"Is the hole of time and space about to open?"

Tang Long quickly beat out the thoughts in his heart, no longer to think about those things in his heart, and looked at the place where the power of the turbulent flow of space came.

All the warriors here, including xuedizi, also looked at the place.

It was a hundred meters in front of Tang long. Above this high altitude, a space suddenly experienced a terrible spiral distortion.

The space diameter of this spiral twist is more than ten meters!

Ten minutes later, a big dark hole appeared in the center of the spirally twisted space.

The big dark hole is not very big, and its diameter is only a little more than one meter. However, in this dark hole, there is an extremely strong force of spatial turbulence.

The force of turbulent flow in this space spreads in all directions, and suddenly the whole world is howling with wind!

The power of space gushing out of the dark cave is very powerful, which contains the powerful impact of the turbulent flow of space. Even the martial arts in the ordinary heaven realm can not resist the impact of this powerful energy.

Even if the warrior in the peak state of Tiandi is close to the black hole in space, it will be directly impacted by the impact force from the black hole!

the strength of the warriors here is far beyond the realm of Tiandi, and the strength of Tang Long is far beyond the realm of Tiandi.

They can block the impact, and even have the ability to pass through the hole of time and space!

The voice of shining and strong character has already sounded here: "the hole of time and space has been opened. Don't delay your time. All those who are allowed to go to the hole of time and space, now go through the hole of time and space!"

Hearing the sound of Guangyao Fenggu, those warriors from the blood demon world who had passed the competition here a few days ago, all flew towards the hole of time and space in a hurry.

Tang Long is not in a hurry at this time.

He had to wait for those people to go in before he finally went in.

His strength is the weakest among these people, only the dual realm of dizu.

In addition to him, the worst of the remaining warriors who can enter is dizu's four levels, and the strongest is dizu's six levels. This level of strength is much stronger than Tang long.

One by one, the warriors here all went through the hole of time and space, and in a twinkling they all disappeared in front of Tang long.

Until the last person disappeared, Tang Long quickly flew toward the hole of time and space.

He gathered his energy and rushed forward against the powerful impact of space turbulence swept out of the hole of time and space, and rushed into the dark hole of time and space.

There is a long passage in the hole of time and space!

Tang Long rushes forward in the passage of the hole of time and space, and the surrounding is dark. The impact force formed by the powerful space turbulence constantly impacts from the front. He tries his best to accelerate the forward rush against the impact force in front of him!

It was a long time ago. Ten minutes later, Tang long had already rushed out from the other end of the hole of time and space.

Through the hole of time and space, he is in the air of a place, falling rapidly downward.

His eyes were full of light.

When Tang long felt the surrounding situation, he immediately felt clearly that the local environment was somewhat special. Obviously, it had a very strong gravity, which made him feel more than twice as heavy as his whole body.

But Tang long could bear the gravity.

Running his vitality, he stabilized himself in a place in the air. Then he turned his head and saw that many warriors from all directions had stopped in the air, and some of them had landed on the ground.

This is several kilometers above the sky.

Below, there are endless mountains, on which there are numerous trees.

These trees are silvery red, emitting silver red light.

The environment here is somewhat similar to that of the blood demon world. There is always a strong blood devil force between heaven and earth. On the mountains below, the stones on the ground of the mountains are not blood red.

The stones on the ground are dark.

In the distance, there is a silver light in some places, a black light in some places, and a red light in some places!

From a distance, the place looks strange.

The sunshine here is silvery grey, sending out warm breath.

Between heaven and earth, there is always a strong wind whistling towards the black hole of space and time.

Tang Long fell down to the ground below and explored the surroundings. Except for so many warriors who arrived here with him, he did not find any strange breath of life here.

"I'll wait in the jungle first, and then I'll leave after all these people leave here!" Tang long thought in his mind, turned around and walked towards the deep silver forest here.

At this time, the martial artists of the surrounding dizu realm were also curious to explore the surrounding situation.

However, in a short time, some warriors went in one direction.Some of them were in groups, some a dozen gathered together, and some chose to act alone.

Obviously, before they came here, they had already discussed with each other and had some plans after coming here.

Tang Long certainly didn't want to be with these people.

He's going to act alone.

There are too many secrets about him. The warriors of the earth ancestor realm are all from the blood demon world. These people can never know his secrets.

A group of people, a group of people left, soon after here only five people!

Four of the five men were gathering at this time, talking in a low voice about something.

The fifth person, of course, is Tang long.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the four men. He frowned slightly. He felt that the four people were not leaving now, probably because of him!

He remembered what he had said before.

Xuedizi told him that he had to be careful when he got here, and that someone might have to do something to him.

"Do these guys have something to do with the Guangyao family? They are all the strength of the earth ancestor realm. It's not easy to deal with them. The most important thing is that I'm not familiar with the environment here, and I can't let others find out about them, let alone give them a chance to escape!"

"You have to be careful. If you can't, you have to deal with them first."

Tang Long made a decision, pretending that he didn't notice the four men. Instead, he gathered his energy and flew in a direction ahead.

The direction of his flight is the direction that those warriors did not go before, and he did not want to meet other ancestors on the road.

There are always mountains and jungles ahead. Tang Long has heard the roar from some places in the distance.

And there was a roar of Warcraft.

The sound came from some places on his side, not in front of him.

He knew that some of the warriors who came here with him in the ancestral realm might have met with danger and some strange life bodies in the world, and had already launched a fierce battle.

Tang long continued to fly forward.

As he flew, he used the vast sea, always exploring the situation in all directions around him.

By virtue of his exploration ability in this sea realm, his divine sense can explore the surrounding areas, which is much stronger than that of the ordinary warrior at the peak of the earth ancestor.

He could detect any movement within 25000 meters around him.

At this time, he had already detected that, more than 10000 meters behind him, the warriors from the four ancestral realms were flying towards him, but they did not approach him, and kept a distance of more than 10000 meters with him.

"It seems that the warriors of these four ancestral realms are really against me, obviously they want to do something bad to me!"

"They are so far away from me that they think I can't detect their existence, and they follow me far away. Are they waiting for me to encounter danger, after I have fought and when I am exhausted, they come to me and can't do it?"

"You are cunning, but I am not stupid. How can I give them such a chance?"

Tang Long doesn't plan to move on. He plans to stop here and solve the problems behind him.

He was not worried that he would not be able to deal with the four.

Under the exploration, he now knew the strength of the four warriors behind him.

Among the four warriors, the strongest one is just the strength of dizu's six levels, and the weaker one is dizu's four levels, and two dizu's five levels!

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