"That time, before leaving the fortress where dragon and Phoenix were held, I should seal the door of space when I came out, but it was my negligence!" Tang Long frowned and thought.

Although he knew that even if the blood Temple sent a large number of people to the space with the power of demons, it would not be easy to find the fortress where the dragon and Phoenix were held, but the place would probably be found after a long time.

There is the devil's life in that place. The blood god hall will certainly attach great importance to it, and it will certainly turn the place upside down!

Tang Long didn't want to know why there were so many lives with the power of demons on that continent. He didn't want to investigate the root cause. But he was sure that the blood demon ancestor would attach great importance to that place and would try his best to trace the root cause!

"In the fortress where dragon and Phoenix are held, all the demons and monsters formed by the formation have been solved. Now it is an empty fortress, which will not bring me too much trouble. I just need to explain reasonably how I left the alien space and how to reappear in Pamir city. That's enough!"

Thinking so in his mind, Tang Long soon thought of a way.

He said to Dongfang bing'er in his heart: "bing'er, you can arrange something for me immediately!"

"What's the matter?" Dongfang bing'er asked.

Tang Long said: "tell qingluan, tell Tang Kuo and his generals that as long as the people who went to Pamir city with me last time, and those who went to the alien space with me, you should immediately tell them that we left the heterodox space through qingluan's escape talisman, and the end of the escape Talisman is in Pamir city!"

"The escape talisman of qingluan?" Oriental ice son Leng Leng Leng Leng: "but in case qingluan body does not have to lead to Pamir City escape empty Rune how to do?"

"Qingluan must have an escape talisman that can reach Pamir city!" Tang Long was very serious: "tell qingluan to ask her to find Moxiang Hongbo immediately. Moxiang Hongbo has been the master of Pamir city for so long. He has been living in Pamir city for such a long time. He can make several escape talismans in Pamir city by himself or someone else. This is a matter of principle."

"I see." "I'm going to find qingluan right now!" said the Oriental bing'er

Tang Long admonished: "tell qingluan, let qingluan tell the story to the magic fragrance Hongbo. Everything must be done without leakage. It is said that as early as a year ago, she has obtained several pieces of escape talismans that can lead to the magic incense city of Pamir city!"

"Good!" Dongfang bing'er answered.

She knew that this matter obviously related to the safety of Tang Long and their lives. She didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation and cut off the spiritual contact with Tang long. She quickly sent someone to find Moxiang qingluan to arrange the matter.

The magic fragrance qingluan is now with the generals in the Danshi League of the holy city of blood demons.

The Oriental ice son lets a dead ghost troop's warrior to go, hastily called back the magic fragrant qingluan and the general minister.

Tang Que and Lin Ximeng are all in Jiuhuang Tianfu now. They are practicing with Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng. They went to Pamir city to attend the trap wedding banquet with Tang long last time. As a result, they all went to the strange space together.

Dongfang bing'er sent people to the Nine Emperors and sent them back together.

After they came back, Dongfang binger told them what Tang Long told them.

At this time, Mo Xiang qingluan and his generals also knew that this matter was extremely important. Otherwise, they would not say goodbye. The 120 sacred animals they rescued would be interrogated by the people of the blood god hall.

It's even linked to a lot of bigger things.

Dongfang bing'er looks at Moxiang qingluan and says: "after the Pamirs, what's the situation of that Moxiang Hongbo? Where is he now? "

Moxiang qingluan said: "after my wedding banquet in Pamir city last time, in order to prevent accidents, we immediately transferred Moxiang Hongbo away from Pamir City, and many of the city Lord's residence in Pamir city have been transferred away. Now, Moxiang Hongbo is not in charge of it."

Dongfang bing'er asked, "where are the magic fragrance Hongbo people?"

"He is in the blood devil holy city, in the blood devil holy city, the house of our magic incense family is the internal manager," said the magic fragrance

Hearing the words of Moxiang qingluan, Dongfang bing'er immediately breathed a sigh of relief and looked at her and said, "you must discuss this matter with Moxiang Hongbo and ask him if he has the escape talisman to Pamir city!"

"I'm going to ask him. If he doesn't, I'll let him say yes." Moxiang qingluan said: "after the Pamir incident, Moxiang Hongbo was very grateful to the boss, and I have been good to him since then. I believe he will cooperate with us, and it is obviously good for him to cooperate with us."

The eldest brother mentioned by Mo Xiang qingluan of course refers to Tang long. After she married a general, she called Tang Long with his generals.

Dongfang bing'er said: "you're going to find Moxiang Hongbo to arrange it!"

"Good!" The magic fragrance qingluan agreed, and then was in a hurry to arrange the arrangement of this matter.

Dongfang bing'er sees the evil fragrant qingluan to leave, can't help but feel relieved in the heart.But at this time, in the heart of Oriental bing'er, Tang Long's voice rang out again: "bing'er, there is another thing I forgot!"

"What's the matter?" Dongfang bing'er asks in the heart.

Tang Long said: "you go to Pamir city quietly. Don't let anyone know. Remember, you are the only one to go. Before you go, you seal your strength, take shenglingdan and let the people of Zhongli family help you. You can change your appearance and go to Pamir city. When you get to Pamir City, you can contact me immediately."

Dongfang bing'er asked, "what do you want me to do in Pamir city?"

Tang Long said: "even though the affairs of Pamir city have the arrangement of Moxiang qingluan and Moxiang Hongbo, there is still a flaw. I must block this flaw, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Oriental bing'er asked, "what are the flaws in Pamir city?"

Tang Long said: "if the blood god temple people look for a long time in that strange space, they are likely to find the fortress where the dragon and the Phoenix are kept. They will find another exit there. That exit can directly reach a room where the sundries are piled up in the city hall of magic incense. Once they find the exit of the door of the space, they will not believe what qingluan said And you'll probably guess where we left, and everything we've done before is in vain

After a pause, he said in a deep voice, "I have to seal the door of that space so that the whole thing can be seamless."

Hearing Tang Long's words, Dongfang bing'er immediately said, "I'm going to Pamir city."

Tang Long said: "remember, you must not let anyone know that you have gone to Pamir city. You can disguise and disguise yourself and go quietly. Only in this way can we be more safe."

"I see." Dongfang bing'er agreed.

Here, Tang Long is relieved after arranging this matter.

Although he asked Moxiang qingluan to make the arrangement of the escape talisman, he knew that it was not easy for the people in the blood temple to completely believe in this matter.

If the people in the blood god hall can't find the flaw in the whole thing, it's all right. Once they find a little flaw, they will doubt the explanation of Moxiang qingluan, and they will doubt the Tang Long and even everything in the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, Tang Long has to deal with all the details of Pamir city that may be found out as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble.

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