Zhong Li Cangwu saw Tang Long and you ye coming in. Their eyes fell on Tang long. The first thing the red Peng buried in heaven was to look at Tang Long and say, "Stinky boy, don't run around all day. Build the manor of this ice and snow city first!"

"Where am I running about?" Tang Long wryly smile: "I've been busy building houses all over the world these days, and I don't even have time to sleep!"

Moxiang Yuanshan glared at Tang Long: "we don't care about other places. You have to hurry up here. Because the manor is successfully built, we have to start to demolish the Lord's house of the ice and snow city. We have to start our action on the ice and snow land immediately."

"I'll try to build the manor here as soon as possible!" After a pause, Tang Long asked, "how sure are you to win the city of ice and snow?"

"With so many Tianzu here, of course, we have 100% confidence in winning the city of ice and snow." "Once we do it, we can control the city of ice and snow within a day," he said confidently

Tang Long said, "what arrangements do you have for the situation outside the city of ice and snow?"

"We've made arrangements for this." Zhong Li Cangwu said: "during this period of time, we have sent many warriors of our family to various places around the city of ice and snow. We will have a comprehensive understanding of the situation of the warriors around the city of ice and snow."

Tang Long said: "the plan we discussed before is to spread some news here, and these news have also been spread out?"

"Take your time." Zhongli Cangwu Road.

The news they want to spread in the southern battlefield is that the blood temple is about to occupy the rest of the world, and will attack here soon. They come here to unite all the forces here to resist the attack of the blood temple.

Of course, the strength of unity should be concentrated in the city of ice and snow, and will be in batian city in the future!

The celestial burial Chi Peng looked at Tang Long and asked, "you boy, don't you say that you are busy in this period of time? Why did you come here all of a sudden? Is it worrying about our old bones or something else "

" of course, I am very relieved of you. " Tang Long said, "I'm here to discuss a matter, a very important thing."

"What is it to discuss?" Asked the red Peng.

Tang Long said: "this is about the evil spirit sect. What the evil spirit sect did in batian city before was very presumptuous. When you are not in batian City, you want to rob batian city. I believe you are all very angry. I think you can't swallow it!"

"We really can't swallow it!" Talking about autumn Li Mo Feng.

He looked at Tang Long and said angrily: "this time, the evil spirit sect took advantage of Ximen's blowing to challenge batian city. Fortunately, we controlled the situation. After that, we went to Zun to discuss the argument. Although the emperor really reprimanded the evil spirit sect, he did not give them any punishment. He only said that this is an important time to attack the whole world, and we can't consume each other to let the evil spirits consume each other If you don't, you can't interfere with Tianba's behavior once! "

Zhong Li Cangwu said: "I think the evil spirit sect will covet batian city. For this matter, we have been discussing countermeasures these days."

Tang Long said, "I have a way to make the evil spirit sect suffer a great loss, but you can still make a great contribution in the blood god temple!"

"What can I do?" Several people all look at Tang long.

The evil spirit sect is right next to batian city. Recently, they have been very uncomfortable with the city.

They also want to teach the evil spirits a lesson, preferably a big one.

Tang Long said his plan to attack the evil spirit sect, and then said: "you prepare, and then send some people to the evil spirit sect to have a general understanding of the situation, find out the details of the evil spirit sect, and understand the environment of the evil spirit sect. When you know these things clearly, we will start to work in a week!"

After listening to Tang Long's plan, Zhong Li Cangwu and they all nodded and agreed.

Tang Long's plan can not only crack down on the evil spirit sect, but also make them make a great contribution to the blood god temple. It can make them more important in the eyes of zunshang, make the Southern District of daqiandao develop better, and make batian City safer.

This is of great significance and great benefits to them both now and in the future.

How can they not fully support such a plan?!

Next, Tang Long told Zhong Li Cangwu of his plan in detail.

Zhong Li and Cangwu had known before that Tang long had gathered many Tianzu of the great world behind him, but they didn't know how many of them were.

Of course, they would like to know how many heavenly ancestors gathered behind Tang long.

This time, Tang Long's plan obviously enables them to better understand Tang long, which also makes them more willing to follow Tang Long's plan.

After discussing this matter, Tang Long plans to go to the city of Zhuque.

However, he had just planned to go to Zhuque city. In his heart, he remembered the voice of Zhong Li Xueyan: "husband, do you have time now? I want to tell you something. ""What's the matter?" Tang Long asked.

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "we are here in Moli City, which is under the jurisdiction of the Baili family. We have found an important situation here!"

"What's important?" Tang Long asked.

Zhong Li Xue flue: "we have found out the clue of the matter that I told you about smelting puppets in the blood temple before!"

Hear Zhong Li Xueyan say words, Tang Long immediately came to interest.

The smelting of the puppet is an important thing in the blood god temple, and it is the responsibility of the Baili family. Of course, Tang long wanted to make trouble about this matter. We can't let the Baili family melt the immortal puppet successfully.

He hurriedly asked in the heart Zhong Li snow flue: "what clues have you found out about this matter?"

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "we have found out that the smelting of puppets was probably carried out in the ghost Valley outside the city of Moli. There are many warriors of the hundred Li family who have completely controlled that area!"

Tang Long asked again, "do you know when their puppet can be melted successfully?"

Zhong Li Xuefeng: "it should be fast. Recently, the Baili family has been very cautious. We think it is the most important time to melt the puppet, but we are not very clear about the specific situation."

After thinking about it, Tang Long decided to go to Zhuque city later, go to Zhongli Xueyan first, and then solve the immortal puppet.

He was about to pass by immediately, but an idea suddenly occurred to him.

This is an idea that can kill the brilliant dragon!

"Although this method is too simple, who can say that the simple method has no effect? In totally unexpected situations, the simpler the approach is, the more effective it will be! "

"Using this plan, at least I won't lose anything, and it's safe and weird."

Think of this, Tang Long immediately made a decision, immediately in the heart of the bell from the snow flue: "snow smoke, you wait over there, I will go to your side in the evening, now I have to deal with one thing first."

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