After a short time, the guard went into the living room of Gonghong mansion with the light of Canglong. Then the guard turned away and went back to guard the gate again.

Gong Hongba file looked at Guangyao Canglong and asked, "Guangyao childe, you come to me so late, don't know what's the matter?"

Guangyao Canglong looked very anxious: "go, let's go to your study and say it!"

"Good!" Gong Hongba file stood up and was very curious. He could see that it was obviously important to shine on Canglong, and it was obviously urgent that he came to see him so late!

"Did he discover something about me like this? Or... " Silently thinking, Gong Hongba file made a gesture of invitation, and went to his study with the glory of Canglong.

Soon they went into a study together.

Gong Hongba file opened the isolation boundary in the study, then looked at Guangyao Canglong and asked, "Guangyao childe, you are so late to come to me in a hurry, what's the matter?"

"There is something, something important!" Guangyao Canglong said, with a box in his hand.

He has shown this box to two people in the blood Temple today. They are both Dan gods.

And these two Danshen have a lot of research on medicinal materials.

However, compared with Gong Hongba file, the level of these two Dan gods is still far from the level of gonghongba file. After all, Gong Hongba file is the heavenly elder of the medicine Pavilion of the blood god temple, which is responsible for all kinds of medicinal materials in the blood god temple!

There are only three heavenly elders in Shenyao Pavilion.

In the research of medicinal materials, gonghongba file is the most powerful among the three days of seniority in Shenyao Pavilion.

Guangyao Canglong took the box and went to the front table and stopped: "elder Gong Hong, please help me identify something!"

"What?" Gong Hongba file asked curiously and went to Guangyao Canglong.

Guangyao Canglong has opened the box.

The box was placed on the table. Inside the box was a pearl with strange silver light. The bead looked transparent and moist. If you look carefully, there are some extremely subtle special trace patterns on it.

The beads contain many mysterious runes.

Moreover, an extremely powerful and extremely pure energy diffused out of the bead.

When Gong Hongba file saw the bead, he was surprised: "this is a rare good thing. I'm sure it can improve our strength."

"It can really improve our strength." Guangyao Canglong said: "however, I doubt that there is a great danger in this thing!"

"Danger? What danger? " Gong Hongba asked in a hurry.

Guangyao Canglong said: "this is what I got from this man wolf after killing a mutant man wolf by chance. It is said that this thing is called the light of hope!"

"The light of hope? I've never heard of that name! " Gong Hongba filed: "it seems that there is no danger in this thing!"

Guangyao Canglong said solemnly: "things are obtained from human wolves. I have to be cautious. Elder Gong Hong, you have a deep knowledge in medicinal materials. Help me to see if there is the power of demons or stars in this thing!"

"Well, I'll take a look at it for you." Gong Hongba filed immediately.

In his heart, he knew that 80% of the things that Guangyao Canglong took out were not obtained by killing human wolves, but probably from someone related to strong Qingtian.

Of course, he would not say that.

He had already suspected that Guangyao Canglong might have something to do with lie Qingtian. Otherwise, how could the last dead man change into a man wolf at the last medicine tasting meeting?!

Although Guangyao Canglong explained to him later, how could he really believe that explanation?!

He began to explore the light of hope.

In the study of medicinal materials, Gong Hongba has a very high level of attainments. Although he has never seen ordinary natural materials and earth treasures before, he can know the function of this day's wood and earth treasure within one minute by exploring and smelling the taste.

In the aspect of tasting medicinal materials, he has a high degree of self-confidence.

Gong Hongba studied the Pearl of hope in front of her eyes for almost 15 minutes, and finally stopped.

Guangyao Canglong looked at Gong Hongba file: "how about it?"

Gong Hongba filed: "I have explored that the energy in this thing will not be in any danger. This is obviously an extremely rare natural material and earth treasure, and its effect can even be comparable to that of ordinary divine medicine."

"It seems that this is a good thing indeed!" Shining Canglong's eyes have been filled with deep joy: "great, with this thing, my strength can be improved a lot!"

He was very clear about Gong Hongba's medicinal materials. He knew that Gong Hongba's ability in this aspect was very strong. Therefore, since Gong Hongba had said so, he felt that there should be no danger in this light of hope.In fact, Gong Hongba had some doubts about the light of hope.

First of all, he felt that the light of hope didn't seem like something that could grow naturally, but he didn't know what it was from.

In addition, he noticed that in the light of hope, there seemed to be a very weak breath of life!

This extremely weak breath of life seems to be vague. Even if it is a common Dan God, even if it is found, it will not care. It must be the life breath of the wood and treasure itself.

Gong Hongba didn't think so.

He felt that the breath of life seemed to be special, but he could not find out where it was.

As to whether the light of hope was in danger, he did not detect the so-called danger.

Even if it was the faint breath of life, he did not feel that there was any danger, because the breath of life had a comfortable feeling.

Therefore, although he had some doubts about the light of hope in his heart, he didn't think it was anything.

Looking at Guangyao Canglong, he said: "Guangyao childe, based on my research on medicinal materials for so many years, there should be no danger in this thing. As for the power of the devil or the power of the stars, I have not found it at all!"

"That's good!" Guangyao Canglong was more and more assured: "as long as there is no devil power, there is no star power, then there is no problem, then I can use this thing to enhance strength!"

Gong Hongba file looked forward to Guangyao Canglong: "Guangyao childe, don't know if you still have this light of hope?"

"No, I'll take this one." Guangyao Canglong immediately said: "if there are two of these things, I will certainly give one to Gonghong elder, but unfortunately, I only have one of them."

"Only one, that's enough." Gong Hongba filed the way.

He had thought that if Guangyao Canglong still had a light of hope, if he was willing to give it to him, he could study it well.

But he was also very clear that even if such a good thing could shine on Canglong, he might not be willing to give it to him. So when he asked Guanglong, he didn't have much hope.

However, for the faint strange breath of life in the light of hope, he still felt very curious and wanted to study it well.

But since he could not study it, he had to give up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!