Tang Long asked, "is the node at the top of this tree easy to find?"

"This node is very easy to find. You can find it when you fly to the top of the tree." "Let's go and find the node at the top of the tree of space, and make a hole in the node. When we find a big hole in the hole, we can determine whether the tree is bearing fruit or not!"

"I'm afraid the invisible monster next to the tree is not easy to deal with. We have to be more careful when we go there," the demon of death warned cautiously

By this time they were getting closer and closer to the tree.

Not far from the tree, the faint breath Tang long had detected before had become slightly stronger.

There's an invisible monster there, and it's standing up.

The monster is very strange, and its whole body is completely transparent. Moreover, the breath of the monster can be completely restrained when it doesn't move. If the monster can be hidden, even if someone comes to the monster, they will never find the existence of the monster.

When the monster saw Tang long, they gradually flew towards this side, and their breath was no longer hidden. At the same time, the transparent monster also showed a strong momentum.

The breath from the monster really contains the breath of blood demon.

Tang long looked at the place where the monster's breath diffused. Soon, he saw that the place in front of him had only the breath. At this time, the place had gradually become more and more silvery red.

Tang Long is very familiar with that layer of silver red light, because Tang Long has seen those hole guarding monsters before, and the strength of those monsters is also this kind of silver red, and the hole guarding monsters themselves are also silver red.

Tang Long explored the situation of the monster and knew that the silver red light gradually produced on the monster was because the monster was gathering energy.

The monster was full of silver red energy, transparent into silver red, the appearance of the monster gradually became clear.

Tang long, they have seen the monster clearly.

This monster is a dragon!

The dragon is full of strange energy of silver red. It is more than 100 meters long. It has a powerful breath and a strong sense of famine. Its eyes are also shining with silver red.

At this time, the Silver Red Dragon had already circled and danced. When he reached the 40 meter place in front of the tree, he looked at Tang Long and said, "who are you?"

This strange dragon can talk!

Tang Long was very surprised. I didn't expect to meet such a strange dragon who could speak.

He was less than 100 meters away from the dragon.

He has stopped the golden winged Kunpeng and stopped flying forward.

Exploring the powerful breath of the strange dragon, Tang Long is also sure that this strange dragon has a very strong combat power, even if it is a little more powerful than those hole guarding monsters he met before.

If only relying on Tang Long's strength at this time, even if he summoned the beast to help him, it would be very difficult to defeat this strange dragon.

Fortunately, the dragon is not attacking him now.

Tang long looked at the strange dragon and said sincerely: "we just passed by here, absolutely without any malice. We will leave here soon. However, we saw this tree, and we were curious, so we came to have a look!"

Strange dragon looked at Tang Long and asked, "where are you from?"

"Of course I come from the blood demon world!" Tang Long said, "we came here from tianyuntai of the blood demon world!"

After a pause, Tang long looked at the strange dragon and asked curiously, "where did you come from?"

The strange dragon didn't answer Tang Long's question, but his eyes fell on them: "where are you from? I can see that most of you don't belong to the blood demon world! "

Hearing the strange dragon's words, Tang Long immediately had a guess.

It's very likely that the Dragon came from this strange place.

What makes Tang long puzzled is that xuedizi told him before that those who come in here do not belong to the living things in this space. They can only stay here for a month, and they will leave after a month.

If this strange dragon is from the world, or from the blood demon world, how can it stay here?

And obviously, the energy contained in the dragon is exactly the same as other monsters in the world. It seems that the dragon should be the life of the world.

But the dragon also has the same breath as the beast in the blood demon world.

"Is it possible that this strange dragon is some kind of supernatural beast in the blood demon world? What abnormal conditions happened when he came here and became what he is now?"

Tang long thought curiously.

Vatian, they are also curious to see the strange dragon.

Of course, at this time, their hearts are still very vigilant, because the smell of this strange dragon is really very strong, and has basically reached the combat power of half a step of the emperor!This is obviously a higher level beast than the level of wild beast.

Tang Long explored the life breath of the strange dragon, and found that the life breath of the strange dragon was actually very strong!

He knows, this strange dragon has not yet grown up!

At this time, Tang Long also had some doubts in his mind:

"the dragon family in the blood demon world has been devastated for a long time. If the dragon in front of him was the dragon of the blood demon world, wouldn't it have a great origin with the black dragon clan?! "

" is this strange dragon related to Duan Fei, the Black Dragon King? "

Tang long thought to himself, looked at the strange dragon and said, "if I guess well, you should be the dragon from the blood demon kingdom. As far as I know, the dragon in the blood demon kingdom is the black dragon of the black dragon family, but you are like this..."

"You know the black dragons?" Strange dragon glared at Tang Long: "boy, tell me quickly, how do you know the black dragon clan?"

Tang Long said: "the black dragons were once attacked by the blood demons. Only a few of them were sealed and sent out to escape the disaster. Later, I happened to meet these black dragons and saved them all."

With that, he found Duan Fei, the Black Dragon King, and took Duan Fei with him to leave the blood demon world. He told all these things to the strange dragon in front of him.

He thought that the strange dragon might have some origin with the black dragon clan.

After listening to Tang Long's words, a pair of silver red eyes actually showed a touch of water mist.

At this time, the strange dragon looks very sad.

Tang long looked at the strange dragon's appearance at this time, and was immediately sure that the strange dragon had something to do with the black dragon clan.

He looked at the strange dragon and said, "if I guess well, you should not exist in this hole of time and space, right? But how did you get here? Why stay here all the time? "

This strange dragon can also transform into human form.

At this time, the strange dragon has been transformed into the shape of a man. It is the appearance of a young warrior in his early twenties.

He looked at Tang Long and sighed: "I didn't expect that I would still have a chance to hear about my black dragon clan after I have been here for such a long time. Moreover, my black dragon clan has not yet completely disappeared. This is really a great good thing for me.

Tang Long asked, "did you belong to the black dragon family before?"

"Yes." The young man who turned into a strange Dragon nodded and said, "my name is dragon spirit. When I was born, because of some very abnormal conditions, my constitution was somewhat different from that of ordinary black dragon people. At that time, I also got a very strange thing!"

Tang Long asked curiously, "what strange things have you got?"

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