"These plants are really strange. I feel as if they have become fine. They know how to avoid fire!" Tang Long looks at the plants growing from the ground below. He doesn't want to fly towards these plants again. The attack power of these plants is not weak. It will be dangerous to approach these plants.

Cutting sky looked at Tang Long and said, "the fruit on that tree has been picked up. It's meaningless to stay here. We'd better leave here quickly, so as not to wait for these plants to attack us again!"

"Good!" Tang Long agreed, collected the beast, and felled the sky. They flew away quickly towards the distance.

This plain is so large that you can't see the edge at a glance!

What's more, in such a large plain area, there are such strange plants growing in all directions.

Even Tang Long was surprised to find that the old tree would appear one more million meters away from the plain!

Tang Long was very happy with the discovery.

For the next three days, Tang Long searched around for this big tree!

His harvest is very good, a total of five big trees were found, these five trees in this plain, if you use lines to connect the five trees together, it will form a very standard Pentagram pattern, and the five trees have the kind of very strange fruit.

All these fruits have been picked down by Tang long.

After careful identification, Tang Long was surprised to find that the fruits on the five trees seem to be the same, but in fact, the fruits on each tree are totally different!

These are obviously five kinds of fruits that look similar, but actually they are totally different!

The power of energy and law in each fruit is different.

Of course, Tang Long was very happy with such a discovery. After all, the medicinal power of each fruit was very limited. If his beast could only take one of these fruits, his combat power would be limited.

Tang Long's supernatural beasts have grown to the level of wild animals. It is difficult to improve their combat power quickly. However, if you take one of these five kinds of fruits at once, I'm afraid the fighting power of these beasts will be greatly improved!

Tang Long packed the fruits separately, and continued to search for such trees in the plain area.

After searching for almost a day, he never found a big tree like the one before.

This vast plain had been completely turned by him.

"It seems that even if I continue to wander here, there will be no harvest. This kind of silver five element fruit is no longer here. I'd better continue to look for the hole guarding monster."

Tang Long gave these five kinds of fruit a name, which is called five elements golden fruit.

Knowing that there was no golden fruit in this place, Tang Long left this strange plain with them.

They continued to fly forward.

While flying forward, Tang Long is still using the magic arts of the sea to explore the surrounding movement.

His current strength has reached the triple realm of dizu.

Because the strength has been improved a lot, his detection ability has also improved a lot than before.

Now, under his divinity exploration, even within 30000 meters of this area, as long as there is any breath of life in any place, he can immediately find out.

He didn't find any other warriors in the blood temple around him.

He felt that the rest of the warriors in the blood Temple might fly in totally different directions from him, so he could not touch any of them.

"Those people should have gone to other places, which is just the right time to save me a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Tang long thought.

What he didn't know was that less than one fifth of the warriors who came into this space with him were still left in this space!

Four fifths of the warriors have been killed, and they all return to tianyuntai.

Many of these killed warriors gathered together to form a team to attack the hole guarding monsters they met, hoping to deal with them, and then they could go to the hole of the space guarded by the hole guarding monsters.

Unfortunately, their fighting power is very limited, and all of them are defeated!

A few of the warriors who came in didn't dare to provoke those cave guarding monsters, but they also met some other creatures here. Some warriors, like Tang long, encountered strange plants that could attack.

The attack power of these plants is too strong, and the attacks are so dense that most of the warriors can't resist. The spirit and body of the killed warriors are pulled by the force of space and return to tianyuntai again.

On tianyuntai, xuedizi has been waiting for a little anxious.

He knew very well that Tang Long was the weakest one among the warriors who went to the hole of time and space. All other warriors had the strength of dizu's four fold and five fold strength, and even the six fold strength of dizu. However, when Tang Long entered the hole of time and space, only dizu had the second strength.In addition, many of the fighters who went in knew each other. Seven or eight people formed a team, and a dozen or so formed a team. It would be much safer.

Tang Long is alone, and is likely to be hunted down. How long can he support in the hole of time and space?!

But now that so many people have come out, why hasn't Tang Long come out?

"Is Tang Long really killed in it? Is it possible that even the spirits have been killed? It's impossible

"The boy's moving speed is obviously not slow, and I have two instant scrolls on him. Even if he meets a hole guard monster and is attacked by a hole guarding monster, he should be able to move away quickly in danger, and he should not die!"

"Even if he is hunted down by a warrior in the hole of time and space, he can also escape by means of the instant scroll. In this way, he will never die, at least the spirit will not die."

With this in mind, xuedizi is a little relieved.

Not far from his side, the shining character has always been calm these days.

I'm in a good mood now, and it's getting better and better.

After all, he had made an agreement with xuedizi that he would give xuedizi two kinds of miraculous drugs to enhance his mental power. So he knew that even if Tang Long died in the hole of time and space, they would not talk nonsense when they went back to the holy city of blood demons.

In this case, no matter how things develop in tianyuntai, there will be no great harm to Guangyao family.

If you can kill Tang Long here, if you can't get out of the hole of time and space, it will be a great joy to him!

"Tang long hasn't come out yet. 80% of those four people have already got it, but why haven't those four people appeared now? Can't they have any adventures in it?"

Guangyao's character secretly thought, quietly looked at the blood drop son, the mood is more comfortable!

He felt that the promise to give blood drops two kinds of magic medicine seemed to lose a lot, but in fact it was definitely worth it.

Tang long in the hole of time and space, at this time has been far away from the plain where strange plants grow, and has reached the sky of an endless ocean!

"It must take a long time to fly over such a big ocean, and it must be hard to get anything along the way!" Tang long stood over the ocean and looked around. He wanted to fly directly to other places, but after thinking about it, he finally gave up the decision.

"The ocean looks very wide. I'm afraid it will take at least half a day to fly over it. If someone else has come before, I'm afraid they will immediately turn around and leave for other places after they arrive here. I don't want to delay flying across this ocean!"

"If this is the case, there must have been no one across the ocean for a long time, then there is likely to be a surprise!"

"Even if I delay a little bit, I must fly to the opposite side of the ocean."

He thought so, his mind moved and called out the golden winged Kunpeng!

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