Seeing that xuedizi had promised to improve his spiritual strength, xuedizi was very proud and took out a piece of paper: "I have written the contract agreement for you, and you have signed it on it!"

Obviously, this blood drop had already thought well in advance, and he wanted to blackmail his character with this matter!

Guangyao had no idea that xuedizi had prepared such a contract paper. At this time, he was helpless and had to do it according to the requirements of xuedizi.

Guangyao Fenggu knows that the blood drop is very important in front of Zun. Even more, Guangyao Fenggu has guessed that the Guangyao family may have been in great trouble in the holy city of blood demon, otherwise, Tang long would not have appeared in tianyuntai!

If there are any more troubles in tianyuntai and offend this blood drop, there will be a big disaster for the Guangyao family this time.

On the other side of King City and tianyuntai, the troubles on both sides must not be added together. Once these two troubles are added together, they may lose great power in the blood temple, and even lose the trust of Zun Shang to Guangyao family!

Once the Guangyao family loses its power, it will surely be ruined by more blood Temple families, and it will be difficult to make a comeback.

"Now I have to pull as much blood as I can!"

Guangyao's character secretly thought in his heart that he signed the contract and injected his own breath of life into it. He sealed the family rune, and then returned the contract paper to the blood drops.

Xuedizi was very proud.

Before he came here, he had already thought of the matter of threatening the glory of his character and specially prepared this contract.

He didn't worry that Tang long would die, because he had given Tang Long two instant scrolls. This is to let Tang Long escape!

The instant body scroll opens, and the powerful speed law breaks out. The speed of Tang long in that moment is the fastest body method speed of a warrior who can reach the five levels of Tianzu!

At that speed, the spirit of Tang long will not be killed in it at least, so it will certainly come out.

So xuedizi doesn't worry that Tang long will be chased and killed by the warriors arranged by the Guangyao family.

He doesn't care how many adventures and benefits Tang long can have in the hole of time and space.

He even wished Tang long could come out quickly!

The earlier Tang Long comes out, the earlier he can leave this day's Yuntai, and only let his two subordinates guard here!

He wanted to go back to the holy city of blood demons earlier to see what happened to the Guangyao family, and also wanted to have a comprehensive understanding of Danshi League, which he had not paid much attention to before.

Therefore, he needs Tang long to have an accident in the hole of time and space!

Anyway, the Tang dragon has a flash talisman, and the spirit can definitely escape!

Because of this, before Tang Long went into the hole of time and space, xuedizi didn't even tell Tang long that there were many powerful cave guarding monsters in the hole of time and space!

He really hoped that Tang long could be killed by the hole guarding monster, only the spirit was left!

Guangyao Fenggu, of course, had no idea of xuedizi's calculation. He looked at xuedizi and said, "elder xuedizi, I have promised you about the medicinal materials. If the spirit of Tang Long comes out of the hole of time and space, can you ask him not to talk nonsense after leaving tianyuntai?"

Xuedizi said: "don't worry. As long as you give me the Tiancai Dibao I want, I promise that Tang long will never say a word after he goes back!"

"But if Tang long can't come out?"

Xuedizi said: "if he can't come out, he can only be regarded as short-lived. As long as you keep your promise and give me the medicine on time, there will be nothing wrong with your Guangyao family that day about Yuntai."

Hearing this, Guangyao was relieved.

At this time, he felt that it was also a very good thing to get such a reply from xuedizi with two kinds of Tiancai Dibao, which can enhance spiritual power.

He felt that xuedizi would not be the enemy of Guangyao family after he got the two kinds of magic medicines of his family.

To say the least, the trouble of Yuntai will not be trouble again.

In the hole of time and space, Tang Long explores the powerful energy from the Silver Red Octopus bull. His eyes are immediately shocked!

"No, the octopus is too powerful to fight!"

At this time, the octopus ox's eight silver red Octopus legs have been like eight silver red spears, fiercely attacking Tang long.

The silver Octopus leg contains a powerful and incomparable strength, with the sound of tearing the air, stabbed the space, and quickly attack Tang long, which is less than 10 meters away!


"Ghosts come out!"

"Domain boundaries!"

"The power of divine power!"

At the same time, Tang long had already used the boundary of spiritual power and the power of divine power.

He certainly did not attack.He's backing up!

The body method of Brahman Dun was directly exerted to the limit by him, and he retreated as fast as possible.

What's more, his mind has moved, and the effect of Tianmei wild ancient array to suppress the enemy's strength has also completely burst out!

One hundred and eight ghosts all show up together!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The thundering sound of the sky roared in front of the Tang dragon, and luoshengmen were exploded by the silver spear like energy from the octopus legs!

A total of 18 rashomons, in a flash, have all burst open.

After the octopus ox's eight Octopus legs stabbed at luoshengmen, they have already attacked Tang Long fiercely. The octopus legs stabbed out fiercely. All of a sudden, the silver red light on the octopus legs turned into silver red energy spears, whistling towards Tang Long!

Tang Long is still retreating. At this time, he has already left for more than 30 meters!

And in front of him, one by one ghosts gathered together, and the ice fire energy on the ghosts constantly erupted and bombarded the front with silver red energy guns.

Under the constant bombardment of ghosts, the silver red energy Spear's spear was also broken by bombardment.

Tang Long has already retreated more than 50 meters. He has a direct mind movement. They all come out of the sky sealing flag!

When they explored the surrounding area, they also knew that the Silver Red Octopus ox was very powerful, and knew that the octopus ox was very fierce.

When they saw the appearance of the octopus, they also thought that the octopus was very strange!

The sky has already rushed towards the octopus ox: "Stinky boy, quick, summon your magic weapon, suppress the monster's combat power, seal the sky flag's auxiliary function all use together!"

The king of the abyss had already rushed towards the octopus.

When the king of the abyss rushed forward, the black destructive power of his body had already burst out fiercely.

The hammer of destruction has been thrown out by him.

The hammer of destruction soared in the air like a mountain, containing a strong attack force, and it bombarded the octopus bull fiercely in the past.

Su Xiaoman has already said to Tang long in an urgent voice: "quick, stimulate the power of your small universe!"

Tang Long has summoned zhentianding and wanhun pagoda. As soon as the two kinds of magic weapons take off from the sky and soar, the powerful sealing force and gravity control are sweeping down to suppress the fighting power of the octopus bull!

What's more, Tang Long is already stimulating the power of the seventh sense of the universe at this time!

It's a battle of strength! , the fastest update of the webnovel!