go, I wish you success!" "It's a pity that I was forbidden by the owner of my house, so I can't help you!" he said

"All right, I'm going!" Shining Canglong stood up.

In fact, he still wanted several people to help him this time, but Baili mountain was banned and his power was taken back by the Baili family. He knew that it was useless to find Baili Dengfeng himself.

What's more, he could see that he didn't want to participate in his action, so he didn't force him to climb the mountain.

He already has a more suitable candidate in his heart,

he wants to join another peak family: Blue Mountain family!

The relationship between the blue mountain family and the Baili family has always been very good, but after all, the blue mountain family and the Tang family have no hatred, and there is no conflict with Danshi League.

Now, whether it is Tang Fu or Danshi League, it has great attraction to the big families of the blood temple.

Guangyao Canglong knows that the last time he failed to deal with Tang long, it is impossible for him to get Danshi League again.

After all, he offended Xiuli Changhe this time!Moreover, the relationship between their glory family and the magic incense family has been irreconcilable.

So next, Guangyao Canglong wants to take advantage of this opportunity to deal with Tang Long again to pull the blue mountain family into the water, so that the blue mountain family and Danshi League have a feud!

Guangyao Canglong left the residence of Baili family and went quietly to the city of genius to find Gao Tianye!

Gao Tianye has returned to the city of genius.

He came back less than a day ago.

In the city of genius, Gao Tianye is losing his temper in his study.

"This bloody shining Canglong is just too incompetent. After so many attempts to deal with Tang long, they failed again and again, and lost so many people in vain, and even nearly killed me this time!"

"This boy has been dealing with Tang long in such a continuous way. Tang long must be very angry and won't let him go I can't let my recent losses go to waste

"Strong Qingtian has come to order, it seems that it is time for me to act!"

Gao Tianye's eyes showed a cold light.

At this time, there was an extra box in his hand, a dark box, which contained a kind of natural material and treasure!

This day, wood treasure has a very nice name: light of hope!

Light of hope, this is a kind of Tiancai Dibao that can greatly improve the strength of a warrior after taking it, and it can change the constitution of a warrior in a short time!

Of course, it's a fake!

"Shining Canglong, don't think I'm so easy to be used, hum!"

Gao Tianye's gloomy cold hum, opened the box in his hand, looked at the things in the box, and his fist suddenly and violently grasped it!

This thing he here is not much, should Tianhe brought to him, this of course is strong Qingtian's order.

Where is strong giant? Gao Tianye doesn't know.

But he knew that he had to obey the orders of lie Qingtian, because he had the power of demons, which had been completely controlled by him. At least with his current strength, he was absolutely unable to resist him.

For strong Qingtian in the blood temple has the power, Gao Tianye has known a lot, because strong Qingtian left before he gave him a dark talisman!

This dark rune is the magic emperor Rune!

With this magic rune, he can control many people who lie Qingtian placed in the blood temple, and even control many people in the high mansion!

He also controlled a lot of people that lie Qingtian had secretly trained before, and these people were in charge of Tianhua Changqing.

There is also a dark Rune on Tianhua Changqing, which is a demon rune. This rune is one level lower than the magic emperor Rune and can be controlled by the magic emperor rune. Therefore, the Tianhua Changqing can be controlled by Gao Tianye.

The task of Tianhua Changqing staying here is very simple. It is to go to every place of the blood temple to find the warrior and change it into a magic angel!

There are also different levels of magic angels. Among the magic angels cultivated by Tianhua Changqing, the five-star devil angel is the highest level, and Gao Tianye is the one who controls the higher level.

The highest level of magic angel that Gao Tianye can control is the Seven Star devil angel.

However, there are more powerful than the Seven Star devil angel.

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