"We don't have to think of a way out!" Tang Long said confidently: "if I guess well, the way to get rid of our difficulties is already outside, and it has already begun to happen!"

At this time, there was a situation outside Dawangzhuang.

And it's a terrible situation!

In the distance around Dawangzhuang, there has been a strong momentum, which has come towards this side rapidly.

In a short time, this momentum is to Dawangzhuang outside the hundred meters.

Dawangzhuang is suddenly full of vigor and momentum. Such a sudden situation has been noticed by all the people in Dawang town. After all, the momentum of so many super strong people is gathering around Dawangzhuang. This is absolutely not a joke!

"What happened to Dawangzhuang?"

"I have discovered that there are dozens of strong local ancestors gathered around Dawangzhuang, and there are already dozens of Tianzu strongmen!"

"When did our King City have so many strong Tianzu people?"

"Don't you see that? Dawangzhuang is shrouded in the barrier of the powerful blood Demon power. There must be something very important happening in the border! "

"Let's go and see what's going on!"

"Do you want to die? With so many strong Tianzu gathered together, earth shaking things must have happened in the Dawangzhuang village. Let's not join in the fun. We'd better hide, or we'll be killed if we're not careful! "

"Let's go and hide outside the city. With so many strong ancestors gathering here, maybe the city will be destroyed in a while."


In all directions of Dawang City, many people flew up into the sky. Some people who couldn't get up heard the news. They came out of their homes and looked at the situation of Dawangzhuang from afar. They watched the rising of the sky and covered the whole Dawangzhuang with bloody isolation.

They know that the situation in Dawangzhuang must be very serious.

The shops around Dawangzhuang are all closed one after another. Some warriors have already flown out of the city. Next, more and more warriors are rushing out of the city.

At this time, there were more than 20 strong Tianzu realm outside Dawangzhuang!

Among them, there are wild wolf of Dongguo, Xiuli long crane, dragon Dharma protector of blood temple, and several Dan gods in the realm of liantianzu!

Even Zhong Li, the ancestor of the Zhongli family, as well as the ancestor of the Moxiang family, Moxiang Wanggu, are all here!

Such a number of heavyweight people are all concentrated here, of course, the matter is very big!

At this time, the magic incense Wanggu had arrived at the place 50 meters away from the blood red barrier and stopped.

He glanced at the barrier, gathered his energy and said in a deep voice: "the people in Chuang Tzu, immediately withdraw the isolation boundary and let us go in, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

At the side of the magic incense Wanggu, another warrior from Tianzu realm of the blood god temple flew over. The warrior was dressed in a blood red robe, and his body had burst out with a powerful blood Demon power.

Of course, this warrior came with Moxiang Wanggu.

Because the warrior always wore a blood red ghost mask, he could not see what he looked like.

Magic Xiang Wang Gu saw the warrior coming and retreated a little!

At this time, Tianzu, with the mask of blood red ghost, also said in a deep voice to the manor: "I'll count two times. If I don't cancel the isolation and boundary, all the consequences will be at your own risk."


There was no sound coming from the manor.


There was still no sound coming from the manor.

The barrier has not been removed!

The situation in Dawangzhuang is isolated by blood red, and nothing inside can be detected outside.

But at this time, the situation outside Dawangzhuang has been known by all the people in Dawangzhuang.

The barrier that envelops Dawangzhuang can completely isolate the sound and breath inside the barrier. It can make the sound and breath inside completely not spread outside the barrier, but the sound and momentum outside can come in.

In addition to the martial arts who set up the barrier outside, in addition to those in black, there are many strong men in the barrier. These strong men are all within the isolation boundary. They do not attack Tang long, but are hidden in a place of Dawangzhuang. They are responsible for controlling the situation inside and outside the manor.

Among these people, there are five strong people in Tianzu realm!

And there are several high-level strong dizu!

At this time, these people all gathered together in the hall of a magnificent building.

The warriors hiding here heard the roar outside and knew that many heavenly ancestors from the blood temple had come, and their eyes were filled with tension:

"Oh, we are surrounded

"By exploring the momentum of those guys outside, we can see that there are Zhongli maniacs, magic incense and Wanggu, and even the super strong people around us. Once they know that there are wolves in the boundary, things will be in trouble!""How could this, such a tight news, how could so many reclusive powers in the blood temple be disturbed, and how could they suddenly appear here?"

"Before, we have been paying attention to this area, and the movement of the blood demon holy city is under our control. We didn't find that these people went to the king's city, and even left Changhe and Dongguo wolf. Are they not in Danshi League today? Why did you suddenly appear here? "

"It looks like we might have been hit!"


In the disordered sound, in the hall of this grand building, the eyes of the people gathered here showed obvious tension and fear.

They set up a barrier to block the situation in the manor. Now the people outside don't know there are so many wolves inside.

But, how can this barrier block those heavenly ancestors outside?!

Once these heavenly ancestors rush in, even if they are still alive, they must have something to do with human wolves!

"At present, the only way is to kill Tang long by every means. As for us, we must escape!" It was the fat man who said this: "now we divide into two groups. Those who escaped quickly go back to report the news. One side of the line changes. The remaining people will kill Tang long at all costs."

At this time, the fat man's eyes had a touch of cold: "we can't be here, so we must leave immediately!"

With that, he took out a box in his hand.

In the box, there are several escape talismans: "let's use the escape runes to leave first. If the rest of us can't leave, you'll kill Tang Long immediately, and then find a gap to rush out in the chaos."

He had just said this, and suddenly he heard a thunderous roar!

Then, an extremely terrifying momentum suddenly spread out in this isolation border!

"Oh, no, those people are coming in!"

After exploring this sudden and powerful momentum, the fat man's eyes had already shown a touch of shock. He didn't expect that the voice of people outside had just dropped and he started directly!

At this time, he did not care a lot, directly picked up a piece of empty Rune in the box and crushed it!

The rest of the people also immediately picked up a piece of empty Rune and crushed it!

There are only four runes in the box!

The people in this hall, more people have a look of fear, a flash of body is to rush out of this hall, at least in the chaos outside to find a chance to escape.

In a basement of this magnificent building, at this time, two people in the basement also took out a piece of escape talisman!

One of them is Guangyao Canglong, and the other is arranged by Gao Tianye!

This man is called Sima Changfeng. He also has the power of demons.

Gao Tianye is not here.

Gao Tianye sent Sima Changfeng here. This time, Sima Changfeng is in charge here!

At this time, Guangyao Canglong and Sima Changfeng both knew that whether their plan to kill Tang Long was successful or not, they had at least been in an extremely dangerous situation.

Although they did not go out to check the situation, they had already felt the rupture of the powerful barrier outside!

Of course, they can detect the momentum of the powerful Tianzu.

Brilliant Canglong did not expect that today's things will become like this!

"Damn it, how can so many heavenly ancestors of the blood Temple come suddenly? Although I have been prepared, I don't care if I leave Changhe and Dongguo wolf, or even have two more Tianzu, but how can it be possible for more than 20 Tianzu to come together?" Guangyao Canglong is biting his teeth hard and has already crushed the rune in his hand.

Beside him, Sima Changfeng has also crushed the empty Rune in his hand!

Two dark space cracks appeared in front of them, and the strong pulling force broke out from the space cracks.

Sima Changfeng was still staring at Guangguang, and Canglong angrily drank: "you said that this plan is infallible? How can this happen? Didn't you say that there are many Tianzu strongmen outside here? "

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