Tang long looked at Xuanyuan sky array and asked curiously, "after the use of the spirit law confinement technique, will it affect you all?"

"Nonsense!" Xuanyuan Tianzhen glares at Tang long.

Tang long looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhen's angry appearance and was puzzled.

He also asked why Xuanyuan Tianzhen was so angry?!

"Tang long, when you use this method, if you don't exclude us, then we can't use this method to hide your Divine pulse!"

Tang Long immediately said, "you can rest assured that when I use this method, your breath of life will be completely excluded!"

Xuanyuan Tianzhen glared at Tang Long: "we must remember to exclude my breath of life, completely exclude it, you know?"

"I see!" Tang long curled his lips. Why does this guy look so nervous.

Now, when we see your spirit, we will eat your soul in the sea

When he said this, vatian immediately became serious and told him, "Stinky boy, although the process of remolding the spirit is extremely painful, you must always be patient, and you must always keep a clear mind. If there is a slight error, we will all lose our souls."

"Good." Tang Long hastily agreed, such a serious consequence, he also knew that he must not make a mistake.

The light demon added: "in addition, you should also remember that the spirit law confinement technique taught you just now can only be used in this case. You must not use it anywhere, otherwise you will be responsible for all the consequences!"

"Good." Tang Long agreed, thinking in his heart that there are so many laws in the spirit law confinement technique. I'm afraid that even if I want to use it, I can't use it!

In this way, he had concentrated his mind and calmed his breath, and then he took the broken soul and soul destroying grass directly!

Ten minutes later, Tang Long suddenly felt a sharp pain all over his body, as if everything was going to be separated from the whole body!

The most important thing is that the sense of separation is not natural. It seems to be a kind of strong energy that forcibly peels and tears apart, which will bring him great pain

such sharp pain makes Tang Long feel dizzy!

On his forehead, big beads of sweat rolled down!

But at this time, in the depths of his soul, suddenly came the voice of cutting the sky: "keep the Lingtai clear and clear, endure the pain, use the method I taught you before, use the spirit law confinement technique, quick!"

Tang long heard the sound, although he felt a sharp pain in his whole body, he still tried to resist it.

He also knows that he must succeed this time.

After all, it's very difficult to find the Tiancai Dibao, which can destroy the soul and soul. If this time fails, there may not be another one. Even if this one fails, his own spirit will fly away!

Of course, he didn't want such a consequence.

And he also hopes that his spiritual strength can be improved in the process of this spiritual remodeling.

Bursts of dizzy feeling constantly crazy surging, boundless pain in any place on his body constantly produced, at this time Tang long felt his whole human pain would explode!

He's on the verge of collapse!

"No matter what, we must succeed this time. We must never fail!"

Tang Long clenched his teeth, and had already used the method of Vajra to imprison the spirit law.

At this time, although he was able to use this method reluctantly, he could not concentrate completely because of the pain all over his body, so he could only use this method step by step.

He has no idea whether this method will work or not.

At this time, he is completely relying on his own strong will in efforts to make himself not fall, not coma!

This kind of patience is of course very difficult.

He didn't know how long it would take him to reach the end of his patience, but he also felt a strong breath of life around him.

This strong breath of life can not reduce his pain, even let his pain in the continuous increase!

At this time, in his body, a strange light emerged, it is a line of thin lines.

There are countless mysterious runes on these threads, which contain various powerful energies.

Moreover, the totem of a dark, deep and mysterious palace appeared quietly on him.

The palace seems empty, but it is real.

There is a very mysterious and frightening cold breath in the palace. There is a strong sucking and pulling force in the cold breath. The appearance of the palace makes everything around suddenly become dark!In addition, the palace also produced an extremely strong pressure, which made the gods and beasts outside the tower of time who were guarding the entrance of the mountain feel heavy inside.

At this time, these animals are feeling, the sky seems to collapse, everything seems to be destroyed!

Even their lives are passing fast!

The eight animals looked at each other and sat down together to stabilize their minds.

In the tower of time, an extremely powerful and mysterious pulling force is breaking out from the dark and mysterious palace, constantly sucking vitality from all directions!

They surrounded Tang long. At this time, all they had left was a mirage, which was circling around Tang long.

Closely following them, a strong force of life flew out. The force of life condensed into the appearance of their own dignity, and they flew into the dark fortress!

Then in the dark fortress, a strong energy burst out, which covered the thin lines of Tang long.

Around the thin line, mysterious runes gradually emerged.

And at the same time, another breath of life gradually emerged in the dark fortress.

This is a person, this person contains dense blood red life brand, and there is a mysterious blood red thin line, in this thin line, constantly emitting the breath of death and destruction!

Tang long at this time has felt that there are many powerful forces in his body, constantly tearing himself!

This kind of feeling than before that scattered condition lets him suffer ten times more!

He felt himself torn from the inside out!

What he can't help is that he wants to control the power of this stock and drive it away.

But at this time, in the depths of his mind came Xuanyuan Tianzhen's angry voice: "Stinky boy, do you want to kill us? Stop now

Following the voice of cutting sky, he also sounded nervously: "the mind is empty, the mind is only responsible for launching the spirit law confinement technique, and nothing else can be thought of!"

When Tang long heard the voice of Xuanyuan sky array and cutting the sky, he tried to capture his mind. Originally, he wanted to control the powerful energy in his body. Now he had to give up the idea and let the pain continue to spread.

At this time, he just tried to think about the spirit law confinement technique, nothing else.

Time is in a hurry, and he has been patient.

So I don't know how long it has passed. At last, he felt the boundless pain gradually began to ease down.

His whole body gradually began to become relaxed, and even the feeling of separation had completely disappeared.

After a long time, when the pain on his body completely disappeared, the voice of Vajra had already sounded in his heart: "well, next, you can practice, run some mental power to refine your spirit."

Tang long did as they said.

At this time, in his spiritual sea, the five phantom images he had created in the spiritual sea still exist.

His own spirit still exists.

It's just different from before. At this time, he explored his own spirit and found that his spirit had turned into the spirit of a bloodthirsty Lord!

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